Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- h -
- h : poly1305_donna::poly1305_context
- HALF_SUCCESS_PCT : CBlockPolicyEstimator
- handleAddressBookChanged() : interfaces::Wallet
- handleBannedListChanged() : interfaces::Node
- handleCanGetAddressesChanged() : interfaces::Wallet
- handleInitMessage() : interfaces::Node
- handleInitWallet() : interfaces::Node
- handleLoadWallet() : interfaces::WalletLoader, SplashScreen
- handleMessageBox() : interfaces::Node
- handleNonFatalException() : BitcoinApplication
- handleNotifications() : interfaces::Chain
- handleNotifyAlertChanged() : interfaces::Node
- handleNotifyBlockTip() : interfaces::Node
- handleNotifyHeaderTip() : interfaces::Node
- handleNotifyNetworkActiveChanged() : interfaces::Node
- handleNotifyNumConnectionsChanged() : interfaces::Node
- handlePaymentRequest() : SendCoinsDialog, WalletFrame, WalletView
- handleQuestion() : interfaces::Node
- handler : HTTPEvent, HTTPPathHandler
- HandleRequest() : RPCHelpMan
- handleRpc() : interfaces::Chain
- handleRunawayException() : BitcoinApplication, InitExecutor
- handleSelectionChanged() : QValueComboBox
- handleShowProgress() : interfaces::Node, interfaces::Wallet
- handleStatusChanged() : interfaces::Wallet
- handleTransactionChanged() : interfaces::Wallet
- handleTransactionClicked() : OverviewPage
- handleUnload() : interfaces::Wallet
- handleURIConnection() : PaymentServer
- handleURIOrFile() : PaymentServer
- handleWatchOnlyChanged() : interfaces::Wallet
- has_aggpk : musig_nonce_gen_test_case
- has_duplicate_keys : miniscript::Node< Key >
- has_extra_in : musig_nonce_gen_test_case
- has_key_origin : wallet::CKeyMetadata
- has_msg : musig_nonce_gen_test_case
- has_sig : miniscript::internal::InputStack
- has_sk : musig_nonce_gen_test_case
- has_utxo : node::PSBTInputAnalysis
- has_value() : util::Result< M >
- HasActiveTxn() : wallet::BerkeleyBatch, wallet::BerkeleyROBatch, wallet::DatabaseBatch, wallet::DummyBatch, wallet::MockableBatch, wallet::SQLiteBatch, wallet::SQLiteDatabase, wallet::WalletBatch
- HasAllDesirableServiceFlags() : NetEventsInterface
- hasAssumedValidChain() : interfaces::Chain
- hasBlockFilterIndex() : interfaces::Chain
- hasBlocks() : interfaces::Chain
- HasCJDNSPrefix() : CNetAddr
- HasCoinsViews() : Chainstate
- hasDescendantsInMempool() : interfaces::Chain
- HasEffectiveValue() : wallet::COutput
- HasEncryptionKeys() : wallet::CWallet, wallet::WalletStorage
- hasExternalSigner() : interfaces::Wallet
- HasFlag() : NetPermissions
- Hash() : CBloomFilter
- hash : CInv, COutPoint, CTransaction, interfaces::BlockInfo, interfaces::BlockRef, interfaces::FoundBlock
- Hash() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- hash : submitblock_StateCatcher, TaprootBuilder::NodeInfo, TransactionNotification, TransactionRecord
- hash160_preimages : PSBTInput, SignatureData
- hash256_preimages : PSBTInput, SignatureData
- hash_function : CuckooCache::cache< Element, Hash >
- hash_serialized : AssumeutxoData
- hashBlock : CCoinsViewCache, CCoinsViewCursor, kernel::CCoinsStats
- HashedSourceWriter() : HashedSourceWriter< Source >
- hashGenesisBlock : Consensus::Params
- hashMerkleRoot : CBlockHeader, CBlockIndex, CompressedHeader
- hashOutputs : PrecomputedTransactionData
- hashPrev : CDiskBlockIndex
- hashPrevBlock : CBlockHeader
- hashPrevouts : PrecomputedTransactionData
- hashSequence : PrecomputedTransactionData
- hashSerialized : kernel::CCoinsStats
- HashToRange() : GCSFilter
- HashVerifier() : HashVerifier< Source >
- HasJSON() : HasJSON
- HasKey() : wallet::BerkeleyBatch, wallet::BerkeleyROBatch, wallet::DatabaseBatch, wallet::DummyBatch, wallet::MockableBatch, wallet::SQLiteBatch
- HasLinkedIPv4() : CNetAddr
- HasNoInputsOf() : CTxMemPool
- HasPermission() : CNode
- HasPrivKey() : wallet::DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan
- HasReason() : HasReason
- HasScripts() : TaprootBuilder, wallet::PreselectedInput
- HasSelected() : wallet::CCoinControl
- HasSelectedOrder() : wallet::CCoinControl
- hasSigner() : OptionsModel
- HasThreads() : CCheckQueue< T, R >
- hasTrayIcon() : BitcoinGUI
- HasTxOut() : wallet::PreselectedInput
- hasUserNotificationCenterSupport() : MacNotificationHandler
- HasValidOps() : CScript
- HasWalletDescriptor() : wallet::DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan
- HasWalletSpend() : wallet::CWallet
- HasWalletSupport() : DummyWalletInit, wallet::WalletInit, WalletInitInterface
- HasWitness() : CMutableTransaction, CTransaction
- have_watch_only : interfaces::WalletBalances
- haveBlockOnDisk() : interfaces::Chain
- HaveChain() : wallet::CWallet
- HaveCoin() : CCoinsView, CCoinsViewBacked, CCoinsViewCache, CCoinsViewDB, CCoinsViewErrorCatcher
- HaveCoinInCache() : CCoinsViewCache
- HaveCScript() : FillableSigningProvider, SigningProvider, wallet::LegacySigningProvider
- HaveInputs() : CCoinsViewCache
- HaveKey() : FillableSigningProvider, SigningProvider, wallet::LegacyDataSPKM, wallet::LegacySigningProvider
- HaveMoreWork() : node::TxDownloadManager, node::TxDownloadManagerImpl
- HaveNumChainTxs() : CBlockIndex
- HavePrivateKeys() : wallet::DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan, wallet::LegacyScriptPubKeyMan, wallet::ScriptPubKeyMan
- havePruned() : interfaces::Chain
- HaveTx() : TxOrphanage
- HaveTxToReconsider() : TxOrphanage
- haveWatchOnly() : interfaces::Wallet
- HaveWatchOnly() : wallet::LegacyDataSPKM
- hd_keypaths : PSBTInput, PSBTOutput
- hd_seed_id : wallet::CKeyMetadata
- hdEnabled() : interfaces::Wallet
- hdKeypath : wallet::CKeyMetadata
- HEAD : HTTPRequest
- header : CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs, CMerkleBlock, PartiallyDownloadedBlock, TestHeaderAndShortIDs
- header_height : interfaces::BlockAndHeaderTipInfo
- HEADER_LEN : BIP324Cipher
- HEADER_SIZE : CMessageHeader
- header_time : interfaces::BlockAndHeaderTipInfo
- headerData() : AddressTableModel, BanTableModel, PeerTableModel, RecentRequestsTableModel, TransactionTableModel
- headerSectionClicked() : CoinControlDialog
- HeadersSyncState() : HeadersSyncState
- headerTip() : kernel::Notifications, node::KernelNotifications
- height : AssumeutxoData
- Height() : CChain
- height : interfaces::BlockInfo, interfaces::BlockRef, interfaces::FoundBlock, LockPoints
- Height() : TestMemPoolEntryHelper
- height_first : node::PruneLockInfo
- Hello() : i2p::sam::Session
- help() : CRPCTable
- helpMessageDialog : BitcoinGUI
- HelpMessageDialog() : HelpMessageDialog
- HEX : BaseFormat
- Hex() : util::detail::Hex< N >
- hf_offset : wallet::PageHeader
- hi : secp256k1_uint128
- Hidden : AddressTableEntry
- hidden : FuzzTargetOptions, RPCArgOptions
- hideEvent() : RPCConsole
- HidingSigningProvider() : HidingSigningProvider
- HighestTargetTracked() : CBlockPolicyEstimator
- HistoricalBlockSpan() : CBlockPolicyEstimator
- history : RPCConsole
- historyAction : BitcoinGUI
- historyPtr : RPCConsole
- hrp : bech32::DecodeResult
- HTTPEvent() : HTTPEvent
- HTTPPathHandler() : HTTPPathHandler
- HTTPReply() : HTTPReply
- HTTPRequest() : HTTPRequest
- HTTPRPCTimerInterface() : HTTPRPCTimerInterface
- HTTPWorkItem() : HTTPWorkItem