Qt model providing information about banned peers, similar to the "getpeerinfo" RPC call.
The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root,...
Model for Bitcoin network client.
void bytesChanged(quint64 totalBytesIn, quint64 totalBytesOut)
void showProgress(const QString &title, int nProgress)
QString blocksDir() const
QString getStatusBarWarnings() const
Return warnings to be displayed in status bar.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< interfaces::Handler > > m_event_handlers
std::map< CNetAddr, LocalServiceInfo > getNetLocalAddresses() const
int getHeaderTipHeight() const
std::atomic< int64_t > cachedBestHeaderTime
interfaces::Node & m_node
PeerTableModel * getPeerTableModel()
PeerTableSortProxy * peerTableSortProxy()
std::atomic< int > cachedBestHeaderHeight
uint256 getBestBlockHash() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cached_tip_mutex)
void message(const QString &title, const QString &message, unsigned int style)
Fired when a message should be reported to the user.
void numConnectionsChanged(int count)
BlockSource getBlockSource() const
Returns the block source of the current importing/syncing state.
int64_t getHeaderTipTime() const
uint256 m_cached_tip_blocks GUARDED_BY(m_cached_tip_mutex)
QString formatClientStartupTime() const
int getNumConnections(unsigned int flags=CONNECTIONS_ALL) const
Return number of connections, default is in- and outbound (total)
ClientModel(interfaces::Node &node, OptionsModel *optionsModel, QObject *parent=nullptr)
OptionsModel * optionsModel
BanTableModel * banTableModel
QThread *const m_thread
A thread to interact with m_node asynchronously.
BanTableModel * getBanTableModel()
void unsubscribeFromCoreSignals()
void numBlocksChanged(int count, const QDateTime &blockDate, double nVerificationProgress, SyncType header, SynchronizationState sync_state)
void TipChanged(SynchronizationState sync_state, interfaces::BlockTip tip, double verification_progress, SyncType synctype) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cached_tip_mutex)
void alertsChanged(const QString &warnings)
void mempoolSizeChanged(long count, size_t mempoolSizeInBytes, size_t mempoolMaxSizeInBytes)
std::atomic< int > m_cached_num_blocks
OptionsModel * getOptionsModel()
QString formatFullVersion() const
PeerTableModel * peerTableModel
PeerTableSortProxy * m_peer_table_sort_proxy
bool getProxyInfo(std::string &ip_port) const
QString formatSubVersion() const
bool isReleaseVersion() const
void subscribeToCoreSignals()
void networkActiveChanged(bool networkActive)
interfaces::Node & node() const
Interface from Qt to configuration data structure for Bitcoin client.
Qt model providing information about connected peers, similar to the "getpeerinfo" RPC call.
Top-level interface for a bitcoin node (bitcoind process).
Block tip (could be a header or not, depends on the subscribed signal).
Current sync state passed to tip changed callbacks.