5#include <bitcoin-build-config.h>
9#include <qt/forms/ui_helpmessagedialog.h>
23#include <QRegularExpression>
36 QString version = QString{CLIENT_NAME} +
" " + tr(
"version") +
" " + QString::fromStdString(
40 setWindowTitle(tr(
"About %1").arg(CLIENT_NAME));
44 QString licenseInfoHTML = QString::fromStdString(
46 QRegularExpression uri(QStringLiteral(
"<(.*)>"), QRegularExpression::InvertedGreedinessOption);
47 licenseInfoHTML.replace(uri, QStringLiteral(
"<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>"));
49 licenseInfoHTML.replace(
51 ui->aboutMessage->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
52 ui->scrollArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded);
54 ui->aboutMessage->setText(version +
"<br><br>" + licenseInfoHTML);
55 ui->aboutMessage->setWordWrap(
56 ui->helpMessage->setVisible(
58 setWindowTitle(tr(
"Command-line options"));
59 QString header =
"The bitcoin-qt application provides a graphical interface for interacting with " CLIENT_NAME
60 "It combines the core functionalities of bitcoind with a user-friendly interface for wallet management, transaction history, and network statistics.\n\n"
61 "It is suitable for users who prefer a graphical over a command-line interface.\n\n"
62 "You can optionally specify a payment [URI], in e.g. the BIP21 URI format.\n\n"
63 "Usage: bitcoin-qt [options] [URI]\n\n";
64 QTextCursor cursor(
65 cursor.insertText(version);
67 cursor.insertText(header);
71 QString coreOptions = QString::fromStdString(strUsage);
72 text = version +
"\n\n" + header +
"\n" + coreOptions;
75 tf.setBorderStyle(QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle_None);
77 QVector<QTextLength> widths;
78 widths << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 35);
79 widths << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 65);
80 tf.setColumnWidthConstraints(widths);
83 bold.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold);
85 for (
const QString &line : coreOptions.split(
"\n")) {
86 if (line.startsWith(
" -"))
88 cursor.currentTable()->appendRows(1);
89 cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousCell);
90 cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextRow);
91 cursor.insertText(line.trimmed());
92 cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell);
93 }
else if (line.startsWith(
" ")) {
94 cursor.insertText(line.trimmed()+
' ');
95 }
else if (line.size() > 0) {
97 if (cursor.currentTable())
98 cursor.currentTable()->appendRows(1);
99 cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down);
100 cursor.insertText(line.trimmed(), bold);
101 cursor.insertTable(1, 2, tf);
105 ui->helpMessage->moveCursor(QTextCursor::Start);
106 ui->scrollArea->setVisible(
107 ui->aboutLogo->setVisible(
145 QVBoxLayout *layout =
new QVBoxLayout();
146 layout->addWidget(
new QLabel(
147 tr(
"%1 is shutting down…").arg(CLIENT_NAME) +
"<br /><br />" +
148 tr(
"Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.")));
156 assert(window !=
160 shutdownWindow->setWindowTitle(window->windowTitle());
163 const QPoint global = window->mapToGlobal(window->rect().center());
164 shutdownWindow->move(global.x() - shutdownWindow->width() / 2, global.y() - shutdownWindow->height() / 2);
165 shutdownWindow->show();
166 return shutdownWindow;
std::string GetHelpMessage() const
Get the help string.
"Help message" dialog box
void on_okButton_accepted()
HelpMessageDialog(QWidget *parent, bool about)
"Help message" or "About" dialog box
Ui::HelpMessageDialog * ui
ShutdownWindow(QWidget *parent=nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f=Qt::Widget)
"Shutdown" window
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override
static QWidget * showShutdownWindow(QMainWindow *window)
std::string FormatFullVersion()
std::string LicenseInfo()
Returns licensing information (for -version)
Utility functions used by the Bitcoin Qt UI.
void handleCloseWindowShortcut(QWidget *w)
constexpr auto dialog_flags
std::string FormatParagraph(std::string_view in, size_t width, size_t indent)
Format a paragraph of text to a fixed width, adding spaces for indentation to any added line.