Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- n : bench_schnorrsig_data, CompactSizeWriter, COutPoint, secp256k1_fe, secp256k1_fe_storage
- n_calls : FakeCheckCheckCompletion
- n_new : AddrManImpl::NewTriedCount
- n_tried : AddrManImpl::NewTriedCount
- na : RPCConsole::TranslatedStrings
- name() : ankerl::nanobench::Bench, CRPCCommand
- Name() : HTTPRPCTimerInterface
- name : IndexSummary, interfaces::WalletAddress, KeyInfo, PlatformStyle
- Name() : QtRPCTimerInterface, RPCTimerInterface
- name : ScriptErrorDesc, VBDeploymentInfo
- nAmount : wallet::CRecipient, wallet::tallyitem
- nAttempts : AddrInfo
- nBanUntil : CBanEntry
- nBatchSize : CCheckQueue< T, R >
- nBits : CBlockHeader, CBlockIndex, CompressedHeader
- nBlockMaxWeight : node::BlockAssembler::Options
- nBlockReverseSequenceId : ChainstateManager
- nBlocks : CBlockFileInfo
- nBlockSigOpsCost : node::BlockAssembler
- nBlockTx : node::BlockAssembler
- nBlockWeight : node::BlockAssembler
- nBogoSize : kernel::CCoinsStats
- nChainWork : CBlockIndex
- nChangeCached : wallet::CWalletTx
- nChild : CExtKey, CExtPubKey
- nCommonHeight : CNodeStateStats
- nConf : wallet::tallyitem
- nCreateTime : CBanEntry, wallet::CKeyMetadata
- ndata : secp256k1_schnorrsig_extraparams
- nDefaultMaxNumSize : CScriptNum10, CScriptNum
- nDefaultPort : CChainParams
- nDepth : CExtKey, CExtPubKey
- nDerivationMethod : wallet::CMasterKey
- nDeriveIterations : wallet::CMasterKey
- nDiskSize : kernel::CCoinsStats
- NeedsRedownload() : Chainstate
- NeedsSignature() : miniscript::Node< Key >
- needsUpdate : TransactionStatus
- NeedsUpgrade() : CCoinsViewDB
- NEGATE : ArgsMergeTestingSetup, MergeTestingSetup
- NEGATE_REG : ChainMergeTestingSetup
- NEGATE_TEST : ChainMergeTestingSetup
- negated() : common::SettingsSpan, KeyInfo
- nEntriesPerGeneration : CRollingBloomFilter
- nEntriesThisGeneration : CRollingBloomFilter
- netdiff : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- netgroupman : node::NodeContext
- NetGroupManager() : NetGroupManager
- netmask : CSubNet
- NetNodeId : PeerTableModel
- network : CSubNet, NetinfoRequestHandler::Peer
- Network : PeerTableModel
- NETWORK_ONLY : ArgsManager
- networkActiveChanged() : ClientModel
- NetworkArg() : ExternalSigner
- NetworkDisable() : NetworkDisable
- NetworkSetup() : NetworkSetup
- NetworkStringToId() : AddrinfoRequestHandler, NetinfoRequestHandler
- NetworkStyle() : NetworkStyle
- Neuter() : CExtKey
- NEVER_ACTIVE : Consensus::BIP9Deployment
- new_arena() : LockedPool
- newAddressToSelect : AddressBookPage
- NewIterator() : CDBWrapper
- NewKeyPool() : wallet::LegacyScriptPubKeyMan
- NewMempoolTransactionInfo() : NewMempoolTransactionInfo
- NewPoWValidBlock() : CValidationInterface, ValidationSignals
- NewSendingAddress : EditAddressDialog
- newTaskMutex : CScheduler
- newTaskScheduled : CScheduler
- NewTimer() : HTTPRPCTimerInterface, QtRPCTimerInterface, RPCTimerInterface
- NewTx() : TxConfirmStats
- Next() : CChain, CCoinsCacheEntry, CCoinsViewCursor, CCoinsViewDBCursor, CDBIterator
- next : node::PSBTAnalysis, node::PSBTInputAnalysis
- Next() : wallet::BerkeleyCursor, wallet::BerkeleyROCursor, wallet::DatabaseCursor, wallet::DummyCursor, wallet::MockableCursor, wallet::SQLiteCursor
- next_index : wallet::WalletDescriptor
- next_page : wallet::PageHeader
- NextAndMaybeErase() : CoinsViewCacheCursor
- nextBlock() : interfaces::FoundBlock
- nExternalChainCounter : wallet::CHDChain
- NextHeadersRequestLocator() : HeadersSyncState
- NextPacket() : FSChaCha20Poly1305
- nFee : CTxMemPoolEntry, TestMemPoolEntryHelper
- nFeeDelta : TxMempoolInfo
- nFees : node::BlockAssembler
- nFile : FlatFilePos
- nFlags : CBloomFilter, CScriptCheck
- nFrozen : FrozenCleanupCheck
- nGeneration : CRollingBloomFilter
- nHashFuncs : CBloomFilter, CRollingBloomFilter
- nHashType : MutableTransactionSignatureCreator
- nHeight : CBlockIndex, CCoin, Coin, kernel::CCoinsStats, node::BlockAssembler, TestMemPoolEntryHelper
- nHeightFirst : CBlockFileInfo
- nHeightLast : CBlockFileInfo
- nIn : CScriptCheck, GenericTransactionSignatureChecker< T >, MutableTransactionSignatureCreator
- nIndex : wallet::ReserveDestination
- nInternalChainCounter : wallet::CHDChain
- nKey : AddrManImpl
- nKeyedNetGroup : CNode, NodeEvictionCandidate
- nLastBytesIn : TrafficGraphWidget
- nLastBytesOut : TrafficGraphWidget
- nLastFlushed : wallet::WalletDatabase
- nLastNodeId : CConnman
- nLastPreciousChainwork : ChainstateManager
- nLastSeen : wallet::WalletDatabase
- nLastWalletUpdate : wallet::WalletDatabase
- nLocalHostNonce : CNode
- nLockTime : CMutableTransaction, CTransaction
- nMasterKeyMaxID : wallet::CWallet
- nMaxOutboundLimit : CConnman, CConnman::Options
- nMedianTimeSpan : CBlockIndex
- nMessageSize : CMessageHeader
- nMinerConfirmationWindow : Consensus::Params
- nMinimumChainWork : Consensus::Params
- nModFeesWithAncestors : CTxMemPoolEntry, node::CTxMemPoolModifiedEntry
- nModFeesWithDescendants : CTxMemPoolEntry
- nNonce : CBlockHeader, CBlockIndex, CompressedHeader
- no : RPCConsole::TranslatedStrings
- NO_CHANGES : AddressTableModel
- NO_TIMEOUT : Consensus::BIP9Deployment
- NoCopy() : NoCopy
- node() : BitcoinApplication, ClientModel
- Node() : miniscript::Node< Key >
- node() : OptionsModel, WalletControllerActivity, WalletModel
- NodeContext() : node::NodeContext
- NodeFn : CConnman
- NodeFullyConnected() : CConnman
- nodeid : CNodeStats
- NodeReceiveMsgBytes() : ConnmanTestMsg
- Nodes() : CConnman::NodesSnapshot
- NodesSnapshot() : CConnman::NodesSnapshot
- NodesStats : interfaces::Node
- nodeStateStats : CNodeCombinedStats
- nodeStats : CNodeCombinedStats
- NoechoInst() : NoechoInst
- noexcept : ankerl::nanobench::Result
- NoKeys : WalletModel
- NoLimits() : kernel::MemPoolLimits
- NoLockLoggingTestingSetup() : NoLockLoggingTestingSetup
- non_canon : miniscript::internal::InputStack
- non_witness_utxo : PSBTInput
- nonce : CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs, TestHeaderAndShortIDs
- Nonce96 : AEADChaCha20Poly1305, ChaCha20, ChaCha20Aligned
- nonce_indices : musig_tweak_case, musig_verify_fail_error_case
- nonce_indices_len : musig_tweak_case, musig_verify_fail_error_case
- noncecoef : secp256k1_musig_session_internal
- noncefp : secp256k1_schnorrsig_extraparams
- NONE : ArgsMergeTestingSetup
- None() : bitset_detail::IntBitSet< I >, bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet< I, N >
- NONE : ChainMergeTestingSetup
- None : Notificator
- NonFatalCheckError() : NonFatalCheckError
- nontrivial_t() : nontrivial_t
- Nop() : miniscript::internal::SatInfo
- nOrderPos : wallet::CWalletTx
- normalize_hit_rate() : HitRateTest
- NotAccepted : TransactionStatus
- notifications : kernel::BlockManagerOpts, kernel::ChainstateManagerOpts, node::NodeContext
- notificator : BitcoinGUI
- Notificator() : Notificator
- notifiers : CZMQNotificationInterface
- notify() : Notificator
- NotifyAddressBookChanged : wallet::CWallet
- NotifyAlertChanged : UISignals
- NotifyAlertChangedFn : interfaces::Node
- NotifyBlock() : CZMQAbstractNotifier, CZMQPublishHashBlockNotifier, CZMQPublishRawBlockNotifier
- NotifyBlockConnect() : CZMQAbstractNotifier, CZMQPublishSequenceNotifier
- NotifyBlockDisconnect() : CZMQAbstractNotifier, CZMQPublishSequenceNotifier
- NotifyBlockTip : UISignals
- NotifyBlockTipFn : interfaces::Node
- NotifyCanGetAddressesChanged : wallet::CWallet, wallet::ScriptPubKeyMan
- NotifyFirstKeyTimeChanged : wallet::ScriptPubKeyMan
- NotifyHeaderTip() : ChainstateManager, UISignals
- NotifyHeaderTipFn : interfaces::Node
- NotifyNetworkActiveChanged : UISignals
- NotifyNetworkActiveChangedFn : interfaces::Node
- NotifyNumConnectionsChanged() : CConnman, UISignals
- NotifyNumConnectionsChangedFn : interfaces::Node
- NotifyStatusChanged : wallet::CWallet
- notifySystray() : Notificator
- NotifyTransaction() : CZMQAbstractNotifier, CZMQPublishHashTransactionNotifier, CZMQPublishRawTransactionNotifier
- NotifyTransactionAcceptance() : CZMQAbstractNotifier, CZMQPublishSequenceNotifier
- NotifyTransactionChanged() : TransactionTablePriv, wallet::CWallet
- NotifyTransactionRemoval() : CZMQAbstractNotifier, CZMQPublishSequenceNotifier
- NotifyUnload : wallet::CWallet
- NotifyWatchonlyChanged : wallet::CWallet, wallet::ScriptPubKeyMan
- notifyWatchonlyChanged() : WalletModel
- now : BCLog::Logger::BufferedLog, NodeClock, wallet::WalletRescanReserver
- NowFn : wallet::WalletRescanReserver
- nPort : LocalServiceInfo
- nPos : FlatFilePos, VectorWriter
- nPowTargetSpacing : Consensus::Params
- nPowTargetTimespan : Consensus::Params
- nPrevNodeCount : CConnman
- nPruneAfterHeight : CChainParams
- nRandomPos : AddrInfo
- nReadLimit : BufferedFile
- nReceiveFloodSize : CConnman, CConnman::Options
- nReceiveRequestsMaxId : RecentRequestsTableModel
- nRecvBytes : CNodeStats
- nRefCount : AddrInfo, CNode
- nRewind : BufferedFile
- nRuleChangeActivationThreshold : Consensus::Params
- nsat : miniscript::internal::InputResult
- nSatoshisPerK : CFeeRate
- nScore : LocalServiceInfo
- nSeed0 : CConnman
- nSeed1 : CConnman
- nSendBufferMaxSize : CConnman, CConnman::Options
- nSendBytes : CNodeStats
- nSequence : CTxIn, CZMQAbstractPublishNotifier
- nSequenceId : CBlockIndex
- nServices : CAddress
- nSigOpCostWithAncestors : CTxMemPoolEntry, node::CTxMemPoolModifiedEntry
- nSize : CBlockFileInfo, SizeComputer
- nSizeWithAncestors : CTxMemPoolEntry, node::CTxMemPoolModifiedEntry
- nSizeWithDescendants : CTxMemPoolEntry
- nSpecialScripts : ScriptCompression
- nSrcPos : BufferedFile
- nStartTime : Consensus::BIP9Deployment
- nSubsidyHalvingInterval : Consensus::Params
- nSyncHeight : CNodeStateStats
- nTime : CAddress, CBlockHeader, CBlockIndex, ChainTxData, CompressedHeader, CTxMemPoolEntry, wallet::CKeyPool
- nTimeExpire : TxOrphanage::OrphanTxBase
- nTimeFirst : CBlockFileInfo
- nTimeLast : CBlockFileInfo
- nTimeMax : CBlockIndex
- nTimeout : Consensus::BIP9Deployment
- nTimeReceived : wallet::CWalletTx
- nTimeSmart : wallet::CWalletTx
- nTotalBytesRecv : CConnman
- nTransactionOutputs : kernel::CCoinsStats
- nTransactions : CPartialMerkleTree, kernel::CCoinsStats
- nTransactionsUpdated : CTxMemPool
- nTweak : CBloomFilter, CRollingBloomFilter
- nTx : CBlockIndex
- nTxOffset : CDiskTxPos
- nTxWeight : CTxMemPoolEntry
- NULL_INDEX : COutPoint
- num : VersionBitsTester
- Num3072() : Num3072
- num_of_internal_inputs : PreSelectInputs
- num_shared : ReorgTxns
- NumAllocatedChunks() : PoolResource< MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES >
- NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS : RecentRequestsTableModel
- numBlocksChanged() : ClientModel
- NumChunksLeft() : cluster_linearize::LinearizationChunking< SetType >
- numConnectionsChanged() : ClientModel
- NumElemAlignBytes() : PoolResource< MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES >
- NumRemaining() : cluster_linearize::AncestorCandidateFinder< SetType >
- NUMS_H : XOnlyPubKey
- nUndoSize : CBlockFileInfo
- nUpdateCounter : wallet::WalletDatabase
- nUsageSize : CTxMemPoolEntry
- nValue : CTxOut
- nVersion : CBanEntry, CBlockHeader, CBlockIndex, CNode, CNodeStats, CompressedHeader, RecentRequestEntry, SendCoinsRecipient, wallet::CHDChain, wallet::CKeyMetadata