Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- obfuscate : DBParams
- obfuscate_key : CDBWrapper
- occurred : Sock::Events
- odd_syndromes : pyminisketch.Minisketch
- odd_y : ellswift_decode_test
- offset : BitReader, BitWriter
- offset1 : bench_data
- offset2 : bench_data
- OK : AddressTableModel, WalletModel
- oldUnconfTxs : TxConfirmStats
- on_abort : wallet::DbTxnListener
- on_addressBookButton_clicked() : SendCoinsEntry
- on_addressBookButton_SM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- on_addressBookButton_VM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- on_btnCopyAddress_clicked() : ReceiveRequestDialog
- on_btnCopyURI_clicked() : ReceiveRequestDialog
- on_buttonChooseFee_clicked() : SendCoinsDialog
- on_buttonMinimizeFee_clicked() : SendCoinsDialog
- on_cancelButton_clicked() : OptionsDialog
- on_clearButton_SM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- on_clearButton_VM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- on_commit : wallet::DbTxnListener
- on_copyAddress_clicked() : AddressBookPage
- on_copySignatureButton_SM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- on_dataDirCustom_clicked() : Intro
- on_dataDirDefault_clicked() : Intro
- on_dataDirectory_textChanged() : Intro
- on_deleteAddress_clicked() : AddressBookPage
- on_ellipsisButton_clicked() : Intro
- on_exportButton_clicked() : AddressBookPage
- on_lineEdit_returnPressed() : RPCConsole
- on_newAddress_clicked() : AddressBookPage
- on_okButton_accepted() : HelpMessageDialog
- on_okButton_clicked() : OptionsDialog
- on_openBitcoinConfButton_clicked() : OptionsDialog
- on_openDebugLogfileButton_clicked() : RPCConsole
- on_pasteButton_clicked() : SendCoinsEntry
- on_pasteButton_SM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- on_payTo_textChanged() : SendCoinsEntry
- on_receiveButton_clicked() : ReceiveCoinsDialog
- on_recentRequestsView_doubleClicked() : ReceiveCoinsDialog
- on_removeRequestButton_clicked() : ReceiveCoinsDialog
- on_resetButton_clicked() : OptionsDialog
- on_showRequestButton_clicked() : ReceiveCoinsDialog
- on_showTrayIcon_stateChanged() : OptionsDialog
- on_signMessageButton_SM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- on_sldGraphRange_valueChanged() : RPCConsole
- on_tabWidget_currentChanged() : RPCConsole
- on_verifyMessageButton_VM_clicked() : SignVerifyMessageDialog
- onCopyLabelAction() : AddressBookPage
- onDisplayUnitsClicked() : UnitDisplayStatusBarControl
- ONE : uint256
- onEditAction() : AddressBookPage
- oneline_description : RPCArgOptions
- onion_binds : CConnman::Options
- only_spendable : wallet::CoinFilterParams
- onlyUnconfirmed() : node::BlockAssembler
- onMenuSelection() : UnitDisplayStatusBarControl
- op : TestOp
- Op : TestOp
- OP_0NOTEQUAL() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- OP_CHECKSIG() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- OP_DUP() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- OP_EQUAL() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- OP_EQUALVERIFY() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- OP_IFDUP() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- OP_SIZE() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- OP_VERIFY() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- Open() : FlatFileSeq
- open() : FuzzedFileProvider, OpenWalletActivity
- Open() : wallet::BerkeleyDatabase, wallet::BerkeleyEnvironment, wallet::BerkeleyRODatabase, wallet::DummyDatabase, wallet::MockableDatabase, wallet::SQLiteDatabase, wallet::WalletDatabase
- openAction : BitcoinGUI
- OpenBlockFile : node::BlockManager
- opened() : OpenWalletActivity
- OpenNetworkConnection() : CConnman
- openOptionsDialogWithTab() : BitcoinGUI
- openRPCConsoleAction : BitcoinGUI
- openThirdPartyTxUrl() : TransactionView
- OpenUndoFile() : node::BlockManager
- OpenURIDialog() : OpenURIDialog
- OpenWalletActivity() : OpenWalletActivity
- openWithPSBT() : PSBTOperationsDialog
- operator bilingual_str() : util::TranslatedLiteral
- operator bool() : BIP324Cipher, CSemaphoreGrant, CThreadInterrupt, UniqueLock< MutexType >, util::Result< M >, util::SignalInterrupt
- operator const char *() : tinyformat::FormatStringCheck< num_params >
- operator const uint256 &() : transaction_identifier< has_witness >
- operator Dbt *() : wallet::SafeDbt
- operator std::string() : util::TranslatedLiteral
- operator std::vector< unsigned char >() : BaseHash< HashType >
- operator!= : base_blob< BITS >, base_uint< BITS >, BaseHash< HashType >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, CExtPubKey, CFeeRate, CNetAddr, COutPoint, CPubKey, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, CService, CSubNet, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, EllSwiftPubKey, FlatFilePos, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator, secure_allocator< T >, transaction_identifier< has_witness >, XOnlyPubKey, zero_after_free_allocator< T >
- operator& : base_uint< BITS >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, CScriptNum, miniscript::Type
- operator&=() : base_uint< BITS >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, CScriptNum
- operator()() : AddressTableEntryLessThan, ankerl::nanobench::Rng, BannedNodeLessThan, BlockHasher, ByteVectorHash, CompareBlocksByHeight, CompareIteratorByHash, CompareNodeNetworkTime, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByDescendantScore, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByEntryTime, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByScore, CScriptCheck, CServiceHash, CThreadInterrupt, DereferencingComparator< T >, DescribeAddressVisitor, FakeCheck, FakeCheckCheckCompletion, FilterHeaderHasher, FixedCheck, FrozenCleanupCheck, HasJSON, HasReason, HTTPClosure, HTTPWorkItem, MemoryCheck, mempoolentry_txid, mempoolentry_wtxid, node::AncestorFeerateComparator, node::CBlockIndexHeightOnlyComparator, node::CBlockIndexWorkComparator, node::CompareCTxMemPoolIter, node::CompareTxIterByAncestorCount, node::IteratorComparator, node::modifiedentry_iter, node::update_for_parent_inclusion, RandomMixin< T >, RecentRequestEntryLessThan, SaltedOutpointHasher, SaltedSipHasher, SaltedTxidHasher, SecureUniqueDeleter< T >, ShortestVectorFirstComparator, SignatureCacheHasher, Sock::EqualSharedPtrSock, Sock::HashSharedPtrSock, TxLessThan, TxOrphanage::IteratorComparator, UniqueCheck, util::SignalInterrupt, wallet::DescribeWalletAddressVisitor, wallet::MinOutputGroupComparator, wallet::WalletTxOrderComparator
- operator* : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >::Iterator, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >::Iterator, CFeeRate, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator, util::Result< M >
- operator*=() : base_uint< BITS >, MuHash3072
- operator+ : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, FeeFrac, miniscript::internal::InputStack, miniscript::internal::MaxInt< I >, miniscript::internal::SatInfo, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator
- operator++() : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >::Iterator, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >::Iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator
- operator+=() : base_uint< BITS >, bilingual_str, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, CFeeRate, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, FeeFrac, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator
- operator-() : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, FeeFrac, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator
- operator--() : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator
- operator-=() : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, FeeFrac, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator
- operator->() : prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator, util::Result< M >
- operator/ : base_uint< BITS >
- operator/=() : base_uint< BITS >, fs::path, MuHash3072
- operator< : base_blob< BITS >, base_uint< BITS >, BaseHash< HashType >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, CCoinControlWidgetItem, CExtPubKey, CFeeRate, CInv, CNetAddr, CNoDestination, COutPoint, CPubKey, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, CService, CSubNet, GenTxid, interfaces::WalletTx, KeyOriginInfo, miniscript::Type, NetinfoRequestHandler::Peer, PoolResourceTester::PtrAndBytes, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >, PSBTProprietary, PubKeyDestination, transaction_identifier< has_witness >, wallet::CoinEligibilityFilter, wallet::COutput, wallet::SelectionResult, WitnessUnknown, XOnlyPubKey
- operator<<() : AutoFile, base_uint< BITS >, CoinEntry, CScript, DataStream, FeeFrac, HashedSourceWriter< Source >, HashWriter, miniscript::Type, ParamsStream< SubStream, Params >, SizeComputer, VectorWriter
- operator<<=() : base_uint< BITS >
- operator<= : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, CFeeRate, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator
- operator<=> : FeeFrac, VecDeque< T >
- operator=() : ankerl::nanobench::Bench, ankerl::nanobench::Config, ankerl::nanobench::detail::IterationLogic, ankerl::nanobench::detail::PerformanceCounters, ankerl::nanobench::Result, ankerl::nanobench::Rng, Arena, AutoFile, base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >::Iterator, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >::Iterator, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, CBlockIndex, CChain, CCheckQueue< T, R >, CCheckQueueControl< T, R >, CDBWrapper, CKey, cluster_linearize::DepGraph< SetType >, CNetMessage, CNode, CScriptCheck, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, CSemaphore, CSemaphoreGrant, CSerializedNetMsg, CTxMemPool::ChangeSet, CTxMemPoolEntry, DynSock, Epoch::Marker, Epoch, FeeFrac, FrozenCleanupCheck, fs::path, FSChaCha20, FSChaCha20Poly1305, FuzzedDataProvider, FuzzedSock, KeyPair, LockedPool, miniscript::Node< Key >, node::PackageToValidate, node::Warnings, PCPTestSock, PoolAllocator< T, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES >, PoolResource< MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES >, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >, RandomMixin< T >, SignatureCache, Sock, Span< C >, StaticContentsSock, subprocess::detail::Communication, subprocess::detail::Streams, TokenPipe, TokenPipeEnd, TxRequestTracker::Impl, UncopyableStream, UniqueLock< MutexType >::reverse_lock, util::Result< M >, ValidationCache, VecDeque< T >, wallet::BerkeleyBatch, wallet::BerkeleyROBatch, wallet::CWalletTx, wallet::DatabaseBatch, wallet::DatabaseCursor, wallet::ReserveDestination, wallet::WalletBatch, WalletModel::UnlockContext, XOnlyPubKey, ZeroSock
- operator==() : AddressPosition, AddrManDeterministic, base_blob< BITS >, base_uint< BITS >, BaseHash< HashType >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >::Iterator, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >::Iterator, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, CAddress, CExtKey, CExtPubKey, CFeeRate, CKey, cluster_linearize::DepGraph< SetType >::Entry, cluster_linearize::DepGraph< SetType >, cluster_linearize::SetInfo< SetType >, CNetAddr, CNoDestination, CoinEntry, COutPoint, CPubKey, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, CSerializeMethodsTestSingle, CService, CSubNet, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, EllSwiftPubKey, FeeFrac, FlatFilePos, GenTxid, KeyOriginInfo, miniscript::Node< Key >, miniscript::Type, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator, PSBTProprietary, PubKeyDestination, secure_allocator< T >, Sock, TaprootBuilder, transaction_identifier< has_witness >, VecDeque< T >, wallet::CHDChain, wallet::WalletDatabaseFileId, WitnessUnknown, XOnlyPubKey, zero_after_free_allocator< T >
- operator> : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, CFeeRate, CPubKey, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator
- operator>= : base_uint< BITS >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, CFeeRate, CScriptNum10, CScriptNum, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator
- operator>>() : AutoFile, base_uint< BITS >, BufferedFile, DataStream, FeeFrac, HashVerifier< Source >, ParamsStream< SubStream, Params >, SpanReader
- operator>>=() : base_uint< BITS >
- operator[]() : bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >::Iterator< Const >, bitdeque< BITS_PER_WORD >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, CChain, CPubKey, DataStream, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator, prevector< N, T, Size, Diff >, Span< C >, UniValue, VecDeque< T >, XOnlyPubKey
- operator^ : base_uint< BITS >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >
- operator^=() : base_uint< BITS >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >
- operator| : base_uint< BITS >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, miniscript::internal::InputStack, miniscript::internal::MaxInt< I >, miniscript::internal::SatInfo, miniscript::Type
- operator|=() : base_uint< BITS >, bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >, cluster_linearize::SetInfo< SetType >
- operator~() : base_uint< BITS >
- Ops() : miniscript::internal::Ops
- ops : miniscript::Node< Key >
- Optional : RPCArg
- OptionID : OptionsModel
- OptionIDRowCount : OptionsModel
- Options : ChainstateManager, CTxMemPool
- options : DBParams, LevelDBContext
- Options : node::BlockManager
- optionsAction : BitcoinGUI
- optionsClicked() : BitcoinGUI
- OptionsDialog() : OptionsDialog
- optionsModel : BitcoinApplication, ClientModel
- OptionsModel() : OptionsModel
- optionsModel : PaymentServer, UnitDisplayStatusBarControl, WalletModel
- OptionTests() : OptionTests
- opts : FuzzTarget
- order : BannedNodeLessThan, RecentRequestEntryLessThan
- original : bilingual_str, util::BilingualFmt< num_params >, util::TranslatedLiteral
- OriginalToSorted() : cluster_linearize::SearchCandidateFinder< SetType >
- origins : FlatSigningProvider
- OrphanMap : TxOrphanage
- OSError() : subprocess::OSError
- other : PoolAllocator< T, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES >::rebind< U >
- Other : TransactionRecord
- other_endian : wallet::MetaPage, wallet::PageHeader, wallet::RecordHeader
- out : BitWriter, CCoin, Coin
- out_buf_cap_ : subprocess::detail::Communication
- outbound_message_high_water_mark : CZMQAbstractNotifier
- OutboundTargetReached() : CConnman
- outer : CHMAC_SHA256, CHMAC_SHA512, secp256k1_hmac_sha256
- outOfSyncWarningClicked() : OverviewPage, WalletView
- outpoint : wallet::COutput
- output() : ankerl::nanobench::Bench, bench_data, subprocess::detail::Streams, subprocess::output
- output_ : subprocess::detail::Streams
- output_csv : benchmark::Args
- output_json : benchmark::Args
- OUTPUT_SIZE : CHash160, CHash256, CHKDF_HMAC_SHA256_L32, CHMAC_SHA256, CHMAC_SHA512, CRIPEMD160, CSHA1, CSHA256, CSHA512, SHA3_256
- OutputGroup() : wallet::OutputGroup
- outputs : PartiallySignedTransaction
- OverflowPage() : wallet::OverflowPage
- OverflowRecord() : wallet::OverflowRecord
- Overlaps() : bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >
- overviewAction : BitcoinGUI
- OverviewPage() : OverviewPage
- overviewPage : WalletView
- overwriteRwSetting() : interfaces::Chain