Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- c -
- CalculateClaimedHeadersWork() : validation.h, validation.cpp
- CalculateLockPointsAtTip() : validation.cpp, validation.h
- CalculateNextWorkRequired() : pow.h, pow.cpp
- CalculateOutputValue() : transaction.h
- CalculatePercentilesByWeight() : blockchain.cpp, blockchain.h
- CalculateSequenceLocks() : tx_verify.cpp, tx_verify.h
- CalculateTruncatedMedian() : blockchain.cpp
- CallOneOf() : util.h
- CallRPC() : bitcoin-cli.cpp
- CAmount : amount.h
- Capitalize() : strencodings.cpp, strencodings.h
- CaptureMessage : net.cpp, net.h
- CaptureMessageToFile() : net.cpp
- CaseInsensitiveEqual() : str.cpp, str.h
- CastToBool() : interpreter.cpp, script_interpreter.cpp
- Cat() : vector.h
- catch() : bitcoin-wallet.cpp, bitcoin-util.cpp, bitcoin-tx.cpp, bitcoin-cli.cpp, bitcoin-tx.cpp
- categoryClass() : rpcconsole.cpp
- CBCDecrypt() : aes.cpp
- CBCEncrypt() : aes.cpp
- CCheckQueueSpeedPrevectorJob() : checkqueue.cpp
- CCoinsCaching() : ccoins_caching.cpp
- CCoinsMap : coins.h
- CCoinsMapMemoryResource : coins.h
- CEIL_DIV : util.h
- CENT : setup_common.h
- CF_HEADERS_CACHE_MAX_SZ : blockfilterindex.cpp
- CFCHECKPT_INTERVAL : blockfilterindex.h
- Ch : hash_impl.h
- CHACHA20() : chacha20.cpp
- CHACHA20_1MB() : chacha20.cpp
- CHACHA20_256BYTES() : chacha20.cpp
- CHACHA20_64BYTES() : chacha20.cpp
- CHAIN_SYNC_TIMEOUT : net_processing.cpp
- ChainCode : hash.h, pubkey.h
- chainparams_seed_main : chainparamsseeds.h
- chainparams_seed_test : chainparamsseeds.h
- chainparams_seed_testnet4 : chainparamsseeds.h
- ChainstateRole : chain.h
- ChainType : chaintype.h
- ChainTypeFromString() : chaintype.cpp, chaintype.h
- ChainTypeToString() : chaintype.cpp, chaintype.h
- ChangeType : ui_change_type.h
- CharCast() : dbwrapper.cpp
- CHARS_ALPHA_NUM : strencodings.cpp
- CHECK : util.h
- CHECK_ERROR : tests.c
- CHECK_ERROR_VOID : tests.c
- CHECK_ILLEGAL : tests.c
- CHECK_NONFATAL : check.h
- CHECK_RETURN : util.h
- CHECK_SAFE : util.h
- CheckAccessCoin() : coins_tests.cpp
- CheckAdd() : scriptnum_tests.cpp
- CheckAddCoin() : coins_tests.cpp
- CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR : arith_uint256_tests.cpp
- CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR : arith_uint256_tests.cpp
- CheckBlock() : validation.cpp, validation.h
- CheckBlockDataAvailability() : blockchain.cpp
- CheckBlockFilterMatches() : blockchain.cpp
- CheckBlockHeader() : validation.cpp
- CheckBlockIndex() : checkblockindex.cpp
- CheckChecksum() : descriptor.cpp
- CheckCompare() : scriptnum_tests.cpp
- CheckCreateInt() : scriptnum_tests.cpp
- CheckCreateVch() : scriptnum_tests.cpp
- CheckDataDirOption() : args.cpp, args.h
- CheckDiskSpace() : fs_helpers.h, fs_helpers.cpp
- checked_malloc() : util.h
- CheckedAdd() : overflow.h
- CheckEphemeralSpends() : ephemeral_policy.cpp, ephemeral_policy.h
- CHECKERS : versionbits_tests.cpp
- CheckFilterLookups() : blockfilter_index_tests.cpp
- CheckFinalTxAtTip() : validation.cpp
- CheckFn : util.cpp
- CheckGetPruneHeight() : blockchain_tests.cpp
- CheckHostPortOptions() : init.cpp
- CheckInputScripts() : validation.cpp, txvalidationcache_tests.cpp, validation.cpp
- CheckInputsFromMempoolAndCache() : validation.cpp
- CheckLastCritical() : sync.h
- CHECKLEVEL_DOC : validation.h, validation.cpp
- CheckMapFlagNames() : transaction_tests.cpp
- CheckMempoolEphemeralInvariants() : txmempool.cpp, txmempool.h
- CheckMempoolTRUCInvariants() : txmempool.cpp, txmempool.h
- CheckMerkleRoot() : validation.cpp
- CheckMinimalPush() : script.cpp, script.h
- CheckNegate() : scriptnum_tests.cpp
- CheckOrphanBehavior() : txdownload_tests.cpp
- CheckPackageMempoolAcceptResult() : txmempool.cpp, txmempool.h
- CheckParseTorReplyMapping() : torcontrol_tests.cpp
- CheckProofOfWork() : pow.cpp, pow.h
- CheckProofOfWorkImpl() : pow.cpp, pow.h
- CheckPubKeyEncoding() : interpreter.cpp
- CheckRequiredOrDefault() : util.cpp
- CheckRpc() : rpc_tests.cpp
- CheckSequenceLocksAtTip() : validation.h, validation.cpp
- CheckSignatureEncoding() : interpreter.cpp, interpreter.h
- CheckSignetBlockSolution() : signet.cpp, signet.h
- CheckSort() : mempool_tests.cpp
- CheckSpendCoins() : coins_tests.cpp
- CheckSplitTorReplyLine() : torcontrol_tests.cpp
- CheckSubtract() : scriptnum_tests.cpp
- CheckTransaction() : tx_check.cpp, tx_check.h
- CheckTxScripts() : transaction_tests.cpp
- CheckTxScriptsSanity() : core_read.cpp
- CheckValues() : settings_tests.cpp
- CheckWarmup() : rest.cpp
- CheckWithFlag() : transaction_tests.cpp
- CheckWitnessMalleation() : validation.cpp
- CheckWriteCoins() : coins_tests.cpp
- CJDNS_PREFIX : netaddress.h
- clearbanned() : net.cpp
- clearExpect : univalue_read.cpp
- ClearShrink() : vector.h
- CliClock : bitcoin-cli.cpp
- CLIENT_VERSION : clientversion.h
- ClientAllowed() : httpserver.cpp
- cmd : bitcoin-util.cpp
- CMDUNSUPPORTED : netbase.cpp
- CMPCTBLOCKS_VERSION : net_processing.cpp
- CmpSerializationPubkey() : key_tests.cpp
- COIN : amount.h
- COINBASE_MATURITY : consensus.h
- coinEmpty : coins.cpp
- CoinOrError : coins_tests.cpp
- CoinsCachePair : coins.h
- CoinsCacheSizeState : validation.h
- CoinSelection() : coin_selection.cpp
- COLOR_BAREADDRESS : guiconstants.h
- COLOR_BLACK : guiconstants.h
- COLOR_NEGATIVE : guiconstants.h
- COLOR_TX_STATUS_DANGER : guiconstants.h
- COLOR_UNCONFIRMED : guiconstants.h
- colorizeIcons : platformstyle.cpp
- column_alignments : transactiontablemodel.cpp
- COMB_BITS : ecmult_gen.h
- COMB_BLOCKS : ecmult_gen.h
- COMB_POINTS : ecmult_gen.h
- COMB_RANGE : ecmult_gen.h
- COMB_SPACING : ecmult_gen.h
- COMB_TEETH : ecmult_gen.h
- combinepsbt() : rawtransaction.cpp
- CombinePSBTs() : psbt.cpp, psbt.h
- combinerawtransaction() : rawtransaction.cpp
- CombineSignatures() : transaction_tests.cpp, script_tests.cpp
- command : bitcoin-wallet.cpp
- CommandLineRawTx() : bitcoin-tx.cpp
- CommandLineRPC() : bitcoin-cli.cpp
- COMPACTSIZE : serialize.h
- CompareChunks() : feefrac.cpp, feefrac.h
- CompareNetGroupKeyed() : eviction.cpp
- CompareNodeBlockRelayOnlyTime() : eviction.cpp
- CompareNodeBlockTime() : eviction.cpp
- CompareNodeTXTime() : eviction.cpp
- ComplexMemPool() : mempool_stress.cpp
- CompressAmount() : compressor.cpp, compressor.h
- CompressedScript : compressor.h
- CompressScript() : compressor.cpp, compressor.h
- ComputeFilter() : blockfilter.cpp, blockfilter.h
- ComputeMerklePath() : merkle.cpp
- ComputeMerkleRoot() : merkle.cpp, merkle.h
- ComputeMerkleRootFromBranch() : merkle_tests.cpp
- ComputeModifiedMerkleRoot() : signet.cpp
- ComputeNextBlockAndDepth() : blockchain.cpp
- ComputeResponse() : torcontrol.cpp
- ComputeTapbranchHash() : interpreter.h, interpreter.cpp
- ComputeTapleafHash() : interpreter.h, interpreter.cpp
- ComputeTaprootMerkleRoot() : interpreter.h, interpreter.cpp
- CONFIGS : precompute_ecmult_gen.c
- ConfirmMessage() : util.cpp, util.h
- confTargets : sendcoinsdialog.cpp
- CONNECT : netbase.cpp
- ConnectAndCallRPC() : bitcoin-cli.cpp
- ConnectDirectly() : netbase.cpp, netbase.h
- ConnectionDirection : netbase.h
- CONNECTIONS_ALL : clientmodel.h
- CONNECTIONS_IN : clientmodel.h
- CONNECTIONS_NONE : clientmodel.h
- CONNECTIONS_OUT : clientmodel.h
- ConnectionType : connection_types.h
- ConnectionTypeAsString() : connection_types.cpp, connection_types.h
- ConnectThroughProxy() : netbase.cpp, netbase.h
- ConnectToSocket() : netbase.cpp
- CONNREFUSED : netbase.cpp
- CONSOLE_HISTORY : rpcconsole.cpp
- consteval_ctor : chainparams.cpp
- ConstructClMul1Byte() : clmul_1byte.cpp
- ConstructClMul2Bytes() : clmul_2bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMul3Bytes() : clmul_3bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMul4Bytes() : clmul_4bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMul5Bytes() : clmul_5bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMul6Bytes() : clmul_6bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMul7Bytes() : clmul_7bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMul8Bytes() : clmul_8bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri1Byte() : clmul_1byte.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri2Bytes() : clmul_2bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri3Bytes() : clmul_3bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri4Bytes() : clmul_4bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri5Bytes() : clmul_5bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri6Bytes() : clmul_6bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri7Bytes() : clmul_7bytes.cpp
- ConstructClMulTri8Bytes() : clmul_8bytes.cpp
- ConstructGeneric1Byte() : generic_1byte.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructGeneric2Bytes() : generic_2bytes.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructGeneric3Bytes() : generic_3bytes.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructGeneric4Bytes() : generic_4bytes.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructGeneric5Bytes() : generic_5bytes.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructGeneric6Bytes() : generic_6bytes.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructGeneric7Bytes() : generic_7bytes.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructGeneric8Bytes() : generic_8bytes.cpp, minisketch.cpp
- ConstructPubKeyBytes() : util.cpp
- ConstructTransaction() : rawtransaction_util.h, rawtransaction_util.cpp
- ConsumeAddress() : net.cpp, net.h
- ConsumeArithUInt256() : util.h
- ConsumeArithUInt256InRange() : util.h
- ConsumeCoins() : util.cpp, util.h
- ConsumeDataStream() : util.h
- ConsumeDeserializable() : util.h
- ConsumeDeserializationParams() : net.cpp, util.h, net.cpp
- ConsumeFixedLengthByteVector() : util.h
- ConsumeMoney() : util.cpp, util.h
- ConsumeNetAddr() : net.cpp, net.h
- ConsumeNetGroupManager() : net.h
- ConsumeNode() : net.h
- ConsumeNodeAsUniquePtr() : net.h
- ConsumeOpcodeType() : util.h
- ConsumePrivateKey() : util.cpp, util.h
- ConsumeRandomLengthBitVector() : util.h
- ConsumeRandomLengthByteVector() : util.h
- ConsumeRandomLengthIntegralVector() : util.h
- ConsumeRandomLengthStringVector() : util.h
- ConsumeScript() : util.cpp, util.h
- ConsumeScriptNum() : util.h
- ConsumeScriptWitness() : util.cpp, util.h
- ConsumeSequence() : util.cpp, util.h
- ConsumeService() : net.h
- ConsumeSock() : net.h
- ConsumeSubNet() : net.h
- ConsumeTime() : util.h, util.cpp
- ConsumeTransaction() : util.h, util.cpp
- ConsumeTxDestination() : util.h, util.cpp
- ConsumeTxMemPoolEntry() : mempool.cpp, mempool.h
- ConsumeUInt160() : util.h
- ConsumeUInt256() : util.h
- ConsumeWeakEnum() : util.h
- ContainsSpentInput() : util.cpp, util.h
- context_eq() : tests.c
- ContextualCheckBlock() : validation.cpp
- ContextualCheckBlockHeader() : validation.cpp
- CONTINUE_EXECUTION : bitcoin-cli.cpp, bitcoin-tx.cpp, bitcoin-util.cpp
- ConvertBits() : strencodings.h
- ConvertSeeds() : net.cpp
- converttopsbt() : rawtransaction.cpp
- COOKIEAUTH_FILE : request.cpp
- COOKIEAUTH_USER : request.cpp
- coprime() : tests.c
- CopyHeightIndexToHashIndex() : coinstatsindex.cpp, blockfilterindex.cpp
- COPYRIGHT_STR : clientversion.h
- CopyrightHolders() : clientversion.cpp, clientversion.h
- CopySettings() : optionsmodel.cpp
- Correct_Queue : checkqueue_tests.cpp
- count : tests_exhaustive.c
- COUNT : tests.c
- count_microseconds() : time.h
- count_milliseconds() : time.h
- count_seconds() : time.h
- CountBits() : int_utils.h
- counting_callback_fn() : tests.c
- CountPSBTUnsignedInputs() : psbt.cpp, psbt.h
- CountWitnessSigOps() : interpreter.cpp, interpreter.h
- CPrivKey : key.h
- create_keypair() : musig.c
- create_keypair_and_pk() : tests_impl.h
- CreateAddresses() : addrman.cpp
- CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot() : chainstate.h
- CreateBaseChainParams() : chainparamsbase.cpp, chainparamsbase.h
- CreateBlockChain() : mining.h, mining.cpp
- CreateBlockIndex() : miner_tests.cpp
- CreateBlockIndexWithNbits() : blockchain_tests.cpp
- CreateBlocks() : disconnected_transactions.cpp
- CreateChainParams() : chainparams.cpp, chainparams.h
- CreateCreditAndSpend() : transaction_tests.cpp
- CreateGenesisBlock() : chainparams.cpp
- CreateInternal() : netbase_tests.cpp
- createmultisig() : output_script.cpp
- CreateOrderedCoins() : mempool_stress.cpp
- CreatePairs() : coinscachepair_tests.cpp
- CreatePidFile() : init.cpp
- CreatePlaceholderTx() : txdownload_tests.cpp
- createpsbt() : rawtransaction.cpp
- CreateRandomTransactions() : disconnected_transactions.cpp
- createrawtransaction() : rawtransaction.cpp
- CreateSig() : sign.cpp
- CreateSock : netbase.cpp, netbase.h
- CreateSocket() : sock_tests.cpp
- CreateSocketPair() : sock_tests.cpp
- CreateSockOS() : netbase.cpp, netbase.h
- CreateTaprootScriptSig() : sign.cpp
- CreateTxDoc() : rawtransaction.cpp
- CreateUTXOSnapshot() : blockchain.h, blockchain.cpp
- crypt_till_rekey() : crypto_chacha20poly1305.cpp
- cs : mempool_ephemeral_spends.cpp, mempool_eviction.cpp, mempool_stress.cpp, rpc_mempool.cpp, validation.cpp
- cs_dir_locks : fs_helpers.cpp
- cs_main : cs_main.cpp, cs_main.h
- CScriptBase : script.h
- CT_DELETED : ui_change_type.h
- CT_NEW : ui_change_type.h
- CT_UPDATED : ui_change_type.h
- ctaes_tests : test.c
- CTransactionRef : transaction.h
- CTX : tests.c
- CTxDestination : addresstype.h
- CTxMemPoolEntryRef : mempool_entry.h
- ctz() : merkle_tests.cpp
- CURRENCY_ATOM : feerate.h
- CURRENCY_UNIT : feerate.h
- CZMQNotifierFactory : zmqabstractnotifier.h