Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Rubin
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
8 #include <util/fastrange.h>
10 #include <algorithm> // std::find
11 #include <array>
12 #include <atomic>
13 #include <cmath>
14 #include <cstring>
15 #include <limits>
16 #include <memory>
17 #include <optional>
18 #include <utility>
19 #include <vector>
31 namespace CuckooCache
32 {
46 {
47  std::unique_ptr<std::atomic<uint8_t>[]> mem;
49 public:
64  explicit bit_packed_atomic_flags(uint32_t size)
65  {
66  // pad out the size if needed
67  size = (size + 7) / 8;
68  mem.reset(new std::atomic<uint8_t>[size]);
69  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
70  mem[i].store(0xFF);
71  };
82  inline void setup(uint32_t b)
83  {
85  std::swap(mem, d.mem);
86  }
94  inline void bit_set(uint32_t s)
95  {
96  mem[s >> 3].fetch_or(uint8_t(1 << (s & 7)), std::memory_order_relaxed);
97  }
105  inline void bit_unset(uint32_t s)
106  {
107  mem[s >> 3].fetch_and(uint8_t(~(1 << (s & 7))), std::memory_order_relaxed);
108  }
115  inline bool bit_is_set(uint32_t s) const
116  {
117  return (1 << (s & 7)) & mem[s >> 3].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
118  }
119 };
161 template <typename Element, typename Hash>
162 class cache
163 {
164 private:
166  std::vector<Element> table;
169  uint32_t size{0};
179  mutable std::vector<bool> epoch_flags;
196  uint32_t epoch_size{0};
201  uint8_t depth_limit{0};
241  inline std::array<uint32_t, 8> compute_hashes(const Element& e) const
242  {
243  return {{FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<0>(e), size),
244  FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<1>(e), size),
245  FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<2>(e), size),
246  FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<3>(e), size),
247  FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<4>(e), size),
248  FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<5>(e), size),
249  FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<6>(e), size),
250  FastRange32(hash_function.template operator()<7>(e), size)}};
251  }
255  constexpr uint32_t invalid() const
256  {
257  return ~(uint32_t)0;
258  }
264  inline void allow_erase(uint32_t n) const
265  {
267  }
273  inline void please_keep(uint32_t n) const
274  {
276  }
287  void epoch_check()
288  {
289  if (epoch_heuristic_counter != 0) {
291  return;
292  }
293  // count the number of elements from the latest epoch which
294  // have not been erased.
295  uint32_t epoch_unused_count = 0;
296  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
297  epoch_unused_count += epoch_flags[i] &&
299  // If there are more non-deleted entries in the current epoch than the
300  // epoch size, then allow_erase on all elements in the old epoch (marked
301  // false) and move all elements in the current epoch to the old epoch
302  // but do not call allow_erase on their indices.
303  if (epoch_unused_count >= epoch_size) {
304  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
305  if (epoch_flags[i])
306  epoch_flags[i] = false;
307  else
308  allow_erase(i);
310  } else
311  // reset the epoch_heuristic_counter to next do a scan when worst
312  // case behavior (no intermittent erases) would exceed epoch size,
313  // with a reasonable minimum scan size.
314  // Ordinarily, we would have to sanity check std::min(epoch_size,
315  // epoch_unused_count), but we already know that `epoch_unused_count
316  // < epoch_size` in this branch
317  epoch_heuristic_counter = std::max(1u, std::max(epoch_size / 16,
318  epoch_size - epoch_unused_count));
319  }
321 public:
326  {
327  }
337  uint32_t setup(uint32_t new_size)
338  {
339  // depth_limit must be at least one otherwise errors can occur.
340  size = std::max<uint32_t>(2, new_size);
341  depth_limit = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::log2(static_cast<float>(size)));
342  table.resize(size);
344  epoch_flags.resize(size);
345  // Set to 45% as described above
346  epoch_size = std::max(uint32_t{1}, (45 * size) / 100);
347  // Initially set to wait for a whole epoch
349  return size;
350  }
365  std::optional<std::pair<uint32_t, size_t>> setup_bytes(size_t bytes)
366  {
367  size_t requested_num_elems = bytes / sizeof(Element);
368  if (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() < requested_num_elems) {
369  return std::nullopt;
370  }
372  auto num_elems = setup(bytes/sizeof(Element));
374  size_t approx_size_bytes = num_elems * sizeof(Element);
375  return std::make_pair(num_elems, approx_size_bytes);
376  }
399  inline void insert(Element e)
400  {
401  epoch_check();
402  uint32_t last_loc = invalid();
403  bool last_epoch = true;
404  std::array<uint32_t, 8> locs = compute_hashes(e);
405  // Make sure we have not already inserted this element
406  // If we have, make sure that it does not get deleted
407  for (const uint32_t loc : locs)
408  if (table[loc] == e) {
409  please_keep(loc);
410  epoch_flags[loc] = last_epoch;
411  return;
412  }
413  for (uint8_t depth = 0; depth < depth_limit; ++depth) {
414  // First try to insert to an empty slot, if one exists
415  for (const uint32_t loc : locs) {
416  if (!collection_flags.bit_is_set(loc))
417  continue;
418  table[loc] = std::move(e);
419  please_keep(loc);
420  epoch_flags[loc] = last_epoch;
421  return;
422  }
437  last_loc = locs[(1 + (std::find(locs.begin(), locs.end(), last_loc) - locs.begin())) & 7];
438  std::swap(table[last_loc], e);
439  // Can't std::swap a std::vector<bool>::reference and a bool&.
440  bool epoch = last_epoch;
441  last_epoch = epoch_flags[last_loc];
442  epoch_flags[last_loc] = epoch;
444  // Recompute the locs -- unfortunately happens one too many times!
445  locs = compute_hashes(e);
446  }
447  }
476  inline bool contains(const Element& e, const bool erase) const
477  {
478  std::array<uint32_t, 8> locs = compute_hashes(e);
479  for (const uint32_t loc : locs)
480  if (table[loc] == e) {
481  if (erase)
482  allow_erase(loc);
483  return true;
484  }
485  return false;
486  }
487 };
488 } // namespace CuckooCache
bit_packed_atomic_flags implements a container for garbage collection flags that is only thread unsaf...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:46
void bit_set(uint32_t s)
bit_set sets an entry as discardable.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:94
void setup(uint32_t b)
setup marks all entries and ensures that bit_packed_atomic_flags can store at least b entries.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:82
No default constructor, as there must be some size.
bool bit_is_set(uint32_t s) const
bit_is_set queries the table for discardability at s.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:115
void bit_unset(uint32_t s)
bit_unset marks an entry as something that should not be overwritten.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:105
bit_packed_atomic_flags(uint32_t size)
bit_packed_atomic_flags constructor creates memory to sufficiently keep track of garbage collection i...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:64
std::unique_ptr< std::atomic< uint8_t >[]> mem
Definition: cuckoocache.h:47
cache implements a cache with properties similar to a cuckoo-set.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:163
uint32_t size
size stores the total available slots in the hash table
Definition: cuckoocache.h:169
uint8_t depth_limit
depth_limit determines how many elements insert should try to replace.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:201
std::vector< Element > table
table stores all the elements
Definition: cuckoocache.h:166
uint32_t epoch_heuristic_counter
epoch_heuristic_counter is used to determine when an epoch might be aged & an expensive scan should b...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:186
uint32_t setup(uint32_t new_size)
setup initializes the container to store no more than new_size elements and no less than 2 elements.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:337
void epoch_check()
epoch_check handles the changing of epochs for elements stored in the cache.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:287
uint32_t epoch_size
epoch_size is set to be the number of elements supposed to be in a epoch.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:196
std::vector< bool > epoch_flags
epoch_flags tracks how recently an element was inserted into the cache.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:179
void insert(Element e)
insert loops at most depth_limit times trying to insert a hash at various locations in the table via ...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:399
bit_packed_atomic_flags collection_flags
The bit_packed_atomic_flags array is marked mutable because we want garbage collection to be allowed ...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:173
std::array< uint32_t, 8 > compute_hashes(const Element &e) const
compute_hashes is convenience for not having to write out this expression everywhere we use the hash ...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:241
std::optional< std::pair< uint32_t, size_t > > setup_bytes(size_t bytes)
setup_bytes is a convenience function which accounts for internal memory usage when deciding how many...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:365
constexpr uint32_t invalid() const
invalid returns a special index that can never be inserted to
Definition: cuckoocache.h:255
const Hash hash_function
hash_function is a const instance of the hash function.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:207
void allow_erase(uint32_t n) const
allow_erase marks the element at index n as discardable.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:264
bool contains(const Element &e, const bool erase) const
contains iterates through the hash locations for a given element and checks to see if it is present.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:476
void please_keep(uint32_t n) const
please_keep marks the element at index n as an entry that should be kept.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:273
You must always construct a cache with some elements via a subsequent call to setup or setup_bytes,...
Definition: cuckoocache.h:325
static uint32_t FastRange32(uint32_t x, uint32_t n)
Fast range reduction with 32-bit input and 32-bit range.
Definition: fastrange.h:19
uint256 Hash(const T &in1)
Compute the 256-bit hash of an object.
Definition: hash.h:75
High-performance cache primitives.
Definition: cuckoocache.h:32