int64_t CAmount
Amount in satoshis (Can be negative)
Serialized script, used inside transaction inputs and outputs.
The basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in blocks.
Undo information for a CTransaction.
An interface to be implemented by keystores that support signing.
std::string EncodeHexTx(const CTransaction &tx)
std::string SighashToStr(unsigned char sighash_type)
void TxToUniv(const CTransaction &tx, const uint256 &block_hash, UniValue &entry, bool include_hex=true, const CTxUndo *txundo=nullptr, TxVerbosity verbosity=TxVerbosity::SHOW_DETAILS)
CScript ParseScript(const std::string &s)
std::string FormatScript(const CScript &script)
util::Result< int > SighashFromStr(const std::string &sighash)
bool DecodeHexBlk(CBlock &, const std::string &strHexBlk)
bool DecodeHexBlockHeader(CBlockHeader &, const std::string &hex_header)
Verbose level for block's transaction.
The same as previous option with information about prevouts if available.
Only TXID for each block's transaction.
Include TXID, inputs, outputs, and other common block's transaction information.
std::string ScriptToAsmStr(const CScript &script, const bool fAttemptSighashDecode=false)
Create the assembly string representation of a CScript object.
void ScriptToUniv(const CScript &script, UniValue &out, bool include_hex=true, bool include_address=false, const SigningProvider *provider=nullptr)
UniValue ValueFromAmount(const CAmount amount)
bool DecodeHexTx(CMutableTransaction &tx, const std::string &hex_tx, bool try_no_witness=false, bool try_witness=true)
A mutable version of CTransaction.