58class SnapshotMetadata;
165 const std::vector<Wtxid>& wtxids_fee_calculations) {
173 const std::vector<Wtxid>& wtxids_fee_calculations) {
175 effective_feerate, wtxids_fee_calculations);
199 const std::vector<Wtxid>& wtxids_fee_calculations)
210 const std::vector<Wtxid>& wtxids_fee_calculations)
240 std::map<Wtxid, MempoolAcceptResult>&& results)
244 std::map<Wtxid, MempoolAcceptResult>&& results)
267 int64_t accept_time,
bool bypass_limits,
bool test_accept)
281 const Package& txns,
bool test_accept,
const std::optional<CFeeRate>& client_maxfeerate)
350 std::optional<std::pair<ScriptError, std::string>>
372 ValidationCache(
size_t script_execution_cache_bytes,
size_t signature_cache_bytes);
392 bool fCheckPOW =
551 std::optional<uint256> from_snapshot_blockhash = std::nullopt);
566 size_t cache_size_bytes,
569 fs::path leveldb_name = "chainstate");
580 return m_coins_views && m_coins_views->m_cacheview;
615 return *
622 return Assert(m_coins_views)->m_dbview;
636 return Assert(m_coins_views)->m_catcherview;
646 size_t m_coinsdb_cache_size_bytes{0};
649 size_t m_coinstip_cache_size_bytes{0};
653 bool ResizeCoinsCaches(
size_t coinstip_size,
size_t coinsdb_size)
667 bool FlushStateToDisk(
670 int nManualPruneHeight = 0);
673 void ForceFlushStateToDisk();
677 void PruneAndFlush();
700 bool ActivateBestChain(
702 std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock =
741 bool LoadGenesisBlock();
745 void PruneBlockIndexCandidates();
761 size_t max_coins_cache_size_bytes,
769 return m_mempool ? &m_mempool->
cs :
797 void MaybeUpdateMempoolForReorg(
806 SteadyClock::time_point m_last_flush{};
916 [[nodiscard]]
void> PopulateAndValidateSnapshot(
919 const
node::SnapshotMetadata& metadata);
928 bool AcceptBlockHeader(
946 return cs && !
974 std::function<void()> snapshot_download_completed = std::function<void()>();
978 bool ShouldCheckBlockIndex()
1018 mutable std::atomic<bool> m_cached_finished_ibd{
1027 int32_t nBlockReverseSequenceId = -1;
1036 nBlockSequenceId = 1;
1037 nBlockReverseSequenceId = -1;
1067 size_t m_total_coinstip_cache{0};
1071 size_t m_total_coinsdb_cache{0};
1117 return IsUsable(m_snapshot_chainstate.get()) && IsUsable(m_ibd_chainstate.get());
1122 return BackgroundSyncInProgress() ? m_ibd_chainstate->m_chain.Tip() :
1128 return m_blockman.m_block_index;
1138 bool IsSnapshotActive()
1140 std::optional<uint256> SnapshotBlockhash()
1145 return m_snapshot_chainstate && m_ibd_chainstate && m_ibd_chainstate->m_disabled;
1149 bool IsInitialBlockDownload()
1152 double GuessVerificationProgress(
const CBlockIndex* pindex)
1183 std::multimap<uint256, FlatFilePos>* blocks_with_unknown_parent =
1209 bool ProcessNewBlock(
const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& block,
bool force_processing,
bool min_pow_checked,
bool* new_block)
1264 void UpdateUncommittedBlockStructures(
CBlock& block, const
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev) const;
1267 std::vector<
unsigned char> GenerateCoinbaseCommitment(
CBlock& block, const
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev) const;
1273 void ReportHeadersPresync(const
arith_uint256& work, int64_t height, int64_t timestamp);
1313 std::pair<
int> GetPruneRange(
typename DEP>
typename DEP>
typename DEP>
int64_t CAmount
Amount in satoshis (Can be negative)
void InvalidateBlock(ChainstateManager &chainman, const uint256 block_hash)
const CChainParams & Params()
Return the currently selected parameters.
#define Assert(val)
Identity function.
#define Assume(val)
Assume is the identity function.
static void CheckBlockIndex(benchmark::Bench &bench)
Non-refcounted RAII wrapper for FILE*.
The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root,...
An in-memory indexed chain of blocks.
CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the Bitcoin system.
CCoinsView that adds a memory cache for transactions to another CCoinsView.
CCoinsView backed by the coin database (chainstate/)
This is a minimally invasive approach to shutdown on LevelDB read errors from the chainstate,...
Abstract view on the open txout dataset.
Fee rate in satoshis per kilovirtualbyte: CAmount / kvB.
A hasher class for SHA-256.
Closure representing one script verification Note that this stores references to the spending transac...
CScriptCheck & operator=(CScriptCheck &&)=default
SignatureCache * m_signature_cache
CScriptCheck(const CScriptCheck &)=delete
PrecomputedTransactionData * txdata
CScriptCheck(CScriptCheck &&)=default
std::optional< std::pair< ScriptError, std::string > > operator()()
CScriptCheck(const CTxOut &outIn, const CTransaction &txToIn, SignatureCache &signature_cache, unsigned int nInIn, unsigned int nFlagsIn, bool cacheIn, PrecomputedTransactionData *txdataIn)
const CTransaction * ptxTo
CScriptCheck & operator=(const CScriptCheck &)=delete
The basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in blocks.
CTxMemPool stores valid-according-to-the-current-best-chain transactions that may be included in the ...
RecursiveMutex cs
This mutex needs to be locked when accessing mapTx or other members that are guarded by it.
An output of a transaction.
RAII wrapper for VerifyDB: Verify consistency of the block and coin databases.
VerifyDBResult VerifyDB(Chainstate &chainstate, const Consensus::Params &consensus_params, CCoinsView &coinsview, int nCheckLevel, int nCheckDepth) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
kernel::Notifications & m_notifications
CVerifyDB(kernel::Notifications ¬ifications)
Chainstate stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the current best chain.
Mutex m_chainstate_mutex
The ChainState Mutex A lock that must be held when modifying this ChainState - held in ActivateBestCh...
CChain m_chain
The current chain of blockheaders we consult and build on.
bool HasCoinsViews() const
Does this chainstate have a UTXO set attached?
CTxMemPool * GetMempool()
const std::optional< uint256 > m_from_snapshot_blockhash
The blockhash which is the base of the snapshot this chainstate was created from.
CTxMemPool * m_mempool
Optional mempool that is kept in sync with the chain.
bool m_disabled GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
This toggle exists for use when doing background validation for UTXO snapshots.
ChainstateManager & m_chainman
The chainstate manager that owns this chainstate.
std::unique_ptr< CoinsViews > m_coins_views
Manages the UTXO set, which is a reflection of the contents of m_chain.
void ResetCoinsViews()
Destructs all objects related to accessing the UTXO set.
node::BlockManager & m_blockman
Reference to a BlockManager instance which itself is shared across all Chainstate instances.
const CBlockIndex *m_cached_snapshot_base GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
Cached result of LookupBlockIndex(*m_from_snapshot_blockhash)
CCoinsViewErrorCatcher & CoinsErrorCatcher() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(
Provides an interface for creating and interacting with one or two chainstates: an IBD chainstate gen...
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_connect_total
std::unique_ptr< Chainstate > m_ibd_chainstate GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
The chainstate used under normal operation (i.e.
const uint256 & AssumedValidBlock() const
node::BlockMap & BlockIndex() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(
CBlockIndex *m_best_header GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
Best header we've seen so far (used for getheaders queries' starting points).
ValidationCache m_validation_cache
int64_t GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) num_blocks_total
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_undo
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_index
const CBlockIndex * GetBackgroundSyncTip() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GetMutex())
The tip of the background sync chain.
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_post_connect
kernel::Notifications & GetNotifications() const
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_check
Timers and counters used for benchmarking validation in both background and active chainstates.
RecursiveMutex & GetMutex() const LOCK_RETURNED(
Alias for cs_main.
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_total
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_chainstate
bool IsSnapshotValidated() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(
Is there a snapshot in use and has it been fully validated?
CCheckQueue< CScriptCheck > m_script_check_queue
A queue for script verifications that have to be performed by worker threads.
CBlockIndex * ActiveTip() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GetMutex())
CBlockIndex *m_best_invalid GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_forks
bool BackgroundSyncInProgress() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GetMutex())
The state of a background sync (for net processing)
CBlockIndex *m_last_notified_header GUARDED_BY(GetMutex())
The last header for which a headerTip notification was issued.
const util::SignalInterrupt & m_interrupt
int ActiveHeight() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GetMutex())
VersionBitsCache m_versionbitscache
Track versionbit status.
const CChainParams & GetParams() const
const Consensus::Params & GetConsensus() const
const arith_uint256 & MinimumChainWork() const
int32_t nBlockSequenceId GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
Every received block is assigned a unique and increasing identifier, so we know which one to give pri...
std::array< ThresholdConditionCache, VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS > m_warningcache GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_verify
Chainstate *m_active_chainstate GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
Points to either the ibd or snapshot chainstate; indicates our most-work chain.
Chainstate &InitializeChainstate(CTxMemPool *mempool) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(std::vector< Chainstate * GetAll)()
Instantiate a new chainstate.
std::set< CBlockIndex * > m_failed_blocks
In order to efficiently track invalidity of headers, we keep the set of blocks which we tried to conn...
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_connect
bool IsUsable(const Chainstate *const cs) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(
Return true if a chainstate is considered usable.
std::unique_ptr< Chainstate > m_snapshot_chainstate GUARDED_BY(::cs_main)
A chainstate initialized on the basis of a UTXO snapshot.
void ResetBlockSequenceCounters() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(
node::BlockManager m_blockman
A single BlockManager instance is shared across each constructed chainstate to avoid duplicating bloc...
SteadyClock::duration GUARDED_BY(::cs_main) time_flush
A convenience class for constructing the CCoinsView* hierarchy used to facilitate access to the UTXO ...
std::unique_ptr< CCoinsViewCache > m_cacheview GUARDED_BY(cs_main)
This is the top layer of the cache hierarchy - it keeps as many coins in memory as can fit per the db...
CCoinsViewErrorCatcher m_catcherview GUARDED_BY(cs_main)
This view wraps access to the leveldb instance and handles read errors gracefully.
CCoinsViewDB m_dbview GUARDED_BY(cs_main)
The lowest level of the CoinsViews cache hierarchy sits in a leveldb database on disk.
CoinsViews(DBParams db_params, CoinsViewOptions options)
This constructor initializes CCoinsViewDB and CCoinsViewErrorCatcher instances, but it does not creat...
Used to track blocks whose transactions were applied to the UTXO state as a part of a single Activate...
Valid signature cache, to avoid doing expensive ECDSA signature checking twice for every transaction ...
Convenience class for initializing and passing the script execution cache and signature cache.
ValidationCache(size_t script_execution_cache_bytes, size_t signature_cache_bytes)
CuckooCache::cache< uint256, SignatureCacheHasher > m_script_execution_cache
ValidationCache & operator=(const ValidationCache &)=delete
ValidationCache(const ValidationCache &)=delete
CSHA256 ScriptExecutionCacheHasher() const
Return a copy of the pre-initialized hasher.
CSHA256 m_script_execution_cache_hasher
Pre-initialized hasher to avoid having to recreate it for every hash calculation.
SignatureCache m_signature_cache
BIP 9 allows multiple softforks to be deployed in parallel.
256-bit unsigned big integer.
A base class defining functions for notifying about certain kernel events.
Maintains a tree of blocks (stored in m_block_index) which is consulted to determine where the most-w...
transaction_identifier represents the two canonical transaction identifier types (txid,...
Helper class that manages an interrupt flag, and allows a thread or signal to interrupt another threa...
RecursiveMutex cs_main
Mutex to guard access to validation specific variables, such as reading or changing the chainstate.
This enum describes the various roles a specific Chainstate instance can take.
static void LoadExternalBlockFile(benchmark::Bench &bench)
The LoadExternalBlockFile() function is used during -reindex and -loadblock.
Transaction validation functions.
Filesystem operations and types.
std::unordered_map< uint256, CBlockIndex, BlockHasher > BlockMap
std::string ToString(const T &t)
Locale-independent version of std::to_string.
std::vector< CTransactionRef > Package
A package is an ordered list of transactions.
std::shared_ptr< const CTransaction > CTransactionRef
@ OK
The message verification was successful.
Holds configuration for use during UTXO snapshot load and validation.
Describes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the other node doesn't have the sam...
Holds various statistics on transactions within a chain.
User-controlled performance and debug options.
Parameters that influence chain consensus.
Application-specific storage settings.
Validation result for a transaction evaluated by MemPoolAccept (single or package).
const std::optional< int64_t > m_vsize
Virtual size as used by the mempool, calculated using serialized size and sigops.
const ResultType m_result_type
Result type.
MempoolAcceptResult(int64_t vsize, CAmount fees)
Constructor for already-in-mempool case.
const std::optional< CAmount > m_base_fees
Raw base fees in satoshis.
MempoolAcceptResult(TxValidationState state)
Constructor for failure case.
const TxValidationState m_state
Contains information about why the transaction failed.
Used to indicate the results of mempool validation.
static MempoolAcceptResult Failure(TxValidationState state)
static MempoolAcceptResult FeeFailure(TxValidationState state, CFeeRate effective_feerate, const std::vector< Wtxid > &wtxids_fee_calculations)
const std::optional< CFeeRate > m_effective_feerate
The feerate at which this transaction was considered.
MempoolAcceptResult(std::list< CTransactionRef > &&replaced_txns, int64_t vsize, CAmount fees, CFeeRate effective_feerate, const std::vector< Wtxid > &wtxids_fee_calculations)
Constructor for success case.
const std::optional< Wtxid > m_other_wtxid
The wtxid of the transaction in the mempool which has the same txid but different witness.
const std::list< CTransactionRef > m_replaced_transactions
Mempool transactions replaced by the tx.
MempoolAcceptResult(const Wtxid &other_wtxid)
Constructor for witness-swapped case.
static MempoolAcceptResult MempoolTxDifferentWitness(const Wtxid &other_wtxid)
static MempoolAcceptResult MempoolTx(int64_t vsize, CAmount fees)
static MempoolAcceptResult Success(std::list< CTransactionRef > &&replaced_txns, int64_t vsize, CAmount fees, CFeeRate effective_feerate, const std::vector< Wtxid > &wtxids_fee_calculations)
MempoolAcceptResult(TxValidationState state, CFeeRate effective_feerate, const std::vector< Wtxid > &wtxids_fee_calculations)
Constructor for fee-related failure case.
const std::optional< std::vector< Wtxid > > m_wtxids_fee_calculations
Contains the wtxids of the transactions used for fee-related checks.
Validation result for package mempool acceptance.
PackageValidationState m_state
PackageMempoolAcceptResult(const Wtxid &wtxid, const MempoolAcceptResult &result)
Constructor to create a PackageMempoolAcceptResult from a single MempoolAcceptResult.
PackageMempoolAcceptResult(PackageValidationState state, CFeeRate feerate, std::map< Wtxid, MempoolAcceptResult > &&results)
PackageMempoolAcceptResult(PackageValidationState state, std::map< Wtxid, MempoolAcceptResult > &&results)
std::map< Wtxid, MempoolAcceptResult > m_tx_results
Map from wtxid to finished MempoolAcceptResults.
An options struct for BlockManager, more ergonomically referred to as BlockManager::Options due to th...
An options struct for ChainstateManager, more ergonomically referred to as ChainstateManager::Options...
#define LOCKS_EXCLUDED(...)
std::chrono::steady_clock SteadyClock
bool CheckFinalTxAtTip(const CBlockIndex &active_chain_tip, const CTransaction &tx)
bool IsBlockMutated(const CBlock &block, bool check_witness_root)
Check if a block has been mutated (with respect to its merkle root and witness commitments).
static constexpr int MAX_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS
Maximum number of dedicated script-checking threads allowed.
static constexpr int DEFAULT_CHECKLEVEL
static const uint64_t MIN_DISK_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_FILES
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams)
bool CheckSequenceLocksAtTip(CBlockIndex *tip, const LockPoints &lock_points)
Check if transaction will be BIP68 final in the next block to be created on top of tip.
bool FatalError(kernel::Notifications ¬ifications, BlockValidationState &state, const bilingual_str &message)
static const unsigned int MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP
Block files containing a block-height within MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP of ActiveChain().Tip() will not be pr...
MempoolAcceptResult AcceptToMemoryPool(Chainstate &active_chainstate, const CTransactionRef &tx, int64_t accept_time, bool bypass_limits, bool test_accept) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
Try to add a transaction to the mempool.
bool HasValidProofOfWork(const std::vector< CBlockHeader > &headers, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams)
Check with the proof of work on each blockheader matches the value in nBits.
bool DeploymentActiveAfter(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, const ChainstateManager &chainman, DEP dep)
Deployment* info via ChainstateManager.
bool DeploymentEnabled(const ChainstateManager &chainman, DEP dep)
Current sync state passed to tip changed callbacks.
bool CheckFinalTxAtTip(const CBlockIndex &active_chain_tip, const CTransaction &tx) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(std::optional< LockPoints > CalculateLockPointsAtTip(CBlockIndex *tip, const CCoinsView &coins_view, const CTransaction &tx)
Check if transaction will be final in the next block to be created.
PackageMempoolAcceptResult ProcessNewPackage(Chainstate &active_chainstate, CTxMemPool &pool, const Package &txns, bool test_accept, const std::optional< CFeeRate > &client_maxfeerate) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
Validate (and maybe submit) a package to the mempool.
arith_uint256 CalculateClaimedHeadersWork(std::span< const CBlockHeader > headers)
Return the sum of the claimed work on a given set of headers.
bool IsBIP30Unspendable(const CBlockIndex &block_index)
Identifies blocks which coinbase output was subsequently overwritten in the UTXO set (see BIP30)
bool CheckBlock(const CBlock &block, BlockValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW=true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot=true)
Functions for validating blocks and updating the block tree.
const std::vector< std::string > CHECKLEVEL_DOC
Documentation for argument 'checklevel'.
void PruneBlockFilesManual(Chainstate &active_chainstate, int nManualPruneHeight)
Prune block files up to a given height.
The cache is at >= 90% capacity.
The coins cache is in immediate need of a flush.
bool TestBlockValidity(BlockValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, Chainstate &chainstate, const CBlock &block, CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW=true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot=true) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
Check a block is completely valid from start to finish (only works on top of our current best block)
bool DeploymentActiveAt(const CBlockIndex &index, const ChainstateManager &chainman, DEP dep)
bool IsBIP30Repeat(const CBlockIndex &block_index)
Identifies blocks that overwrote an existing coinbase output in the UTXO set (see BIP30)
static const signed int DEFAULT_CHECKBLOCKS