Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2023-present The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
5 #include <addresstype.h>
6 #include <chainparams.h>
7 #include <coins.h>
8 #include <key.h>
10 #include <psbt.h>
11 #include <script/descriptor.h>
12 #include <script/interpreter.h>
13 #include <script/script.h>
14 #include <script/signingprovider.h>
15 #include <sync.h>
17 #include <test/fuzz/fuzz.h>
18 #include <test/fuzz/util.h>
20 #include <test/util/setup_common.h>
21 #include <util/check.h>
22 #include <util/translation.h>
23 #include <validation.h>
24 #include <wallet/scriptpubkeyman.h>
25 #include <wallet/test/util.h>
26 #include <wallet/types.h>
27 #include <wallet/wallet.h>
28 #include <wallet/walletutil.h>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <optional>
33 #include <string>
34 #include <utility>
35 #include <variant>
37 namespace wallet {
38 namespace {
39 const TestingSetup* g_setup;
44 void initialize_spkm()
45 {
46  static const auto testing_setup{MakeNoLogFileContext<const TestingSetup>()};
47  g_setup = testing_setup.get();
50 }
57 static bool TooDeepDerivPath(std::string_view desc)
58 {
59  const FuzzBufferType desc_buf{reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(, desc.size()};
60  return HasDeepDerivPath(desc_buf);
61 }
63 static std::optional<std::pair<WalletDescriptor, FlatSigningProvider>> CreateWalletDescriptor(FuzzedDataProvider& fuzzed_data_provider)
64 {
65  const std::string mocked_descriptor{fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeRandomLengthString()};
66  if (TooDeepDerivPath(mocked_descriptor)) return {};
67  const auto desc_str{MOCKED_DESC_CONVERTER.GetDescriptor(mocked_descriptor)};
68  if (!desc_str.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
71  std::string error;
72  std::unique_ptr<Descriptor> parsed_desc{Parse(desc_str.value(), keys, error, false)};
73  if (!parsed_desc) return std::nullopt;
75  WalletDescriptor w_desc{std::move(parsed_desc), /*creation_time=*/0, /*range_start=*/0, /*range_end=*/1, /*next_index=*/1};
76  return std::make_pair(w_desc, keys);
77 }
79 static DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan* CreateDescriptor(WalletDescriptor& wallet_desc, FlatSigningProvider& keys, CWallet& keystore)
80 {
81  LOCK(keystore.cs_wallet);
82  keystore.AddWalletDescriptor(wallet_desc, keys, /*label=*/"", /*internal=*/false);
83  return keystore.GetDescriptorScriptPubKeyMan(wallet_desc);
84 };
86 FUZZ_TARGET(scriptpubkeyman, .init = initialize_spkm)
87 {
88  FuzzedDataProvider fuzzed_data_provider{, buffer.size()};
89  const auto& node{g_setup->m_node};
90  Chainstate& chainstate{node.chainman->ActiveChainstate()};
91  std::unique_ptr<CWallet> wallet_ptr{std::make_unique<CWallet>(node.chain.get(), "", CreateMockableWalletDatabase())};
92  CWallet& wallet{*wallet_ptr};
93  {
94  LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet);
95  wallet.SetWalletFlag(WALLET_FLAG_DESCRIPTORS);
96  wallet.SetLastBlockProcessed(chainstate.m_chain.Height(), chainstate.m_chain.Tip()->GetBlockHash());
97  }
99  auto wallet_desc{CreateWalletDescriptor(fuzzed_data_provider)};
100  if (!wallet_desc.has_value()) return;
101  auto spk_manager{CreateDescriptor(wallet_desc->first, wallet_desc->second, wallet)};
102  if (spk_manager == nullptr) return;
104  bool good_data{true};
105  LIMITED_WHILE(good_data && fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool(), 300) {
106  CallOneOf(
107  fuzzed_data_provider,
108  [&] {
109  auto wallet_desc{CreateWalletDescriptor(fuzzed_data_provider)};
110  if (!wallet_desc.has_value()) {
111  good_data = false;
112  return;
113  }
114  std::string error;
115  if (spk_manager->CanUpdateToWalletDescriptor(wallet_desc->first, error)) {
116  auto new_spk_manager{CreateDescriptor(wallet_desc->first, wallet_desc->second, wallet)};
117  if (new_spk_manager != nullptr) spk_manager = new_spk_manager;
118  }
119  },
120  [&] {
121  const CScript script{ConsumeScript(fuzzed_data_provider)};
122  auto is_mine{spk_manager->IsMine(script)};
123  if (is_mine == isminetype::ISMINE_SPENDABLE) {
124  assert(spk_manager->GetScriptPubKeys().count(script));
125  }
126  },
127  [&] {
128  auto spks{spk_manager->GetScriptPubKeys()};
129  for (const CScript& spk : spks) {
130  assert(spk_manager->IsMine(spk) == ISMINE_SPENDABLE);
131  CTxDestination dest;
132  bool extract_dest{ExtractDestination(spk, dest)};
133  if (extract_dest) {
134  const std::string msg{fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeRandomLengthString()};
135  PKHash pk_hash{std::get_if<PKHash>(&dest) && fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool() ?
136  *std::get_if<PKHash>(&dest) :
137  PKHash{ConsumeUInt160(fuzzed_data_provider)}};
138  std::string str_sig;
139  (void)spk_manager->SignMessage(msg, pk_hash, str_sig);
140  }
141  }
142  },
143  [&] {
144  CKey key{ConsumePrivateKey(fuzzed_data_provider, /*compressed=*/fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool())};
145  if (!key.IsValid()) {
146  good_data = false;
147  return;
148  }
149  spk_manager->AddDescriptorKey(key, key.GetPubKey());
150  spk_manager->TopUp();
151  },
152  [&] {
153  std::string descriptor;
154  (void)spk_manager->GetDescriptorString(descriptor, /*priv=*/fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool());
155  },
156  [&] {
157  LOCK(spk_manager->cs_desc_man);
158  auto wallet_desc{spk_manager->GetWalletDescriptor()};
159  if (wallet_desc.descriptor->IsSingleType()) {
160  auto output_type{wallet_desc.descriptor->GetOutputType()};
161  if (output_type.has_value()) {
162  auto dest{spk_manager->GetNewDestination(*output_type)};
163  if (dest) {
164  assert(IsValidDestination(*dest));
165  assert(spk_manager->IsHDEnabled());
166  }
167  }
168  }
169  },
170  [&] {
171  CMutableTransaction tx_to;
172  const std::optional<CMutableTransaction> opt_tx_to{ConsumeDeserializable<CMutableTransaction>(fuzzed_data_provider, TX_WITH_WITNESS)};
173  if (!opt_tx_to) {
174  good_data = false;
175  return;
176  }
177  tx_to = *opt_tx_to;
179  std::map<COutPoint, Coin> coins{ConsumeCoins(fuzzed_data_provider)};
180  const int sighash{fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<int>()};
181  std::map<int, bilingual_str> input_errors;
182  (void)spk_manager->SignTransaction(tx_to, coins, sighash, input_errors);
183  },
184  [&] {
185  std::optional<PartiallySignedTransaction> opt_psbt{ConsumeDeserializable<PartiallySignedTransaction>(fuzzed_data_provider)};
186  if (!opt_psbt) {
187  good_data = false;
188  return;
189  }
190  auto psbt{*opt_psbt};
192  const int sighash_type{fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int>(0, 150)};
193  (void)spk_manager->FillPSBT(psbt, txdata, sighash_type, fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool(), fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool(), nullptr, fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool());
194  }
195  );
196  }
197 }
199 } // namespace
200 } // namespace wallet
bool ExtractDestination(const CScript &scriptPubKey, CTxDestination &addressRet)
Parse a scriptPubKey for the destination.
Definition: addresstype.cpp:49
bool IsValidDestination(const CTxDestination &dest)
Check whether a CTxDestination corresponds to one with an address.
std::variant< CNoDestination, PubKeyDestination, PKHash, ScriptHash, WitnessV0ScriptHash, WitnessV0KeyHash, WitnessV1Taproot, WitnessUnknown > CTxDestination
A txout script categorized into standard templates.
Definition: addresstype.h:131
void SelectParams(const ChainType chain)
Sets the params returned by Params() to those for the given chain type.
An encapsulated private key.
Definition: key.h:33
Serialized script, used inside transaction inputs and outputs.
Definition: script.h:414
Chainstate stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the current best chain.
Definition: validation.h:490
std::string ConsumeRandomLengthString(size_t max_length)
T ConsumeIntegralInRange(T min, T max)
Converts a mocked descriptor string to a valid one.
Definition: descriptor.h:21
void Init()
When initializing the target, populate the list of keys.
Definition: descriptor.cpp:7
std::optional< std::string > GetDescriptor(std::string_view mocked_desc) const
Get an actual descriptor string from a descriptor string whose keys were mocked.
Definition: descriptor.cpp:48
A Span is an object that can refer to a contiguous sequence of objects.
Definition: span.h:98
constexpr std::size_t size() const noexcept
Definition: span.h:187
static UniValue Parse(std::string_view raw)
Parse string to UniValue or throw runtime_error if string contains invalid JSON.
Definition: client.cpp:318
MockedDescriptorConverter MOCKED_DESC_CONVERTER
The converter of mocked descriptors, needs to be initialized when the target is.
#define LIMITED_WHILE(condition, limit)
Can be used to limit a theoretically unbounded loop.
Definition: fuzz.h:23
Definition: init.h:25
wallet::ScriptPubKeyMan * CreateDescriptor(CWallet &keystore, const std::string &desc_str, const bool success)
std::unique_ptr< WalletDatabase > CreateMockableWalletDatabase(MockableData records)
Definition: util.cpp:190
Definition: types.h:43
Indicate that this wallet supports DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan.
Definition: walletutil.h:74
static constexpr TransactionSerParams TX_WITH_WITNESS
Definition: transaction.h:195
PrecomputedTransactionData PrecomputePSBTData(const PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt)
Compute a PrecomputedTransactionData object from a psbt.
Definition: psbt.cpp:358
node::NodeContext m_node
Definition: setup_common.h:54
A mutable version of CTransaction.
Definition: transaction.h:378
Testing setup that configures a complete environment.
Definition: setup_common.h:83
#define LOCK(cs)
Definition: sync.h:257
bool HasDeepDerivPath(const FuzzBufferType &buff, const int max_depth)
Whether the buffer, if it represents a valid descriptor, contains a derivation path deeper than a giv...
Definition: descriptor.cpp:74
CScript ConsumeScript(FuzzedDataProvider &fuzzed_data_provider, const bool maybe_p2wsh) noexcept
Definition: util.cpp:93
std::map< COutPoint, Coin > ConsumeCoins(FuzzedDataProvider &fuzzed_data_provider) noexcept
Definition: util.cpp:166
CKey ConsumePrivateKey(FuzzedDataProvider &fuzzed_data_provider, std::optional< bool > compressed) noexcept
Definition: util.cpp:227
size_t CallOneOf(FuzzedDataProvider &fuzzed_data_provider, Callables... callables)
Definition: util.h:35
uint160 ConsumeUInt160(FuzzedDataProvider &fuzzed_data_provider) noexcept
Definition: util.h:160