Bitcoin Core 28.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) The Bitcoin Core developers
2// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3// file COPYING or
5#include <cluster_linearize.h>
6#include <random.h>
7#include <serialize.h>
8#include <streams.h>
9#include <test/fuzz/fuzz.h>
12#include <util/bitset.h>
13#include <util/feefrac.h>
15#include <algorithm>
16#include <stdint.h>
17#include <vector>
18#include <utility>
20using namespace cluster_linearize;
22namespace {
29template<typename SetType>
30class SimpleCandidateFinder
33 const DepGraph<SetType>& m_depgraph;
35 SetType m_todo;
39 SimpleCandidateFinder(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph LIFETIMEBOUND) noexcept :
40 m_depgraph(depgraph), m_todo{depgraph.Positions()} {}
43 void MarkDone(SetType select) noexcept { m_todo -= select; }
46 bool AllDone() const noexcept { return m_todo.None(); }
54 std::pair<SetInfo<SetType>, uint64_t> FindCandidateSet(uint64_t max_iterations) const noexcept
55 {
56 uint64_t iterations_left = max_iterations;
57 // Queue of work units. Each consists of:
58 // - inc: set of transactions definitely included
59 // - und: set of transactions that can be added to inc still
60 std::vector<std::pair<SetType, SetType>> queue;
61 // Initially we have just one queue element, with the entire graph in und.
62 queue.emplace_back(SetType{}, m_todo);
63 // Best solution so far.
64 SetInfo best(m_depgraph, m_todo);
65 // Process the queue.
66 while (!queue.empty() && iterations_left) {
67 --iterations_left;
68 // Pop top element of the queue.
69 auto [inc, und] = queue.back();
70 queue.pop_back();
71 // Look for a transaction to consider adding/removing.
72 bool inc_none = inc.None();
73 for (auto split : und) {
74 // If inc is empty, consider any split transaction. Otherwise only consider
75 // transactions that share ancestry with inc so far (which means only connected
76 // sets will be considered).
77 if (inc_none || inc.Overlaps(m_depgraph.Ancestors(split))) {
78 // Add a queue entry with split included.
79 SetInfo new_inc(m_depgraph, inc | (m_todo & m_depgraph.Ancestors(split)));
80 queue.emplace_back(new_inc.transactions, und - new_inc.transactions);
81 // Add a queue entry with split excluded.
82 queue.emplace_back(inc, und - m_depgraph.Descendants(split));
83 // Update statistics to account for the candidate new_inc.
84 if (new_inc.feerate > best.feerate) best = new_inc;
85 break;
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 return {std::move(best), max_iterations - iterations_left};
90 }
99template<typename SetType>
100class ExhaustiveCandidateFinder
103 const DepGraph<SetType>& m_depgraph;
105 SetType m_todo;
109 ExhaustiveCandidateFinder(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph LIFETIMEBOUND) noexcept :
110 m_depgraph(depgraph), m_todo{depgraph.Positions()} {}
113 void MarkDone(SetType select) noexcept { m_todo -= select; }
116 bool AllDone() const noexcept { return m_todo.None(); }
122 SetInfo<SetType> FindCandidateSet() const noexcept
123 {
124 // Best solution so far.
125 SetInfo<SetType> best{m_todo, m_depgraph.FeeRate(m_todo)};
126 // The number of combinations to try.
127 uint64_t limit = (uint64_t{1} << m_todo.Count()) - 1;
128 // Try the transitive closure of every non-empty subset of m_todo.
129 for (uint64_t x = 1; x < limit; ++x) {
130 // If bit number b is set in x, then the remaining ancestors of the b'th remaining
131 // transaction in m_todo are included.
132 SetType txn;
133 auto x_shifted{x};
134 for (auto i : m_todo) {
135 if (x_shifted & 1) txn |= m_depgraph.Ancestors(i);
136 x_shifted >>= 1;
137 }
138 SetInfo cur(m_depgraph, txn & m_todo);
139 if (cur.feerate > best.feerate) best = cur;
140 }
141 return best;
142 }
151template<typename SetType>
152std::pair<std::vector<ClusterIndex>, bool> SimpleLinearize(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph, uint64_t max_iterations)
154 std::vector<ClusterIndex> linearization;
155 SimpleCandidateFinder finder(depgraph);
156 SetType todo = depgraph.Positions();
157 bool optimal = true;
158 while (todo.Any()) {
159 auto [candidate, iterations_done] = finder.FindCandidateSet(max_iterations);
160 if (iterations_done == max_iterations) optimal = false;
161 depgraph.AppendTopo(linearization, candidate.transactions);
162 todo -= candidate.transactions;
163 finder.MarkDone(candidate.transactions);
164 max_iterations -= iterations_done;
165 }
166 return {std::move(linearization), optimal};
170template<typename BS>
171void MakeConnected(DepGraph<BS>& depgraph)
173 auto todo = depgraph.Positions();
174 auto comp = depgraph.FindConnectedComponent(todo);
175 Assume(depgraph.IsConnected(comp));
176 todo -= comp;
177 while (todo.Any()) {
178 auto nextcomp = depgraph.FindConnectedComponent(todo);
179 Assume(depgraph.IsConnected(nextcomp));
180 depgraph.AddDependencies(BS::Singleton(comp.Last()), nextcomp.First());
181 todo -= nextcomp;
182 comp = nextcomp;
183 }
187template<typename SetType>
188SetType ReadTopologicalSet(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph, const SetType& todo, SpanReader& reader)
190 uint64_t mask{0};
191 try {
192 reader >> VARINT(mask);
193 } catch(const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
194 SetType ret;
195 for (auto i : todo) {
196 if (!ret[i]) {
197 if (mask & 1) ret |= depgraph.Ancestors(i);
198 mask >>= 1;
199 }
200 }
201 return ret & todo;
205template<typename BS>
206std::vector<ClusterIndex> ReadLinearization(const DepGraph<BS>& depgraph, SpanReader& reader)
208 std::vector<ClusterIndex> linearization;
209 TestBitSet todo = depgraph.Positions();
210 // In every iteration one topologically-valid transaction is appended to linearization.
211 while (todo.Any()) {
212 // Compute the set of transactions with no not-yet-included ancestors.
213 TestBitSet potential_next;
214 for (auto j : todo) {
215 if ((depgraph.Ancestors(j) & todo) == TestBitSet::Singleton(j)) {
216 potential_next.Set(j);
217 }
218 }
219 // There must always be one (otherwise there is a cycle in the graph).
220 assert(potential_next.Any());
221 // Read a number from reader, and interpret it as index into potential_next.
222 uint64_t idx{0};
223 try {
224 reader >> VARINT(idx);
225 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
226 idx %= potential_next.Count();
227 // Find out which transaction that corresponds to.
228 for (auto j : potential_next) {
229 if (idx == 0) {
230 // When found, add it to linearization and remove it from todo.
231 linearization.push_back(j);
232 assert(todo[j]);
233 todo.Reset(j);
234 break;
235 }
236 --idx;
237 }
238 }
239 return linearization;
242} // namespace
246 // Simulation test to verify the full behavior of DepGraph.
248 FuzzedDataProvider provider(, buffer.size());
254 std::array<std::optional<std::pair<FeeFrac, TestBitSet>>, TestBitSet::Size()> sim;
256 ClusterIndex num_tx_sim{0};
259 auto idx_fn = [&]() {
260 auto offset = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<ClusterIndex>(0, num_tx_sim - 1);
261 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
262 if (!sim[i].has_value()) continue;
263 if (offset == 0) return i;
264 --offset;
265 }
266 assert(false);
267 return ClusterIndex(-1);
268 };
271 auto subset_fn = [&]() {
272 auto range = (uint64_t{1} << num_tx_sim) - 1;
273 const auto mask = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint64_t>(0, range);
274 auto mask_shifted = mask;
275 TestBitSet subset;
276 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
277 if (!sim[i].has_value()) continue;
278 if (mask_shifted & 1) {
279 subset.Set(i);
280 }
281 mask_shifted >>= 1;
282 }
283 assert(mask_shifted == 0);
284 return subset;
285 };
288 auto set_fn = [&]() {
289 auto range = (uint64_t{1} << sim.size()) - 1;
290 const auto mask = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint64_t>(0, range);
291 TestBitSet set;
292 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
293 if ((mask >> i) & 1) {
294 set.Set(i);
295 }
296 }
297 return set;
298 };
301 auto anc_update_fn = [&]() {
302 while (true) {
303 bool updates{false};
304 for (ClusterIndex chl = 0; chl < sim.size(); ++chl) {
305 if (!sim[chl].has_value()) continue;
306 for (auto par : sim[chl]->second) {
307 if (!sim[chl]->second.IsSupersetOf(sim[par]->second)) {
308 sim[chl]->second |= sim[par]->second;
309 updates = true;
310 }
311 }
312 }
313 if (!updates) break;
314 }
315 };
318 auto check_fn = [&](ClusterIndex i) {
319 // Compare used positions.
320 assert(real.Positions()[i] == sim[i].has_value());
321 if (sim[i].has_value()) {
322 // Compare feerate.
323 assert(real.FeeRate(i) == sim[i]->first);
324 // Compare ancestors (note that SanityCheck verifies correspondence between ancestors
325 // and descendants, so we can restrict ourselves to ancestors here).
326 assert(real.Ancestors(i) == sim[i]->second);
327 }
328 };
330 LIMITED_WHILE(provider.remaining_bytes() > 0, 1000) {
331 uint8_t command = provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint8_t>();
332 if (num_tx_sim == 0 || ((command % 3) <= 0 && num_tx_sim < TestBitSet::Size())) {
333 // AddTransaction.
334 auto fee = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int64_t>(-0x8000000000000, 0x7ffffffffffff);
335 auto size = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int32_t>(1, 0x3fffff);
336 FeeFrac feerate{fee, size};
337 // Apply to DepGraph.
338 auto idx = real.AddTransaction(feerate);
339 // Verify that the returned index is correct.
340 assert(!sim[idx].has_value());
341 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < TestBitSet::Size(); ++i) {
342 if (!sim[i].has_value()) {
343 assert(idx == i);
344 break;
345 }
346 }
347 // Update sim.
348 sim[idx] = {feerate, TestBitSet::Singleton(idx)};
349 ++num_tx_sim;
350 continue;
351 }
352 if ((command % 3) <= 1 && num_tx_sim > 0) {
353 // AddDependencies.
354 ClusterIndex child = idx_fn();
355 auto parents = subset_fn();
356 // Apply to DepGraph.
357 real.AddDependencies(parents, child);
358 // Apply to sim.
359 sim[child]->second |= parents;
360 continue;
361 }
362 if (num_tx_sim > 0) {
363 // Remove transactions.
364 auto del = set_fn();
365 // Propagate all ancestry information before deleting anything in the simulation (as
366 // intermediary transactions may be deleted which impact connectivity).
367 anc_update_fn();
368 // Compare the state of the transactions being deleted.
369 for (auto i : del) check_fn(i);
370 // Apply to DepGraph.
371 real.RemoveTransactions(del);
372 // Apply to sim.
373 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
374 if (sim[i].has_value()) {
375 if (del[i]) {
376 --num_tx_sim;
377 sim[i] = std::nullopt;
378 } else {
379 sim[i]->second -= del;
380 }
381 }
382 }
383 continue;
384 }
385 // This should be unreachable (one of the 3 above actions should always be possible).
386 assert(false);
387 }
389 // Compare the real obtained depgraph against the simulation.
390 anc_update_fn();
391 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) check_fn(i);
392 assert(real.TxCount() == num_tx_sim);
393 // Sanity check the result (which includes round-tripping serialization, if applicable).
394 SanityCheck(real);
399 // Verify that any deserialized depgraph is acyclic and roundtrips to an identical depgraph.
401 // Construct a graph by deserializing.
402 SpanReader reader(buffer);
403 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
404 try {
405 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
406 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
407 SanityCheck(depgraph);
409 // Verify the graph is a DAG.
410 assert(IsAcyclic(depgraph));
415 // Verify the behavior of DepGraphs's FindConnectedComponent and IsConnected functions.
417 // Construct a depgraph.
418 SpanReader reader(buffer);
419 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
420 try {
421 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
422 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
424 TestBitSet todo = depgraph.Positions();
425 while (todo.Any()) {
426 // Find a connected component inside todo.
427 auto component = depgraph.FindConnectedComponent(todo);
429 // The component must be a subset of todo and non-empty.
430 assert(component.IsSubsetOf(todo));
431 assert(component.Any());
433 // If todo is the entire graph, and the entire graph is connected, then the component must
434 // be the entire graph.
435 if (todo == depgraph.Positions()) {
436 assert((component == todo) == depgraph.IsConnected());
437 }
439 // If subset is connected, then component must match subset.
440 assert((component == todo) == depgraph.IsConnected(todo));
442 // The component cannot have any ancestors or descendants outside of component but in todo.
443 for (auto i : component) {
444 assert((depgraph.Ancestors(i) & todo).IsSubsetOf(component));
445 assert((depgraph.Descendants(i) & todo).IsSubsetOf(component));
446 }
448 // Starting from any component element, we must be able to reach every element.
449 for (auto i : component) {
450 // Start with just i as reachable.
451 TestBitSet reachable = TestBitSet::Singleton(i);
452 // Add in-todo descendants and ancestors to reachable until it does not change anymore.
453 while (true) {
454 TestBitSet new_reachable = reachable;
455 for (auto j : new_reachable) {
456 new_reachable |= depgraph.Ancestors(j) & todo;
457 new_reachable |= depgraph.Descendants(j) & todo;
458 }
459 if (new_reachable == reachable) break;
460 reachable = new_reachable;
461 }
462 // Verify that the result is the entire component.
463 assert(component == reachable);
464 }
466 // Construct an arbitrary subset of todo.
467 uint64_t subset_bits{0};
468 try {
469 reader >> VARINT(subset_bits);
470 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
471 TestBitSet subset;
472 for (ClusterIndex i : depgraph.Positions()) {
473 if (todo[i]) {
474 if (subset_bits & 1) subset.Set(i);
475 subset_bits >>= 1;
476 }
477 }
478 // Which must be non-empty.
479 if (subset.None()) subset = TestBitSet::Singleton(todo.First());
480 // Remove it from todo.
481 todo -= subset;
482 }
484 // No components can be found in an empty subset.
485 assert(depgraph.FindConnectedComponent(todo).None());
490 // Verify that MakeConnected makes graphs connected.
492 SpanReader reader(buffer);
493 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
494 try {
495 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
496 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
497 MakeConnected(depgraph);
498 SanityCheck(depgraph);
499 assert(depgraph.IsConnected());
504 // Verify the correctness of the ChunkLinearization function.
506 // Construct a graph by deserializing.
507 SpanReader reader(buffer);
508 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
509 try {
510 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
511 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
513 // Read a valid linearization for depgraph.
514 auto linearization = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
516 // Invoke the chunking function.
517 auto chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, linearization);
519 // Verify that chunk feerates are monotonically non-increasing.
520 for (size_t i = 1; i < chunking.size(); ++i) {
521 assert(!(chunking[i] >> chunking[i - 1]));
522 }
524 // Naively recompute the chunks (each is the highest-feerate prefix of what remains).
525 auto todo = depgraph.Positions();
526 for (const auto& chunk_feerate : chunking) {
527 assert(todo.Any());
528 SetInfo<TestBitSet> accumulator, best;
529 for (ClusterIndex idx : linearization) {
530 if (todo[idx]) {
531 accumulator.Set(depgraph, idx);
532 if (best.feerate.IsEmpty() || accumulator.feerate >> best.feerate) {
533 best = accumulator;
534 }
535 }
536 }
537 assert(chunk_feerate == best.feerate);
538 assert(best.transactions.IsSubsetOf(todo));
539 todo -= best.transactions;
540 }
541 assert(todo.None());
546 // Verify that AncestorCandidateFinder works as expected.
548 // Retrieve a depgraph from the fuzz input.
549 SpanReader reader(buffer);
550 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
551 try {
552 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
553 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
555 AncestorCandidateFinder anc_finder(depgraph);
556 auto todo = depgraph.Positions();
557 while (todo.Any()) {
558 // Call the ancestor finder's FindCandidateSet for what remains of the graph.
559 assert(!anc_finder.AllDone());
560 assert(todo.Count() == anc_finder.NumRemaining());
561 auto best_anc = anc_finder.FindCandidateSet();
562 // Sanity check the result.
563 assert(best_anc.transactions.Any());
564 assert(best_anc.transactions.IsSubsetOf(todo));
565 assert(depgraph.FeeRate(best_anc.transactions) == best_anc.feerate);
566 assert(depgraph.IsConnected(best_anc.transactions));
567 // Check that it is topologically valid.
568 for (auto i : best_anc.transactions) {
569 assert((depgraph.Ancestors(i) & todo).IsSubsetOf(best_anc.transactions));
570 }
572 // Compute all remaining ancestor sets.
573 std::optional<SetInfo<TestBitSet>> real_best_anc;
574 for (auto i : todo) {
575 SetInfo info(depgraph, todo & depgraph.Ancestors(i));
576 if (!real_best_anc.has_value() || info.feerate > real_best_anc->feerate) {
577 real_best_anc = info;
578 }
579 }
580 // The set returned by anc_finder must equal the real best ancestor sets.
581 assert(real_best_anc.has_value());
582 assert(*real_best_anc == best_anc);
584 // Find a topologically valid subset of transactions to remove from the graph.
585 auto del_set = ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader);
586 // If we did not find anything, use best_anc itself, because we should remove something.
587 if (del_set.None()) del_set = best_anc.transactions;
588 todo -= del_set;
589 anc_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
590 }
591 assert(anc_finder.AllDone());
592 assert(anc_finder.NumRemaining() == 0);
595static constexpr auto MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS = 300000;
599 // Verify that SearchCandidateFinder works as expected by sanity checking the results
600 // and comparing with the results from SimpleCandidateFinder, ExhaustiveCandidateFinder, and
601 // AncestorCandidateFinder.
603 // Retrieve an RNG seed, a depgraph, and whether to make it connected, from the fuzz input.
604 SpanReader reader(buffer);
605 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
606 uint64_t rng_seed{0};
607 uint8_t make_connected{1};
608 try {
609 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph) >> rng_seed >> make_connected;
610 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
611 // The most complicated graphs are connected ones (other ones just split up). Optionally force
612 // the graph to be connected.
613 if (make_connected) MakeConnected(depgraph);
615 // Instantiate ALL the candidate finders.
616 SearchCandidateFinder src_finder(depgraph, rng_seed);
617 SimpleCandidateFinder smp_finder(depgraph);
618 ExhaustiveCandidateFinder exh_finder(depgraph);
619 AncestorCandidateFinder anc_finder(depgraph);
621 auto todo = depgraph.Positions();
622 while (todo.Any()) {
623 assert(!src_finder.AllDone());
624 assert(!smp_finder.AllDone());
625 assert(!exh_finder.AllDone());
626 assert(!anc_finder.AllDone());
627 assert(anc_finder.NumRemaining() == todo.Count());
629 // For each iteration, read an iteration count limit from the fuzz input.
630 uint64_t max_iterations = 1;
631 try {
632 reader >> VARINT(max_iterations);
633 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
634 max_iterations &= 0xfffff;
636 // Read an initial subset from the fuzz input.
637 SetInfo init_best(depgraph, ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader));
639 // Call the search finder's FindCandidateSet for what remains of the graph.
640 auto [found, iterations_done] = src_finder.FindCandidateSet(max_iterations, init_best);
642 // Sanity check the result.
643 assert(iterations_done <= max_iterations);
644 assert(found.transactions.Any());
645 assert(found.transactions.IsSubsetOf(todo));
646 assert(depgraph.FeeRate(found.transactions) == found.feerate);
647 if (!init_best.feerate.IsEmpty()) assert(found.feerate >= init_best.feerate);
648 // Check that it is topologically valid.
649 for (auto i : found.transactions) {
650 assert(found.transactions.IsSupersetOf(depgraph.Ancestors(i) & todo));
651 }
653 // At most 2^(N-1) iterations can be required: the maximum number of non-empty topological
654 // subsets a (connected) cluster with N transactions can have. Even when the cluster is no
655 // longer connected after removing certain transactions, this holds, because the connected
656 // components are searched separately.
657 assert(iterations_done <= (uint64_t{1} << (todo.Count() - 1)));
658 // Additionally, test that no more than sqrt(2^N)+1 iterations are required. This is just
659 // an empirical bound that seems to hold, without proof. Still, add a test for it so we
660 // can learn about counterexamples if they exist.
661 if (iterations_done >= 1 && todo.Count() <= 63) {
662 Assume((iterations_done - 1) * (iterations_done - 1) <= uint64_t{1} << todo.Count());
663 }
665 // Perform quality checks only if SearchCandidateFinder claims an optimal result.
666 if (iterations_done < max_iterations) {
667 // Optimal sets are always connected.
668 assert(depgraph.IsConnected(found.transactions));
670 // Compare with SimpleCandidateFinder.
671 auto [simple, simple_iters] = smp_finder.FindCandidateSet(MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS);
672 assert(found.feerate >= simple.feerate);
673 if (simple_iters < MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS) {
674 assert(found.feerate == simple.feerate);
675 }
677 // Compare with AncestorCandidateFinder;
678 auto anc = anc_finder.FindCandidateSet();
679 assert(found.feerate >= anc.feerate);
681 // Compare with ExhaustiveCandidateFinder. This quickly gets computationally expensive
682 // for large clusters (O(2^n)), so only do it for sufficiently small ones.
683 if (todo.Count() <= 12) {
684 auto exhaustive = exh_finder.FindCandidateSet();
685 assert(exhaustive.feerate == found.feerate);
686 // Also compare ExhaustiveCandidateFinder with SimpleCandidateFinder (this is
687 // primarily a test for SimpleCandidateFinder's correctness).
688 assert(exhaustive.feerate >= simple.feerate);
689 if (simple_iters < MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS) {
690 assert(exhaustive.feerate == simple.feerate);
691 }
692 }
693 }
695 // Find a topologically valid subset of transactions to remove from the graph.
696 auto del_set = ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader);
697 // If we did not find anything, use found itself, because we should remove something.
698 if (del_set.None()) del_set = found.transactions;
699 todo -= del_set;
700 src_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
701 smp_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
702 exh_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
703 anc_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
704 }
706 assert(src_finder.AllDone());
707 assert(smp_finder.AllDone());
708 assert(exh_finder.AllDone());
709 assert(anc_finder.AllDone());
710 assert(anc_finder.NumRemaining() == 0);
715 // Verify the behavior of LinearizationChunking.
717 // Retrieve a depgraph from the fuzz input.
718 SpanReader reader(buffer);
719 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
720 try {
721 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
722 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
724 // Retrieve a topologically-valid subset of depgraph.
725 auto todo = depgraph.Positions();
726 auto subset = SetInfo(depgraph, ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader));
728 // Retrieve a valid linearization for depgraph.
729 auto linearization = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
731 // Construct a LinearizationChunking object, initially for the whole linearization.
732 LinearizationChunking chunking(depgraph, linearization);
734 // Incrementally remove transactions from the chunking object, and check various properties at
735 // every step.
736 while (todo.Any()) {
737 assert(chunking.NumChunksLeft() > 0);
739 // Construct linearization with just todo.
740 std::vector<ClusterIndex> linearization_left;
741 for (auto i : linearization) {
742 if (todo[i]) linearization_left.push_back(i);
743 }
745 // Compute the chunking for linearization_left.
746 auto chunking_left = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, linearization_left);
748 // Verify that it matches the feerates of the chunks of chunking.
749 assert(chunking.NumChunksLeft() == chunking_left.size());
750 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < chunking.NumChunksLeft(); ++i) {
751 assert(chunking.GetChunk(i).feerate == chunking_left[i]);
752 }
754 // Check consistency of chunking.
755 TestBitSet combined;
756 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < chunking.NumChunksLeft(); ++i) {
757 const auto& chunk_info = chunking.GetChunk(i);
758 // Chunks must be non-empty.
759 assert(chunk_info.transactions.Any());
760 // Chunk feerates must be monotonically non-increasing.
761 if (i > 0) assert(!(chunk_info.feerate >> chunking.GetChunk(i - 1).feerate));
762 // Chunks must be a subset of what is left of the linearization.
763 assert(chunk_info.transactions.IsSubsetOf(todo));
764 // Chunks' claimed feerates must match their transactions' aggregate feerate.
765 assert(depgraph.FeeRate(chunk_info.transactions) == chunk_info.feerate);
766 // Chunks must be the highest-feerate remaining prefix.
767 SetInfo<TestBitSet> accumulator, best;
768 for (auto j : linearization) {
769 if (todo[j] && !combined[j]) {
770 accumulator.Set(depgraph, j);
771 if (best.feerate.IsEmpty() || accumulator.feerate > best.feerate) {
772 best = accumulator;
773 }
774 }
775 }
776 assert(best.transactions == chunk_info.transactions);
777 assert(best.feerate == chunk_info.feerate);
778 // Chunks cannot overlap.
779 assert(!chunk_info.transactions.Overlaps(combined));
780 combined |= chunk_info.transactions;
781 // Chunks must be topological.
782 for (auto idx : chunk_info.transactions) {
783 assert((depgraph.Ancestors(idx) & todo).IsSubsetOf(combined));
784 }
785 }
786 assert(combined == todo);
788 // Verify the expected properties of LinearizationChunking::IntersectPrefixes:
789 auto intersect = chunking.IntersectPrefixes(subset);
790 // - Intersecting again doesn't change the result.
791 assert(chunking.IntersectPrefixes(intersect) == intersect);
792 // - The intersection is topological.
793 TestBitSet intersect_anc;
794 for (auto idx : intersect.transactions) {
795 intersect_anc |= (depgraph.Ancestors(idx) & todo);
796 }
797 assert(intersect.transactions == intersect_anc);
798 // - The claimed intersection feerate matches its transactions.
799 assert(intersect.feerate == depgraph.FeeRate(intersect.transactions));
800 // - The intersection may only be empty if its input is empty.
801 assert(intersect.transactions.Any() == subset.transactions.Any());
802 // - The intersection feerate must be as high as the input.
803 assert(intersect.feerate >= subset.feerate);
804 // - No non-empty intersection between the intersection and a prefix of the chunks of the
805 // remainder of the linearization may be better than the intersection.
806 TestBitSet prefix;
807 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < chunking.NumChunksLeft(); ++i) {
808 prefix |= chunking.GetChunk(i).transactions;
809 auto reintersect = SetInfo(depgraph, prefix & intersect.transactions);
810 if (!reintersect.feerate.IsEmpty()) {
811 assert(reintersect.feerate <= intersect.feerate);
812 }
813 }
815 // Find a subset to remove from linearization.
816 auto done = ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader);
817 if (done.None()) {
818 // We need to remove a non-empty subset, so fall back to the unlinearized ancestors of
819 // the first transaction in todo if done is empty.
820 done = depgraph.Ancestors(todo.First()) & todo;
821 }
822 todo -= done;
823 chunking.MarkDone(done);
824 subset = SetInfo(depgraph, subset.transactions - done);
825 }
827 assert(chunking.NumChunksLeft() == 0);
832 // Verify the behavior of Linearize().
834 // Retrieve an RNG seed, an iteration count, a depgraph, and whether to make it connected from
835 // the fuzz input.
836 SpanReader reader(buffer);
837 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
838 uint64_t rng_seed{0};
839 uint64_t iter_count{0};
840 uint8_t make_connected{1};
841 try {
842 reader >> VARINT(iter_count) >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph) >> rng_seed >> make_connected;
843 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
844 // The most complicated graphs are connected ones (other ones just split up). Optionally force
845 // the graph to be connected.
846 if (make_connected) MakeConnected(depgraph);
848 // Optionally construct an old linearization for it.
849 std::vector<ClusterIndex> old_linearization;
850 {
851 uint8_t have_old_linearization{0};
852 try {
853 reader >> have_old_linearization;
854 } catch(const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
855 if (have_old_linearization & 1) {
856 old_linearization = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
857 SanityCheck(depgraph, old_linearization);
858 }
859 }
861 // Invoke Linearize().
862 iter_count &= 0x7ffff;
863 auto [linearization, optimal] = Linearize(depgraph, iter_count, rng_seed, old_linearization);
864 SanityCheck(depgraph, linearization);
865 auto chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, linearization);
867 // Linearization must always be as good as the old one, if provided.
868 if (!old_linearization.empty()) {
869 auto old_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, old_linearization);
870 auto cmp = CompareChunks(chunking, old_chunking);
871 assert(cmp >= 0);
872 }
874 // If the iteration count is sufficiently high, an optimal linearization must be found.
875 // Each linearization step can use up to 2^(k-1) iterations, with steps k=1..n. That sum is
876 // 2^n - 1.
877 const uint64_t n = depgraph.TxCount();
878 if (n <= 19 && iter_count > (uint64_t{1} << n)) {
879 assert(optimal);
880 }
881 // Additionally, if the assumption of sqrt(2^k)+1 iterations per step holds, plus ceil(k/4)
882 // start-up cost per step, plus ceil(n^2/64) start-up cost overall, we can compute the upper
883 // bound for a whole linearization (summing for k=1..n) using the Python expression
884 // [sum((k+3)//4 + int(math.sqrt(2**k)) + 1 for k in range(1, n + 1)) + (n**2 + 63) // 64 for n in range(0, 35)]:
885 static constexpr uint64_t MAX_OPTIMAL_ITERS[] = {
886 0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 26, 37, 51, 70, 97, 133, 182, 251, 346, 480, 666, 927, 1296, 1815, 2545,
887 3576, 5031, 7087, 9991, 14094, 19895, 28096, 39690, 56083, 79263, 112041, 158391, 223936,
888 316629, 447712
889 };
890 if (n < std::size(MAX_OPTIMAL_ITERS) && iter_count >= MAX_OPTIMAL_ITERS[n]) {
891 Assume(optimal);
892 }
894 // If Linearize claims optimal result, run quality tests.
895 if (optimal) {
896 // It must be as good as SimpleLinearize.
897 auto [simple_linearization, simple_optimal] = SimpleLinearize(depgraph, MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS);
898 SanityCheck(depgraph, simple_linearization);
899 auto simple_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, simple_linearization);
900 auto cmp = CompareChunks(chunking, simple_chunking);
901 assert(cmp >= 0);
902 // If SimpleLinearize finds the optimal result too, they must be equal (if not,
903 // SimpleLinearize is broken).
904 if (simple_optimal) assert(cmp == 0);
906 // Only for very small clusters, test every topologically-valid permutation.
907 if (depgraph.TxCount() <= 7) {
908 std::vector<ClusterIndex> perm_linearization;
909 for (ClusterIndex i : depgraph.Positions()) perm_linearization.push_back(i);
910 // Iterate over all valid permutations.
911 do {
912 // Determine whether perm_linearization is topological.
913 TestBitSet perm_done;
914 bool perm_is_topo{true};
915 for (auto i : perm_linearization) {
916 perm_done.Set(i);
917 if (!depgraph.Ancestors(i).IsSubsetOf(perm_done)) {
918 perm_is_topo = false;
919 break;
920 }
921 }
922 // If so, verify that the obtained linearization is as good as the permutation.
923 if (perm_is_topo) {
924 auto perm_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, perm_linearization);
925 auto cmp = CompareChunks(chunking, perm_chunking);
926 assert(cmp >= 0);
927 }
928 } while(std::next_permutation(perm_linearization.begin(), perm_linearization.end()));
929 }
930 }
935 // Verify expected properties of PostLinearize() on arbitrary linearizations.
937 // Retrieve a depgraph from the fuzz input.
938 SpanReader reader(buffer);
939 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
940 try {
941 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
942 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
944 // Retrieve a linearization from the fuzz input.
945 std::vector<ClusterIndex> linearization;
946 linearization = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
947 SanityCheck(depgraph, linearization);
949 // Produce a post-processed version.
950 auto post_linearization = linearization;
951 PostLinearize(depgraph, post_linearization);
952 SanityCheck(depgraph, post_linearization);
954 // Compare diagrams: post-linearization cannot worsen anywhere.
955 auto chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, linearization);
956 auto post_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, post_linearization);
957 auto cmp = CompareChunks(post_chunking, chunking);
958 assert(cmp >= 0);
960 // Run again, things can keep improving (and never get worse)
961 auto post_post_linearization = post_linearization;
962 PostLinearize(depgraph, post_post_linearization);
963 SanityCheck(depgraph, post_post_linearization);
964 auto post_post_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, post_post_linearization);
965 cmp = CompareChunks(post_post_chunking, post_chunking);
966 assert(cmp >= 0);
968 // The chunks that come out of postlinearizing are always connected.
969 LinearizationChunking linchunking(depgraph, post_linearization);
970 while (linchunking.NumChunksLeft()) {
971 assert(depgraph.IsConnected(linchunking.GetChunk(0).transactions));
972 linchunking.MarkDone(linchunking.GetChunk(0).transactions);
973 }
978 // Verify expected properties of PostLinearize() on linearizations of graphs that form either
979 // an upright or reverse tree structure.
981 // Construct a direction, RNG seed, and an arbitrary graph from the fuzz input.
982 SpanReader reader(buffer);
983 uint64_t rng_seed{0};
984 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph_gen;
985 uint8_t direction{0};
986 try {
987 reader >> direction >> rng_seed >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph_gen);
988 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
990 // Now construct a new graph, copying the nodes, but leaving only the first parent (even
991 // direction) or the first child (odd direction).
992 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph_tree;
993 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < depgraph_gen.PositionRange(); ++i) {
994 if (depgraph_gen.Positions()[i]) {
995 depgraph_tree.AddTransaction(depgraph_gen.FeeRate(i));
996 } else {
997 // For holes, add a dummy transaction which is deleted below, so that non-hole
998 // transactions retain their position.
999 depgraph_tree.AddTransaction(FeeFrac{});
1000 }
1001 }
1002 depgraph_tree.RemoveTransactions(TestBitSet::Fill(depgraph_gen.PositionRange()) - depgraph_gen.Positions());
1004 if (direction & 1) {
1005 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < depgraph_gen.TxCount(); ++i) {
1006 auto children = depgraph_gen.GetReducedChildren(i);
1007 if (children.Any()) {
1008 depgraph_tree.AddDependencies(TestBitSet::Singleton(i), children.First());
1009 }
1010 }
1011 } else {
1012 for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < depgraph_gen.TxCount(); ++i) {
1013 auto parents = depgraph_gen.GetReducedParents(i);
1014 if (parents.Any()) {
1015 depgraph_tree.AddDependencies(TestBitSet::Singleton(parents.First()), i);
1016 }
1017 }
1018 }
1020 // Retrieve a linearization from the fuzz input.
1021 std::vector<ClusterIndex> linearization;
1022 linearization = ReadLinearization(depgraph_tree, reader);
1023 SanityCheck(depgraph_tree, linearization);
1025 // Produce a postlinearized version.
1026 auto post_linearization = linearization;
1027 PostLinearize(depgraph_tree, post_linearization);
1028 SanityCheck(depgraph_tree, post_linearization);
1030 // Compare diagrams.
1031 auto chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph_tree, linearization);
1032 auto post_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph_tree, post_linearization);
1033 auto cmp = CompareChunks(post_chunking, chunking);
1034 assert(cmp >= 0);
1036 // Verify that post-linearizing again does not change the diagram. The result must be identical
1037 // as post_linearization ought to be optimal already with a tree-structured graph.
1038 auto post_post_linearization = post_linearization;
1039 PostLinearize(depgraph_tree, post_linearization);
1040 SanityCheck(depgraph_tree, post_linearization);
1041 auto post_post_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph_tree, post_post_linearization);
1042 auto cmp_post = CompareChunks(post_post_chunking, post_chunking);
1043 assert(cmp_post == 0);
1045 // Try to find an even better linearization directly. This must not change the diagram for the
1046 // same reason.
1047 auto [opt_linearization, _optimal] = Linearize(depgraph_tree, 100000, rng_seed, post_linearization);
1048 auto opt_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph_tree, opt_linearization);
1049 auto cmp_opt = CompareChunks(opt_chunking, post_chunking);
1050 assert(cmp_opt == 0);
1055 // Verify that taking an existing linearization, and moving a leaf to the back, potentially
1056 // increasing its fee, and then post-linearizing, results in something as good as the
1057 // original. This guarantees that in an RBF that replaces a transaction with one of the same
1058 // size but higher fee, applying the "remove conflicts, append new transaction, postlinearize"
1059 // process will never worsen linearization quality.
1061 // Construct an arbitrary graph and a fee from the fuzz input.
1062 SpanReader reader(buffer);
1063 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
1064 int32_t fee_inc{0};
1065 try {
1066 uint64_t fee_inc_code;
1067 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph) >> VARINT(fee_inc_code);
1068 fee_inc = fee_inc_code & 0x3ffff;
1069 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
1070 if (depgraph.TxCount() == 0) return;
1072 // Retrieve two linearizations from the fuzz input.
1073 auto lin = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
1074 auto lin_leaf = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
1076 // Construct a linearization identical to lin, but with the tail end of lin_leaf moved to the
1077 // back.
1078 std::vector<ClusterIndex> lin_moved;
1079 for (auto i : lin) {
1080 if (i != lin_leaf.back()) lin_moved.push_back(i);
1081 }
1082 lin_moved.push_back(lin_leaf.back());
1084 // Postlinearize lin_moved.
1085 PostLinearize(depgraph, lin_moved);
1086 SanityCheck(depgraph, lin_moved);
1088 // Compare diagrams (applying the fee delta after computing the old one).
1089 auto old_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, lin);
1090 depgraph.FeeRate(lin_leaf.back()).fee += fee_inc;
1091 auto new_chunking = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, lin_moved);
1092 auto cmp = CompareChunks(new_chunking, old_chunking);
1093 assert(cmp >= 0);
1098 // Construct an arbitrary graph from the fuzz input.
1099 SpanReader reader(buffer);
1100 DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
1101 try {
1102 reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
1103 } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
1105 // Retrieve two linearizations from the fuzz input.
1106 auto lin1 = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
1107 auto lin2 = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
1109 // Merge the two.
1110 auto lin_merged = MergeLinearizations(depgraph, lin1, lin2);
1112 // Compute chunkings and compare.
1113 auto chunking1 = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, lin1);
1114 auto chunking2 = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, lin2);
1115 auto chunking_merged = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, lin_merged);
1116 auto cmp1 = CompareChunks(chunking_merged, chunking1);
1117 assert(cmp1 >= 0);
1118 auto cmp2 = CompareChunks(chunking_merged, chunking2);
1119 assert(cmp2 >= 0);
Definition: attributes.h:16
int ret
const auto command
#define Assume(val)
Assume is the identity function.
Definition: check.h:97
T ConsumeIntegralInRange(T min, T max)
Minimal stream for reading from an existing byte array by Span.
Definition: streams.h:101
Class encapsulating the state needed to find the best remaining ancestor set.
void MarkDone(SetType select) noexcept
Remove a set of transactions from the set of to-be-linearized ones.
ClusterIndex NumRemaining() const noexcept
Count the number of remaining unlinearized transactions.
SetInfo< SetType > FindCandidateSet() const noexcept
Find the best (highest-feerate, smallest among those in case of a tie) ancestor set among the remaini...
bool AllDone() const noexcept
Check whether any unlinearized transactions remain.
Data structure that holds a transaction graph's preprocessed data (fee, size, ancestors,...
void AppendTopo(std::vector< ClusterIndex > &list, const SetType &select) const noexcept
Append the entries of select to list in a topologically valid order.
SetType GetReducedParents(ClusterIndex i) const noexcept
Compute the (reduced) set of parents of node i in this graph.
const FeeFrac & FeeRate(ClusterIndex i) const noexcept
Get the feerate of a given transaction i.
const SetType & Ancestors(ClusterIndex i) const noexcept
Get the ancestors of a given transaction i.
void AddDependencies(const SetType &parents, ClusterIndex child) noexcept
Modify this transaction graph, adding multiple parents to a specified child.
bool IsConnected(const SetType &subset) const noexcept
Determine if a subset is connected.
SetType FindConnectedComponent(const SetType &todo) const noexcept
Find some connected component within the subset "todo" of this graph.
ClusterIndex PositionRange() const noexcept
Get the range of positions in this DepGraph.
void RemoveTransactions(const SetType &del) noexcept
Remove the specified positions from this DepGraph.
auto TxCount() const noexcept
Get the number of transactions in the graph.
const SetType & Positions() const noexcept
Get the set of transactions positions in use.
SetType GetReducedChildren(ClusterIndex i) const noexcept
Compute the (reduced) set of children of node i in this graph.
const SetType & Descendants(ClusterIndex i) const noexcept
Get the descendants of a given transaction i.
ClusterIndex AddTransaction(const FeeFrac &feefrac) noexcept
Add a new unconnected transaction to this transaction graph (in the first available position),...
Data structure encapsulating the chunking of a linearization, permitting removal of subsets.
ClusterIndex NumChunksLeft() const noexcept
Determine how many chunks remain in the linearization.
SetInfo< SetType > IntersectPrefixes(const SetInfo< SetType > &subset) const noexcept
Find the shortest intersection between subset and the prefixes of remaining chunks of the linearizati...
const SetInfo< SetType > & GetChunk(ClusterIndex n) const noexcept
Access a chunk.
void MarkDone(SetType subset) noexcept
Remove some subset of transactions from the linearization.
Class encapsulating the state needed to perform search for good candidate sets.
bool AllDone() const noexcept
Check whether any unlinearized transactions remain.
void MarkDone(const SetType &done) noexcept
Remove a subset of transactions from the cluster being linearized.
std::pair< SetInfo< SetType >, uint64_t > FindCandidateSet(uint64_t max_iterations, SetInfo< SetType > best) noexcept
Find a high-feerate topologically-valid subset of what remains of the cluster.
#define LIMITED_WHILE(condition, limit)
Can be used to limit a theoretically unbounded loop.
Definition: fuzz.h:22
uint64_t fee
std::pair< std::vector< ClusterIndex >, bool > Linearize(const DepGraph< SetType > &depgraph, uint64_t max_iterations, uint64_t rng_seed, Span< const ClusterIndex > old_linearization={}) noexcept
Find or improve a linearization for a cluster.
uint32_t ClusterIndex
Data type to represent transaction indices in clusters.
std::vector< FeeFrac > ChunkLinearization(const DepGraph< SetType > &depgraph, Span< const ClusterIndex > linearization) noexcept
Compute the feerates of the chunks of linearization.
void PostLinearize(const DepGraph< SetType > &depgraph, Span< ClusterIndex > linearization)
Improve a given linearization.
std::vector< ClusterIndex > MergeLinearizations(const DepGraph< SetType > &depgraph, Span< const ClusterIndex > lin1, Span< const ClusterIndex > lin2)
Merge two linearizations for the same cluster into one that is as good as both.
static std::vector< std::string > split(const std::string &str, const std::string &delims=" \t")
Definition: subprocess.h:303
const char * prefix
Definition: rest.cpp:1009
#define VARINT(obj)
Definition: serialize.h:500
Data structure storing a fee and size, ordered by increasing fee/size.
Definition: feefrac.h:39
int64_t fee
Definition: feefrac.h:63
bool IsEmpty() const noexcept
Check if this is empty (size and fee are 0).
Definition: feefrac.h:76
A set of transactions together with their aggregate feerate.
FeeFrac feerate
Their combined fee and size.
SetType transactions
The transactions in the set.
void Set(const DepGraph< SetType > &depgraph, ClusterIndex pos) noexcept
Add a transaction to this SetInfo (which must not yet be in it).
static constexpr auto MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS
std::partial_ordering CompareChunks(Span< const FeeFrac > chunks0, Span< const FeeFrac > chunks1)
Compare the feerate diagrams implied by the provided sorted chunks data.
Definition: feefrac.cpp:10