Bitcoin Core 28.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) 2018 Pieter Wuille, Greg Maxwell, Gleb Naumenko *
3 * Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying *
4 * file LICENSE or*
5 **********************************************************************/
10#include <random>
12#include "util.h"
13#include "sketch.h"
14#include "int_utils.h"
17template<typename F>
18void PolyMod(const std::vector<typename F::Elem>& mod, std::vector<typename F::Elem>& val, const F& field) {
19 size_t modsize = mod.size();
20 CHECK_SAFE(modsize > 0 && mod.back() == 1);
21 if (val.size() < modsize) return;
22 CHECK_SAFE(val.back() != 0);
23 while (val.size() >= modsize) {
24 auto term = val.back();
25 val.pop_back();
26 if (term != 0) {
27 typename F::Multiplier mul(field, term);
28 for (size_t x = 0; x < mod.size() - 1; ++x) {
29 val[val.size() - modsize + 1 + x] ^= mul(mod[x]);
30 }
31 }
32 }
33 while (val.size() > 0 && val.back() == 0) val.pop_back();
37template<typename F>
38void DivMod(const std::vector<typename F::Elem>& mod, std::vector<typename F::Elem>& val, std::vector<typename F::Elem>& div, const F& field) {
39 size_t modsize = mod.size();
40 CHECK_SAFE(mod.size() > 0 && mod.back() == 1);
41 if (val.size() < mod.size()) {
42 div.clear();
43 return;
44 }
45 CHECK_SAFE(val.back() != 0);
46 div.resize(val.size() - mod.size() + 1);
47 while (val.size() >= modsize) {
48 auto term = val.back();
49 div[val.size() - modsize] = term;
50 val.pop_back();
51 if (term != 0) {
52 typename F::Multiplier mul(field, term);
53 for (size_t x = 0; x < mod.size() - 1; ++x) {
54 val[val.size() - modsize + 1 + x] ^= mul(mod[x]);
55 }
56 }
57 }
61template<typename F>
62typename F::Elem MakeMonic(std::vector<typename F::Elem>& a, const F& field) {
63 CHECK_SAFE(a.back() != 0);
64 if (a.back() == 1) return 0;
65 auto inv = field.Inv(a.back());
66 typename F::Multiplier mul(field, inv);
67 a.back() = 1;
68 for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size() - 1; ++i) {
69 a[i] = mul(a[i]);
70 }
71 return inv;
75template<typename F>
76void GCD(std::vector<typename F::Elem>& a, std::vector<typename F::Elem>& b, const F& field) {
77 if (a.size() < b.size()) std::swap(a, b);
78 while (b.size() > 0) {
79 if (b.size() == 1) {
80 a.resize(1);
81 a[0] = 1;
82 return;
83 }
84 MakeMonic(b, field);
85 PolyMod(b, a, field);
86 std::swap(a, b);
87 }
91template<typename F>
92void Sqr(std::vector<typename F::Elem>& poly, const F& field) {
93 if (poly.size() == 0) return;
94 poly.resize(poly.size() * 2 - 1);
95 for (size_t i = 0; i < poly.size(); ++i) {
96 auto x = poly.size() - i - 1;
97 poly[x] = (x & 1) ? 0 : field.Sqr(poly[x / 2]);
98 }
102template<typename F>
103void TraceMod(const std::vector<typename F::Elem>& mod, std::vector<typename F::Elem>& out, const typename F::Elem& param, const F& field) {
104 out.reserve(mod.size() * 2);
105 out.resize(2);
106 out[0] = 0;
107 out[1] = param;
109 for (int i = 0; i < field.Bits() - 1; ++i) {
110 Sqr(out, field);
111 if (out.size() < 2) out.resize(2);
112 out[1] = param;
113 PolyMod(mod, out, field);
114 }
128template<typename F>
129bool RecFindRoots(std::vector<std::vector<typename F::Elem>>& stack, size_t pos, std::vector<typename F::Elem>& roots, bool fully_factorizable, int depth, typename F::Elem randv, const F& field) {
130 auto& ppoly = stack[pos];
131 // We assert ppoly.size() > 1 (instead of just ppoly.size() > 0) to additionally exclude
132 // constants polynomials because
133 // - ppoly is not constant initially (this is ensured by FindRoots()), and
134 // - we never recurse on a constant polynomial.
135 CHECK_SAFE(ppoly.size() > 1 && ppoly.back() == 1);
136 /* 1st degree input: constant term is the root. */
137 if (ppoly.size() == 2) {
138 roots.push_back(ppoly[0]);
139 return true;
140 }
141 /* 2nd degree input: use direct quadratic solver. */
142 if (ppoly.size() == 3) {
143 CHECK_RETURN(ppoly[1] != 0, false); // Equations of the form (x^2 + a) have two identical solutions; contradicts square-free assumption. */
144 auto input = field.Mul(ppoly[0], field.Sqr(field.Inv(ppoly[1])));
145 auto root = field.Qrt(input);
146 if ((field.Sqr(root) ^ root) != input) {
147 CHECK_SAFE(!fully_factorizable);
148 return false; // No root found.
149 }
150 auto sol = field.Mul(root, ppoly[1]);
151 roots.push_back(sol);
152 roots.push_back(sol ^ ppoly[1]);
153 return true;
154 }
155 /* 3rd degree input and more: recurse further. */
156 if (pos + 3 > stack.size()) {
157 // Allocate memory if necessary.
158 stack.resize((pos + 3) * 2);
159 }
160 auto& poly = stack[pos];
161 auto& tmp = stack[pos + 1];
162 auto& trace = stack[pos + 2];
163 trace.clear();
164 tmp.clear();
165 for (int iter = 0;; ++iter) {
166 // Compute the polynomial (trace(x*randv) mod poly(x)) symbolically,
167 // and put the result in `trace`.
168 TraceMod(poly, trace, randv, field);
170 if (iter >= 1 && !fully_factorizable) {
171 // If the polynomial cannot be factorized completely (it has an
172 // irreducible factor of degree higher than 1), we want to avoid
173 // the case where this is only detected after trying all BITS
174 // independent split attempts fail (see the assert below).
175 //
176 // Observe that if we call y = randv*x, it is true that:
177 //
178 // trace = y + y^2 + y^4 + y^8 + ... y^(FIELDSIZE/2) mod poly
179 //
180 // Due to the Frobenius endomorphism, this means:
181 //
182 // trace^2 = y^2 + y^4 + y^8 + ... + y^FIELDSIZE mod poly
183 //
184 // Or, adding them up:
185 //
186 // trace + trace^2 = y + y^FIELDSIZE mod poly.
187 // = randv*x + randv^FIELDSIZE*x^FIELDSIZE
188 // = randv*x + randv*x^FIELDSIZE
189 // = randv*(x + x^FIELDSIZE).
190 // (all mod poly)
191 //
192 // x + x^FIELDSIZE is the polynomial which has every field element
193 // as root once. Whenever x + x^FIELDSIZE is multiple of poly,
194 // this means it only has unique first degree factors. The same
195 // holds for its constant multiple randv*(x + x^FIELDSIZE) =
196 // trace + trace^2.
197 //
198 // We use this test to quickly verify whether the polynomial is
199 // fully factorizable after already having computed a trace.
200 // We don't invoke it immediately; only when splitting has failed
201 // at least once, which avoids it for most polynomials that are
202 // fully factorizable (or at least pushes the test down the
203 // recursion to factors which are smaller and thus faster).
204 tmp = trace;
205 Sqr(tmp, field);
206 for (size_t i = 0; i < trace.size(); ++i) {
207 tmp[i] ^= trace[i];
208 }
209 while (tmp.size() && tmp.back() == 0) tmp.pop_back();
210 PolyMod(poly, tmp, field);
212 // Whenever the test fails, we can immediately abort the root
213 // finding. Whenever it succeeds, we can remember and pass down
214 // the information that it is in fact fully factorizable, avoiding
215 // the need to run the test again.
216 if (tmp.size() != 0) return false;
217 fully_factorizable = true;
218 }
220 if (fully_factorizable) {
221 // Every successful iteration of this algorithm splits the input
222 // polynomial further into buckets, each corresponding to a subset
223 // of 2^(BITS-depth) roots. If after depth splits the degree of
224 // the polynomial is >= 2^(BITS-depth), something is wrong.
225 CHECK_RETURN(field.Bits() - depth >= std::numeric_limits<decltype(poly.size())>::digits ||
226 (poly.size() - 2) >> (field.Bits() - depth) == 0, false);
227 }
229 depth++;
230 // In every iteration we multiply randv by 2. As a result, the set
231 // of randv values forms a GF(2)-linearly independent basis of splits.
232 randv = field.Mul2(randv);
233 tmp = poly;
234 GCD(trace, tmp, field);
235 if (trace.size() != poly.size() && trace.size() > 1) break;
236 }
237 MakeMonic(trace, field);
238 DivMod(trace, poly, tmp, field);
239 // At this point, the stack looks like [... (poly) tmp trace], and we want to recursively
240 // find roots of trace and tmp (= poly/trace). As we don't care about poly anymore, move
241 // trace into its position first.
242 std::swap(poly, trace);
243 // Now the stack is [... (trace) tmp ...]. First we factor tmp (at pos = pos+1), and then
244 // we factor trace (at pos = pos).
245 if (!RecFindRoots(stack, pos + 1, roots, fully_factorizable, depth, randv, field)) return false;
246 // The stack position pos contains trace, the polynomial with all of poly's roots which (after
247 // multiplication with randv) have trace 0. This is never the case for irreducible factors
248 // (which always end up in tmp), so we can set fully_factorizable to true when recursing.
249 bool ret = RecFindRoots(stack, pos, roots, true, depth, randv, field);
250 // Because of the above, recursion can never fail here.
252 return ret;
263template<typename F>
264std::vector<typename F::Elem> FindRoots(const std::vector<typename F::Elem>& poly, typename F::Elem basis, const F& field) {
265 std::vector<typename F::Elem> roots;
266 CHECK_RETURN(poly.size() != 0, {});
267 CHECK_RETURN(basis != 0, {});
268 if (poly.size() == 1) return roots; // No roots when the polynomial is a constant.
269 roots.reserve(poly.size() - 1);
270 std::vector<std::vector<typename F::Elem>> stack = {poly};
272 // Invoke the recursive factorization algorithm.
273 if (!RecFindRoots(stack, 0, roots, false, 0, basis, field)) {
274 // Not fully factorizable.
275 return {};
276 }
277 CHECK_RETURN(poly.size() - 1 == roots.size(), {});
278 return roots;
281template<typename F>
282std::vector<typename F::Elem> BerlekampMassey(const std::vector<typename F::Elem>& syndromes, size_t max_degree, const F& field) {
283 std::vector<typename F::Multiplier> table;
284 std::vector<typename F::Elem> current, prev, tmp;
285 current.reserve(syndromes.size() / 2 + 1);
286 prev.reserve(syndromes.size() / 2 + 1);
287 tmp.reserve(syndromes.size() / 2 + 1);
288 current.resize(1);
289 current[0] = 1;
290 prev.resize(1);
291 prev[0] = 1;
292 typename F::Elem b = 1, b_inv = 1;
293 bool b_have_inv = true;
294 table.reserve(syndromes.size());
296 for (size_t n = 0; n != syndromes.size(); ++n) {
297 table.emplace_back(field, syndromes[n]);
298 auto discrepancy = syndromes[n];
299 for (size_t i = 1; i < current.size(); ++i) discrepancy ^= table[n - i](current[i]);
300 if (discrepancy != 0) {
301 int x = static_cast<int>(n + 1 - (current.size() - 1) - (prev.size() - 1));
302 if (!b_have_inv) {
303 b_inv = field.Inv(b);
304 b_have_inv = true;
305 }
306 bool swap = 2 * (current.size() - 1) <= n;
307 if (swap) {
308 if (prev.size() + x - 1 > max_degree) return {}; // We'd exceed maximum degree
309 tmp = current;
310 current.resize(prev.size() + x);
311 }
312 typename F::Multiplier mul(field, field.Mul(discrepancy, b_inv));
313 for (size_t i = 0; i < prev.size(); ++i) current[i + x] ^= mul(prev[i]);
314 if (swap) {
315 std::swap(prev, tmp);
316 b = discrepancy;
317 b_have_inv = false;
318 }
319 }
320 }
321 CHECK_RETURN(current.size() && current.back() != 0, {});
322 return current;
325template<typename F>
326std::vector<typename F::Elem> ReconstructAllSyndromes(const std::vector<typename F::Elem>& odd_syndromes, const F& field) {
327 std::vector<typename F::Elem> all_syndromes;
328 all_syndromes.resize(odd_syndromes.size() * 2);
329 for (size_t i = 0; i < odd_syndromes.size(); ++i) {
330 all_syndromes[i * 2] = odd_syndromes[i];
331 all_syndromes[i * 2 + 1] = field.Sqr(all_syndromes[i]);
332 }
333 return all_syndromes;
336template<typename F>
337void AddToOddSyndromes(std::vector<typename F::Elem>& osyndromes, typename F::Elem data, const F& field) {
338 auto sqr = field.Sqr(data);
339 typename F::Multiplier mul(field, sqr);
340 for (auto& osyndrome : osyndromes) {
341 osyndrome ^= data;
342 data = mul(data);
343 }
346template<typename F>
347std::vector<typename F::Elem> FullDecode(const std::vector<typename F::Elem>& osyndromes, const F& field) {
348 auto asyndromes = ReconstructAllSyndromes<typename F::Elem>(osyndromes, field);
349 auto poly = BerlekampMassey(asyndromes, field);
350 std::reverse(poly.begin(), poly.end());
351 return FindRoots(poly, field);
354template<typename F>
355class SketchImpl final : public Sketch
357 const F m_field;
358 std::vector<typename F::Elem> m_syndromes;
359 typename F::Elem m_basis;
362 template<typename... Args>
363 SketchImpl(int implementation, int bits, const Args&... args) : Sketch(implementation, bits), m_field(args...) {
364 std::random_device rng;
365 std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> dist;
366 m_basis = m_field.FromSeed(dist(rng));
367 }
369 size_t Syndromes() const override { return m_syndromes.size(); }
370 void Init(size_t count) override { m_syndromes.assign(count, 0); }
372 void Add(uint64_t val) override
373 {
374 auto elem = m_field.FromUint64(val);
376 }
378 void Serialize(unsigned char* ptr) const override
379 {
380 BitWriter writer(ptr);
381 for (const auto& val : m_syndromes) {
382 m_field.Serialize(writer, val);
383 }
384 writer.Flush();
385 }
387 void Deserialize(const unsigned char* ptr) override
388 {
389 BitReader reader(ptr);
390 for (auto& val : m_syndromes) {
391 val = m_field.Deserialize(reader);
392 }
393 }
395 int Decode(int max_count, uint64_t* out) const override
396 {
397 auto all_syndromes = ReconstructAllSyndromes(m_syndromes, m_field);
398 auto poly = BerlekampMassey(all_syndromes, max_count, m_field);
399 if (poly.size() == 0) return -1;
400 if (poly.size() == 1) return 0;
401 if ((int)poly.size() > 1 + max_count) return -1;
402 std::reverse(poly.begin(), poly.end());
403 auto roots = FindRoots(poly, m_basis, m_field);
404 if (roots.size() == 0) return -1;
406 for (const auto& root : roots) {
407 *(out++) = m_field.ToUint64(root);
408 }
409 return static_cast<int>(roots.size());
410 }
412 size_t Merge(const Sketch* other_sketch) override
413 {
414 // Sad cast. This is safe only because the caller code in minisketch.cpp checks
415 // that implementation and field size match.
416 const SketchImpl* other = static_cast<const SketchImpl*>(other_sketch);
417 m_syndromes.resize(std::min(m_syndromes.size(), other->m_syndromes.size()));
418 for (size_t i = 0; i < m_syndromes.size(); ++i) {
419 m_syndromes[i] ^= other->m_syndromes[i];
420 }
421 return m_syndromes.size();
422 }
424 void SetSeed(uint64_t seed) override
425 {
426 if (seed == (uint64_t)-1) {
427 m_basis = 1;
428 } else {
429 m_basis = m_field.FromSeed(seed);
430 }
431 }
int ret
ArgsManager & args
Definition: bitcoind.cpp:277
void Flush()
Definition: int_utils.h:95
Abstract class for internal representation of a minisketch object.
Definition: sketch.h:15
const F m_field
Definition: sketch_impl.h:357
F::Elem m_basis
Definition: sketch_impl.h:359
SketchImpl(int implementation, int bits, const Args &... args)
Definition: sketch_impl.h:363
void Serialize(unsigned char *ptr) const override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:378
size_t Merge(const Sketch *other_sketch) override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:412
int Decode(int max_count, uint64_t *out) const override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:395
void Add(uint64_t val) override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:372
void Init(size_t count) override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:370
void Deserialize(const unsigned char *ptr) override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:387
size_t Syndromes() const override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:369
std::vector< typename F::Elem > m_syndromes
Definition: sketch_impl.h:358
void SetSeed(uint64_t seed) override
Definition: sketch_impl.h:424
#define CHECK_RETURN(cond, rvar)
Check a condition and return on failure in non-verify builds, crash in verify builds.
Definition: util.h:67
#define CHECK_SAFE(cond)
Check macro that does nothing in normal non-verify builds but crashes in verify builds.
Definition: util.h:50
void AddToOddSyndromes(std::vector< typename F::Elem > &osyndromes, typename F::Elem data, const F &field)
Definition: sketch_impl.h:337
bool RecFindRoots(std::vector< std::vector< typename F::Elem > > &stack, size_t pos, std::vector< typename F::Elem > &roots, bool fully_factorizable, int depth, typename F::Elem randv, const F &field)
One step of the root finding algorithm; finds roots of stack[pos] and adds them to roots.
Definition: sketch_impl.h:129
void TraceMod(const std::vector< typename F::Elem > &mod, std::vector< typename F::Elem > &out, const typename F::Elem &param, const F &field)
Compute the trace map of (param*x) modulo mod, putting the result in out.
Definition: sketch_impl.h:103
void PolyMod(const std::vector< typename F::Elem > &mod, std::vector< typename F::Elem > &val, const F &field)
Compute the remainder of a polynomial division of val by mod, putting the result in mod.
Definition: sketch_impl.h:18
void GCD(std::vector< typename F::Elem > &a, std::vector< typename F::Elem > &b, const F &field)
Compute the GCD of two polynomials, putting the result in a.
Definition: sketch_impl.h:76
std::vector< typename F::Elem > BerlekampMassey(const std::vector< typename F::Elem > &syndromes, size_t max_degree, const F &field)
Definition: sketch_impl.h:282
F::Elem MakeMonic(std::vector< typename F::Elem > &a, const F &field)
Make a polynomial monic.
Definition: sketch_impl.h:62
std::vector< typename F::Elem > FindRoots(const std::vector< typename F::Elem > &poly, typename F::Elem basis, const F &field)
Returns the roots of a fully factorizable polynomial.
Definition: sketch_impl.h:264
void Sqr(std::vector< typename F::Elem > &poly, const F &field)
Square a polynomial.
Definition: sketch_impl.h:92
void DivMod(const std::vector< typename F::Elem > &mod, std::vector< typename F::Elem > &val, std::vector< typename F::Elem > &div, const F &field)
Compute the quotient of a polynomial division of val by mod, putting the quotient in div and the rema...
Definition: sketch_impl.h:38
std::vector< typename F::Elem > FullDecode(const std::vector< typename F::Elem > &osyndromes, const F &field)
Definition: sketch_impl.h:347
std::vector< typename F::Elem > ReconstructAllSyndromes(const std::vector< typename F::Elem > &odd_syndromes, const F &field)
Definition: sketch_impl.h:326
static int count