Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- v -
- v : CSipHasher, secp256k1_modinv32_signed30, secp256k1_modinv32_trans2x2, secp256k1_modinv64_signed62, secp256k1_modinv64_trans2x2, secp256k1_rfc6979_hmac_sha256
- V0_HISTORICAL : AddrManImpl
- V1 : CNetAddr
- V1_DISK : CAddress
- V1_NETWORK : CAddress
- V1_PREFIX_LEN : V2Transport
- V1Transport() : V1Transport
- V2 : CNetAddr
- V2_ASMAP : AddrManImpl
- V2_DISK : CAddress
- V2_NETWORK : CAddress
- V2Transport() : V2Transport
- V3_BIP155 : AddrManImpl
- V4_MULTIPORT : AddrManImpl
- val : UniValue
- Valid() : CCoinsViewCursor, CCoinsViewDBCursor, CDBIterator
- valid : CSubNet, miniscript::internal::MaxInt< I >, miniscript::internal::SatInfo, QValidatedLineEdit, WalletModel::UnlockContext
- valid_case : musig_key_agg_vector, musig_nonce_agg_vector, musig_sig_agg_vector, musig_sign_verify_vector, musig_tweak_vector
- validate() : AmountSpinBox, BitcoinAddressCheckValidator, BitcoinAddressEntryValidator, BitcoinAmountField, ProxyAddressValidator, SendCoinsEntry
- validateAddress() : WalletModel
- ValidateAndProcessSingleHeader() : HeadersSyncState
- ValidateAndStoreHeadersCommitments() : HeadersSyncState
- ValidateAndStoreRedownloadedHeader() : HeadersSyncState
- validation_signals : node::NodeContext
- ValidationCache() : ValidationCache
- validationDidChange() : QValidatedLineEdit
- ValidationInterfaceTest : CValidationInterface
- ValidationSignals : CValidationInterface, ValidationSignals
- ValidationSignalsImpl() : ValidationSignalsImpl
- ValidDepths() : TaprootBuilder
- ValidSatisfactions() : miniscript::Node< Key >
- ValidSize() : CPubKey
- value() : AmountSpinBox, BitcoinAmountField, CoinEntry, CSemaphore, miniscript::internal::MaxInt< I >, PSBTProprietary, QValueComboBox, tinyformat::detail::is_convertible< T1, T2 >, util::Result< M >, wallet::WalletDatabaseFileId
- value_map : interfaces::WalletTx
- value_or() : util::Result< M >
- value_type : bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >, DataStream, indirectmap< K, T >, PoolAllocator< T, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES >, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >, secure_allocator< T >, zero_after_free_allocator< T >
- valueChanged() : AmountSpinBox, BitcoinAmountField, QValueComboBox
- values : UniValue
- vargs_ : subprocess::Popen
- VARR : UniValue
- vBinds : CConnman::Options
- vBits : CPartialMerkleTree
- VBOOL : UniValue
- vch : CPubKey, DataStream
- vChain : CChain
- vchBuf : BufferedFile
- vchCoinbaseCommitment : node::CBlockTemplate
- vchCryptedKey : wallet::CMasterKey
- vchData : VectorWriter
- vchFingerprint : CExtKey, CExtPubKey
- vchIV : wallet::CCrypter
- vchKey : wallet::CCrypter
- vchOtherDerivationParameters : wallet::CMasterKey
- vchPubKey : wallet::CKeyPool
- vchSalt : wallet::CMasterKey
- vData : CBloomFilter
- vDeployments : Consensus::Params
- VecDeque() : VecDeque< T >
- vector_type : DataStream
- VectorWriter() : VectorWriter
- verification_progress : interfaces::BlockAndHeaderTipInfo
- Verify() : CPubKey
- verify() : interfaces::ChainClient
- Verify() : wallet::BerkeleyDatabase
- verify : wallet::DatabaseOptions
- Verify() : wallet::SQLiteDatabase
- verify_error_case : musig_sign_verify_vector
- verify_fail_case : musig_sign_verify_vector
- VerifyDB() : CVerifyDB
- VerifyECDSASignature() : CachingTransactionSignatureChecker, GenericTransactionSignatureChecker< T >
- verifyMessageAction : BitcoinGUI
- VerifyPubKey() : CKey
- VerifySchnorr() : XOnlyPubKey
- VerifySchnorrSignature() : CachingTransactionSignatureChecker, GenericTransactionSignatureChecker< T >
- version : CExtPubKey, CMutableTransaction, CTransaction, MappingResult, NetinfoRequestHandler::Peer
- VERSION : node::SnapshotMetadata
- version : wallet::MetaPage
- VERSION_BASIC : wallet::CKeyMetadata
- version_bits_parameters : CChainParams::RegTestOptions
- VERSION_HD_BASE : wallet::CHDChain
- VERSION_WITH_HDDATA : wallet::CKeyMetadata
- VERSION_WITH_KEY_ORIGIN : wallet::CKeyMetadata
- VersionBitsTester() : VersionBitsTester
- vFixedSeeds : CChainParams
- vformat : tinyformat::FormatList
- vHash : CPartialMerkleTree
- vHave : CBlockLocator
- vHeightInFlight : CNodeStateStats
- vhListenSocket : CConnman
- viewItemChanged() : CoinControlDialog
- vin : CMutableTransaction, CTransaction
- vin_left : Available
- visited() : CTxMemPool, Epoch
- vMatchedTxn : CMerkleBlock
- VNULL : UniValue
- VNUM : UniValue
- VOBJ : UniValue
- vOrderForm : wallet::CWalletTx
- vout : CMutableTransaction, CTransaction, wallet::COutputEntry
- VOutRole : CoinControlDialog
- vpblock : VersionBitsTester
- vprevout : CTxUndo
- vQueueNotifications : TransactionTablePriv
- vRecvMsg : CNode
- vSamplesIn : TrafficGraphWidget
- vSamplesOut : TrafficGraphWidget
- vSeedNodes : CConnman::Options
- vSeeds : CChainParams
- vsize : TxMempoolInfo, wallet::TxSize
- vsize_individual : node::MiniMinerMempoolEntry
- vsize_with_ancestors : node::MiniMinerMempoolEntry
- VSTR : UniValue
- vtx : CBlock
- vTxFees : node::CBlockTemplate
- vTxSigOpsCost : node::CBlockTemplate
- vtxundo : CBlockUndo
- VType : UniValue
- vWhiteBinds : CConnman::Options
- vWhitelistedRangeIncoming : CConnman::Options, CConnman
- vWhitelistedRangeOutgoing : CConnman::Options, CConnman