Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- u : ellswift_xswiftec_inv_test, secp256k1_modinv32_trans2x2, secp256k1_modinv64_trans2x2
- ui : AddressBookPage, AskPassphraseDialog, CoinControlDialog, CreateWalletDialog, EditAddressDialog, HelpMessageDialog, Intro, ModalOverlay, OpenURIDialog, OptionsDialog, OverviewPage, ReceiveCoinsDialog, ReceiveRequestDialog, RPCConsole, SendCoinsDialog, SendCoinsEntry, SignVerifyMessageDialog, TransactionDescDialog
- uid : wallet::MetaPage
- uiInterface : CConnman::Options
- uint160() : uint160
- uint256() : uint256
- uint_error() : uint_error
- UintToArith256 : arith_uint256
- uiReady() : PaymentServer
- Unban() : BanMan
- unban() : BanTableModel, interfaces::Node
- unbanSelectedNode() : RPCConsole
- Uncache() : CCoinsViewCache
- Unconfirmed : TransactionStatus
- unconfirmed_balance : interfaces::WalletBalances
- unconfirmed_watch_only_balance : interfaces::WalletBalances
- unconfTxs : TxConfirmStats
- UncopyableStream() : UncopyableStream
- undo_data : interfaces::BlockInfo
- undo_height : node::BlockfileCursor
- UndoReadFromDisk() : node::BlockManager
- UndoWriteToDisk() : node::BlockManager
- Unencrypted : WalletModel
- uniform01() : ankerl::nanobench::Rng
- unique_id : CRPCCommand
- unique_lock : AnnotatedMixin< PARENT >
- UniqueCheck() : UniqueCheck
- UniqueLock() : UniqueLock< MutexType >
- unit() : ankerl::nanobench::Bench, BitcoinAmountField
- Unit : BitcoinUnits
- unit : TxViewDelegate
- unitChanged() : BitcoinAmountField
- unitDisplayControl : BitcoinGUI
- UnitDisplayStatusBarControl() : UnitDisplayStatusBarControl
- unitlist : BitcoinUnits
- UnitRole : BitcoinUnits
- UnitTestMisbehaving() : PeerManager
- UniValue() : UniValue
- UniValueType() : UniValueType
- unknown : PartiallySignedTransaction, PSBTInput, PSBTOutput, RPCConsole::TranslatedStrings
- UnlinkPrunedFiles() : node::BlockManager
- unload() : WalletModel
- UnloadFn : interfaces::Wallet
- unlock() : AnnotatedMixin< PARENT >
- Unlock : AskPassphraseDialog
- unlock() : interfaces::Wallet
- Unlock() : wallet::CWallet
- unlockAction : CoinControlDialog
- UnlockAllCoins() : wallet::CWallet
- unlockCoin() : CoinControlDialog, interfaces::Wallet
- UnlockCoin() : wallet::CWallet
- UnlockContext() : WalletModel::UnlockContext
- Unlocked : WalletModel
- UnlockMigration : AskPassphraseDialog
- unlockWallet() : WalletFrame, WalletView
- UnReady() : Sketch
- Unregister() : ValidationSignalsImpl
- UnregisterAllValidationInterfaces() : ValidationSignals
- UnregisterSharedValidationInterface() : ValidationSignals
- UnregisterValidationInterface() : ValidationSignals
- UnsafeShift() : BitsInt< I, BITS >
- UnSelect() : wallet::CCoinControl
- UnSelectAll() : wallet::CCoinControl
- Unser() : AmountCompression, ChronoFormatter< U, LOSSY >, CompactSizeFormatter< RangeCheck >, CustomUintFormatter< Bytes, BigEndian >, DefaultFormatter, DifferenceFormatter, LimitedStringFormatter< Limit >, ScriptCompression, TxInUndoFormatter, VarIntFormatter< Mode >, VectorFormatter< Formatter >
- Unserialize() : AddrMan, AddrManImpl, Base, base_blob< BITS >, BlockFilter, CMutableTransaction, CNetAddr, Coin, CPubKey, node::SnapshotMetadata, OtherParamChecker, ParamsWrapper< Params, T >, PartiallySignedTransaction, PSBTInput, PSBTOutput, StringContentsSerializer, transaction_identifier< has_witness >, wallet::CKeyPool, wallet::CMerkleTx, wallet::CWalletTx, wallet::DataRecord, wallet::InternalPage, wallet::InternalRecord, wallet::MetaPage, wallet::OverflowPage, wallet::OverflowRecord, wallet::PageHeader, wallet::RecordHeader, wallet::RecordsPage, Wrapper< Formatter, T >
- UnserializeV1Array() : CNetAddr
- UnserializeV1Stream() : CNetAddr
- UnserializeV2Stream() : CNetAddr
- Unset() : node::Warnings
- UnsetBlankWalletFlag() : wallet::CWallet, wallet::WalletStorage
- UnsetWalletFlag() : wallet::CWallet
- UnsetWalletFlagWithDB() : wallet::CWallet
- unsubscribeFromCoreSignals() : BitcoinGUI, ClientModel, SplashScreen, TransactionTableModel, WalletModel
- unused : wallet::InternalRecord
- unused1 : wallet::MetaPage
- unused2 : wallet::MetaPage, wallet::OverflowRecord
- unused3 : wallet::MetaPage
- Update() : Poly1305
- update() : prevector_tester< N, T >
- update_for_parent_inclusion() : node::update_for_parent_inclusion
- updateAddressBook() : WalletModel
- updateAlerts() : OverviewPage, RPCConsole
- updateAmountColumnTitle() : RecentRequestsTableModel, TransactionTableModel
- UpdateAncestorsOf() : CTxMemPool
- UpdateAncestorState() : CTxMemPoolEntry, node::MiniMinerMempoolEntry
- UpdateBlockInfo() : node::BlockManager
- updateButtons() : SendConfirmationDialog
- UpdateChild() : CTxMemPool
- UpdateChildrenForRemoval() : CTxMemPool
- updateCoinControlState() : SendCoinsDialog
- updateConfirmations() : TransactionTableModel
- UpdatedBlockTip() : CValidationInterface, CZMQNotificationInterface
- updatedBlockTip() : interfaces::Chain::Notifications
- UpdatedBlockTip() : TestSubscriber, ValidationSignals
- updatedBlockTip() : wallet::CWallet
- updateDefaultProxyNets() : OptionsDialog
- UpdateDescendantState() : CTxMemPoolEntry
- updateDetailWidget() : RPCConsole
- updateDisplayUnit() : OverviewPage, ReceiveCoinsDialog, ReceiveRequestDialog, RecentRequestsTableModel, SendCoinsEntry, TransactionTableModel, UnitDisplayStatusBarControl
- updateEntry() : AddressTableModel, AddressTablePriv
- UpdateEntryForAncestors() : CTxMemPool
- updateFeeMinimizedLabel() : SendCoinsDialog
- updateFeeSectionControls() : SendCoinsDialog
- UpdateForDescendants() : CTxMemPool
- UpdateForRemoveFromMempool() : CTxMemPool
- UpdateFreeSpaceLabel() : Intro
- UpdateHeaderPresyncLabel() : ModalOverlay
- updateHeadersPresyncProgressLabel() : BitcoinGUI
- updateHeadersSyncProgressLabel() : BitcoinGUI
- UpdateHeaderSyncLabel() : ModalOverlay
- updateLabel() : SendCoinsEntry
- updateLabelLocked() : CoinControlDialog
- updateLabels() : CoinControlDialog
- UpdateLastBlockAnnounceTime() : PeerManager
- UpdateLockPoints() : CTxMemPoolEntry
- UpdateModifiedFee() : CTxMemPoolEntry
- UpdateMovingAverages() : TxConfirmStats
- updateNetworkState() : BitcoinGUI, RPCConsole
- updateNumberOfBlocks() : SendCoinsDialog
- UpdateParent() : CTxMemPool
- updateProxyIcon() : BitcoinGUI
- updateProxyValidationState() : OptionsDialog
- UpdatePruneLabels() : Intro
- updateRates() : TrafficGraphWidget
- updateResults() : ankerl::nanobench::detail::PerformanceCounters
- updateRwSetting() : interfaces::Chain, interfaces::Node
- updateSmartFeeLabel() : SendCoinsDialog
- updateState() : wallet::CWalletTx
- updateStatus() : TransactionRecord, WalletModel
- updateTabsAndLabels() : SendCoinsDialog
- updateThemedPixmap() : GUIUtil::ThemedLabel
- UpdateTimeFirstKey() : wallet::LegacyScriptPubKeyMan
- updateTrafficStats() : RPCConsole
- updateTransaction() : TransactionTableModel, WalletModel
- updateTransactionDisplay() : PSBTOperationsDialog
- UpdateTransactionsFromBlock() : CTxMemPool
- UpdateUncommittedBlockStructures() : ChainstateManager
- updateView() : CoinControlDialog
- updateWallet() : TransactionTablePriv
- UpdateWalletDescriptor() : wallet::DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan
- UpdateWalletTxFn : wallet::CWallet
- updateWatchOnlyColumn() : TransactionView
- updateWatchOnlyFlag() : WalletModel
- updateWatchOnlyLabels() : OverviewPage
- updateWindowsTitleWithWalletName() : AddressBookPage
- updateWindowTitle() : BitcoinGUI, RPCConsole
- Upgrade() : wallet::LegacyScriptPubKeyMan, wallet::ScriptPubKeyMan
- UpgradeDescriptorCache() : wallet::CWallet, wallet::DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan
- UpgradeKeyMetadata() : wallet::CWallet, wallet::LegacyScriptPubKeyMan
- UpgradeWallet() : wallet::CWallet
- URI : JSONRPCRequest
- uriServer : PaymentServer
- uriTests() : URITests
- use_count : memusage::stl_shared_counter
- use_current_time : node::ImportMempoolOptions
- use_mempool : node::BlockCreateOptions
- use_shared_memory : wallet::DatabaseOptions
- use_unsafe_sync : wallet::DatabaseOptions
- use_v2transport : CConnman::ReconnectionInfo, CConnman, CNodeOptions
- use_xor : kernel::BlockManagerOpts
- useAvailableBalance() : SendCoinsDialog, SendCoinsEntry
- useAvailableBalanceClicked() : SendCoinsEntry
- UseBestSystemFont : OptionsModel
- used : Arena::Stats, LockedPool::Stats
- used_keys : wallet::ImportData
- UseDefaultSection() : ArgsManager
- usedReceivingAddresses() : WalletFrame, WalletView
- usedReceivingAddressesAction : BitcoinGUI
- usedReceivingAddressesPage : WalletView
- usedSendingAddresses() : WalletFrame, WalletView
- usedSendingAddressesAction : BitcoinGUI
- usedSendingAddressesPage : WalletView
- useExtraSpacing : PlatformStyle
- USER_ABORT : wallet::CWallet::ScanResult
- userClosed : ModalOverlay
- username : ProxyCredentials
- UserNotificationCenter : Notificator
- UsingASMap() : NetGroupManager
- utf8string() : fs::path
- utxoData : UpdateTest
- UtxoData : UpdateTest