![]() |
Bitcoin Core 29.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
►Nankerl | |
►NBCLog | |
►Nbech32 | |
►Nbenchmark | |
►Nbitset_detail | |
►Nbloom_tests | |
►Ncluster_linearize | |
►Ncommon | |
►NConsensus | Transaction validation functions |
►Ncrypto_tests | |
►NCuckooCache | High-performance cache primitives |
►Nfs | Filesystem operations and types |
►Nfsbridge | Bridge operations to C stdio |
►NGUIUtil | Utility functions used by the Bitcoin Qt UI |
►Ni2p | |
►Ninterfaces | |
►Nipc | |
►Nkernel | |
►Nmemusage | |
►Nminer_tests | |
►Nminiscript | |
►Nnode | |
►Npoly1305_donna | |
►Npyminisketch | |
►Nsubprocess | |
►Ntestnet4_miner_tests | |
►Ntinyformat | |
►Nutil | |
►Nvalidation_block_tests | |
►Nwallet | |
CAbstractThresholdConditionChecker | Abstract class that implements BIP9-style threshold logic, and caches results |
CActionSerialize | Support for all macros providing or using the ser_action parameter of the SerializationOps method |
CActionUnserialize | |
CAddedNodeInfo | |
CAddedNodeParams | |
CAddressBookPage | Widget that shows a list of sending or receiving addresses |
CAddressBookSortFilterProxyModel | |
CAddressBookTests | |
CAddressPosition | Location information for an address in AddrMan |
CAddressTableEntry | |
CAddressTableEntryLessThan | |
CAddressTableModel | Qt model of the address book in the core |
CAddressTablePriv | |
CAddrInfo | Extended statistics about a CAddress |
CAddrinfoRequestHandler | Process addrinfo requests |
CAddrMan | Stochastic address manager |
CAddrManDeterministic | |
►CAddrManImpl | |
CAEADChaCha20Poly1305 | The AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305 authenticated encryption algorithm from RFC8439 section 2.8 |
CAES128_ctx | |
CAES192_ctx | |
CAES256_ctx | |
CAES256CBCDecrypt | |
CAES256CBCEncrypt | |
CAES256Decrypt | A decryption class for AES-256 |
CAES256Encrypt | An encryption class for AES-256 |
CAES_state | |
CAmountCompression | |
CAmountSpinBox | QSpinBox that uses fixed-point numbers internally and uses our own formatting/parsing functions |
Cancestor_score | |
CAnnotatedMixin | Template mixin that adds -Wthread-safety locking annotations and lock order checking to a subset of the mutex API |
►CAppTests | |
►CArena | |
►CArgsManager | |
CArgsMergeTestingSetup | |
Carith_uint256 | 256-bit unsigned big integer |
CAskPassphraseDialog | Multifunctional dialog to ask for passphrases |
CAssumeutxoData | Holds configuration for use during UTXO snapshot load and validation |
CAssumeutxoHash | |
CAutoFile | Non-refcounted RAII wrapper for FILE* |
CAvailable | |
CBanMan | |
CBannedNodeLessThan | |
CBanTableModel | Qt model providing information about banned peers, similar to the "getpeerinfo" RPC call |
CBanTablePriv | |
CBase | (Un)serialize a number as raw byte or 2 hexadecimal chars |
Cbase_blob | Template base class for fixed-sized opaque blobs |
Cbase_uint | Template base class for unsigned big integers |
CBaseFormat | |
CBaseHash | |
►CBaseIndex | Base class for indices of blockchain data |
CBaseRequestHandler | Class that handles the conversion from a command-line to a JSON-RPC request, as well as converting back to a JSON object that can be shown as result |
CBaseSignatureChecker | |
CBaseSignatureCreator | Interface for signature creators |
CBasicTestingSetup | Basic testing setup |
CBehaviors | |
Cbench_data | |
Cbench_ecdh_data | |
Cbench_ellswift_data | |
Cbench_inv | |
Cbench_recover_data | |
Cbench_schnorrsig_data | |
Cbilingual_str | Bilingual messages: |
CBIP324Cipher | The BIP324 packet cipher, encapsulating its key derivation, stream cipher, and AEAD |
CBIP9Stats | Display status of an in-progress BIP9 softfork |
CBitcoinAddressCheckValidator | Bitcoin address widget validator, checks for a valid bitcoin address |
CBitcoinAddressEntryValidator | Base58 entry widget validator, checks for valid characters and removes some whitespace |
CBitcoinAmountField | Widget for entering bitcoin amounts |
CBitcoinApplication | Main Bitcoin application object |
CBitcoinGUI | Bitcoin GUI main class |
CBitcoinUnits | Bitcoin unit definitions |
►Cbitdeque | Class that mimics std::deque<bool>, but with std::vector<bool>'s bit packing |
CBitReader | |
CBitsInt | |
CBitStreamReader | |
CBitStreamWriter | |
CBitWriter | |
CBlockFilter | Complete block filter struct as defined in BIP 157 |
CBlockFilterIndex | BlockFilterIndex is used to store and retrieve block filters, hashes, and headers for a range of blocks by height |
CBlockFiltersScanReserver | |
CBlockHasher | |
CBlockTransactions | |
CBlockTransactionsRequest | |
CBlockValidationState | |
CBlockValidationStateCatcher | |
CBlockVersionTest | |
CBufferedFile | Wrapper around an AutoFile& that implements a ring buffer to deserialize from |
CBuildChainTestingSetup | |
CByteVectorHash | Implementation of Hash named requirement for types that internally store a byte array |
CCacheTest | |
CCachingTransactionSignatureChecker | |
►CCAddress | A CService with information about it as peer |
►CCAppNapInhibitor | |
CCBanDB | Access to the banlist database (banlist.json) |
CCBanEntry | |
CCBaseChainParams | CBaseChainParams defines the base parameters (shared between bitcoin-cli and bitcoind) of a given instance of the Bitcoin system |
CCBitcoinLevelDBLogger | |
CCBlock | |
CCBlockFileInfo | |
CCBlockHeader | Nodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree, and scan through nonce values to make the block's hash satisfy proof-of-work requirements |
CCBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs | |
CCBlockIndex | The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple candidates to be the next block |
CCBlockLocator | Describes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the other node doesn't have the same branch, it can find a recent common trunk |
►CCBlockPolicyEstimator | The BlockPolicyEstimator is used for estimating the feerate needed for a transaction to be included in a block within a certain number of blocks |
CCBlockUndo | Undo information for a CBlock |
CCBloomFilter | BloomFilter is a probabilistic filter which SPV clients provide so that we can filter the transactions we send them |
CCChain | An in-memory indexed chain of blocks |
►CCChainParams | CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the Bitcoin system |
CCCheckpointData | |
CCCheckQueue | Queue for verifications that have to be performed |
CCCheckQueueControl | RAII-style controller object for a CCheckQueue that guarantees the passed queue is finished before continuing |
CCClientUIInterface | Signals for UI communication |
CCCoin | |
CCCoinControlWidgetItem | |
CCCoinsCacheEntry | A Coin in one level of the coins database caching hierarchy |
CCCoinsView | Abstract view on the open txout dataset |
CCCoinsViewBacked | CCoinsView backed by another CCoinsView |
CCCoinsViewCache | CCoinsView that adds a memory cache for transactions to another CCoinsView |
CCCoinsViewCursor | Cursor for iterating over CoinsView state |
CCCoinsViewDB | CCoinsView backed by the coin database (chainstate/) |
CCCoinsViewDBCursor | Specialization of CCoinsViewCursor to iterate over a CCoinsViewDB |
CCCoinsViewErrorCatcher | This is a minimally invasive approach to shutdown on LevelDB read errors from the chainstate, while keeping user interface out of the common library, which is shared between bitcoind, and bitcoin-qt and non-server tools |
CCCoinsViewMemPool | CCoinsView that brings transactions from a mempool into view |
CCCombinedBan | |
CCConnectionFailed | |
►CCConnman | |
►CCDBBatch | Batch of changes queued to be written to a CDBWrapper |
►CCDBIterator | |
CCDBWrapper | |
CCDiskBlockIndex | Used to marshal pointers into hashes for db storage |
CCDiskTxPos | |
CCExtKey | |
CCExtPubKey | |
CCFeeRate | Fee rate in satoshis per kilovirtualbyte: CAmount / kvB |
CChaCha20 | Unrestricted ChaCha20 cipher |
CChaCha20Aligned | ChaCha20 cipher that only operates on multiples of 64 bytes |
CChainMergeTestingSetup | |
CChainstate | Chainstate stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the current best chain |
CChainstateManager | Provides an interface for creating and interacting with one or two chainstates: an IBD chainstate generated by downloading blocks, and an optional snapshot chainstate loaded from a UTXO snapshot |
CChainTestingSetup | Testing setup that performs all steps up until right before ChainstateManager gets initialized |
CChainTxData | Holds various statistics on transactions within a chain |
CCHash160 | A hasher class for Bitcoin's 160-bit hash (SHA-256 + RIPEMD-160) |
CCHash256 | A hasher class for Bitcoin's 256-bit hash (double SHA-256) |
CCheckGlobals | |
CCheckGlobalsImpl | |
CCheckQueueTest | |
►CCheckValueTest | Test GetSetting and GetArg type coercion, negation, and default value handling |
CCheckVarIntMode | |
CCHKDF_HMAC_SHA256_L32 | A rfc5869 HKDF implementation with HMAC_SHA256 and fixed key output length of 32 bytes (L=32) |
CCHMAC_SHA256 | A hasher class for HMAC-SHA-256 |
CCHMAC_SHA512 | A hasher class for HMAC-SHA-512 |
CChronoFormatter | |
CCInv | Inv message data |
CCKey | An encapsulated private key |
CCKeyID | A reference to a CKey: the Hash160 of its serialized public key |
CClientModel | Model for Bitcoin network client |
CCMainParams | Main network on which people trade goods and services |
CCMerkleBlock | Used to relay blocks as header + vector<merkle branch> to filtered nodes |
CCMessageHeader | Message header |
CCMutableTransaction | A mutable version of CTransaction |
►CCNetAddr | Network address |
CCNetCleanup | |
CCNetMessage | Transport protocol agnostic message container |
CCNode | Information about a peer |
CCNodeCombinedStats | |
CCNodeOptions | |
CCNodeStateStats | |
CCNodeStats | |
CCNoDestination | |
CCoin | A UTXO entry |
CCoinControlDialog | |
CCoinControlTreeWidget | |
CCoinEntry | |
CCoinStatsIndex | CoinStatsIndex maintains statistics on the UTXO set |
CCoinsViewCacheCursor | Cursor for iterating over the linked list of flagged entries in CCoinsViewCache |
CCoinsViewOptions | User-controlled performance and debug options |
CCoinsViews | A convenience class for constructing the CCoinsView* hierarchy used to facilitate access to the UTXO set |
CCoinsViewScanReserver | |
CCompactSizeFormatter | Formatter for integers in CompactSize format |
CCompactSizeWriter | |
CCompareBlocksByHeight | Comparison function for sorting the getchaintips heads |
CCompareIteratorByHash | |
CCompareNodeNetworkTime | Sort eviction candidates by network/localhost and connection uptime |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee | |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorScore | Sort an entry by min(score/size of entry's tx, score/size with all ancestors) |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByDescendantScore | Sort an entry by max(score/size of entry's tx, score/size with all descendants) |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByEntryTime | |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByScore | Sort by feerate of entry (fee/size) in descending order This is only used for transaction relay, so we use GetFee() instead of GetModifiedFee() to avoid leaking prioritization information via the sort order |
CCompressedHeader | |
CConnectTrace | Used to track blocks whose transactions were applied to the UTXO state as a part of a single ActivateBestChainStep call |
CConnmanTestMsg | |
CCOutPoint | An outpoint - a combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout |
CCPartialMerkleTree | Data structure that represents a partial merkle tree |
CCPartialMerkleTreeTester | |
CCPubKey | An encapsulated public key |
CCreateWalletActivity | |
CCreateWalletDialog | Dialog for creating wallets |
CCRegTestParams | Regression test: intended for private networks only |
CCRIPEMD160 | A hasher class for RIPEMD-160 |
CCRollingBloomFilter | RollingBloomFilter is a probabilistic "keep track of most recently inserted" set |
CCRPCCommand | |
CCRPCConvertParam | |
CCRPCConvertTable | |
CCRPCTable | RPC command dispatcher |
CCScheduler | Simple class for background tasks that should be run periodically or once "after a while" |
CCScript | Serialized script, used inside transaction inputs and outputs |
CCScriptCheck | Closure representing one script verification Note that this stores references to the spending transaction |
CCScriptID | A reference to a CScript: the Hash160 of its serialization |
CCScriptNum | |
CCScriptNum10 | |
CCScriptWitness | |
CCSemaphore | An implementation of a semaphore |
CCSemaphoreGrant | RAII-style semaphore lock |
CCSerializedNetMsg | |
CCSerializeMethodsTestMany | |
CCSerializeMethodsTestSingle | |
CCService | A combination of a network address (CNetAddr) and a (TCP) port |
CCServiceHash | |
CCSHA1 | A hasher class for SHA1 |
CCSHA256 | A hasher class for SHA-256 |
CCSHA512 | A hasher class for SHA-512 |
CCSipHasher | SipHash-2-4 |
CCSubNet | |
►CCSVModelWriter | Export a Qt table model to a CSV file |
Cctaes_test | |
CCTestNet4Params | Testnet (v4): public test network which is reset from time to time |
CCTestNetParams | Testnet (v3): public test network which is reset from time to time |
CCThreadInterrupt | A helper class for interruptible sleeps |
CCTransaction | The basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in blocks |
CCTxIn | An input of a transaction |
►CCTxMemPool | CTxMemPool stores valid-according-to-the-current-best-chain transactions that may be included in the next block |
►CCTxMemPoolEntry | CTxMemPoolEntry stores data about the corresponding transaction, as well as data about all in-mempool transactions that depend on the transaction ("descendant" transactions) |
CCTxOut | An output of a transaction |
CCTxUndo | Undo information for a CTransaction |
CCustomUintFormatter | Serialization wrapper class for custom integers and enums |
CCValidationInterface | Implement this to subscribe to events generated in validation and mempool |
CCVerifyDB | RAII wrapper for VerifyDB: Verify consistency of the block and coin databases |
CCZMQAbstractNotifier | |
CCZMQAbstractPublishNotifier | |
CCZMQNotificationInterface | |
CCZMQPublishHashBlockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashTransactionNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawBlockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawTransactionNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishSequenceNotifier | |
CDataStream | Double ended buffer combining vector and stream-like interfaces |
CDBOptions | User-controlled performance and debug options |
CDBParams | Application-specific storage settings |
Cdbwrapper_error | |
CDebugLogHelper | |
CDefaultFormatter | Default formatter |
CDefaultRequestHandler | Process default single requests |
CDeferringSignatureChecker | |
CDereferencingComparator | |
CDerived | |
CDerivedAndBaseFormat | |
CDersig100Setup | |
Cdescendant_score | |
CDescribeAddressVisitor | |
CDescriptor | Interface for parsed descriptor objects |
CDescriptorCache | Cache for single descriptor's derived extended pubkeys |
Cdeserialize_type | Dummy data type to identify deserializing constructors |
CDifferenceFormatter | |
CDisconnectedBlockTransactions | DisconnectedBlockTransactions |
CDummyChainState | |
CDummyTorControlConnection | |
CDummyWalletInit | |
►CDynSock | A mocked Sock alternative that allows providing the data to be returned by Recv() and inspecting the data that has been supplied to Send() |
CECC_Context | RAII class initializing and deinitializing global state for elliptic curve support |
Cecmult_multi_data | |
CECRYPT_ctx | |
CEditAddressDialog | Dialog for editing an address and associated information |
Cellswift_decode_test | |
Cellswift_xdh_test | |
Cellswift_xswiftec_inv_test | |
CEllSwiftPubKey | An ElligatorSwift-encoded public key |
Centry_time | |
CEnvTestingSetup | Save the log level and the value of CreateSock and restore them when the test ends |
►CEpoch | Epoch: RAII-style guard for using epoch-based graph traversal algorithms |
CEraseParallelTest | |
CEraseTest | |
CEstimationResult | |
CEstimatorBucket | |
CExternalSigner | Enables interaction with an external signing device or service, such as a hardware wallet |
CFakeCheck | |
CFakeCheckCheckCompletion | |
CFastRandomContext | Fast randomness source |
CFeeCalculation | |
CFeeFilterRounder | |
CFeeFrac | Data structure storing a fee and size, ordered by increasing fee/size |
CFillableSigningProvider | Fillable signing provider that keeps keys in an address->secret map |
CFilterHeaderHasher | |
CFixedCheck | |
CFlatFilePos | |
CFlatFileSeq | FlatFileSeq represents a sequence of numbered files storing raw data |
CFlatSigningProvider | |
CFlushTest | |
CFooImplementation | |
CFreespaceChecker | |
CFrozenCleanupCheck | |
CFSChaCha20 | Forward-secure ChaCha20 |
CFSChaCha20Poly1305 | Forward-secure wrapper around AEADChaCha20Poly1305 |
CFuzzedDataProvider | |
CFuzzedFileProvider | |
CFuzzedHeadersSyncState | |
CFuzzedSock | |
CFuzzTarget | |
CFuzzTargetOptions | |
►CGCSFilter | This implements a Golomb-coded set as defined in BIP 158 |
CGenerateToAddressRequestHandler | Process RPC generatetoaddress request |
CGenerationsTest | |
CGenericTransactionSignatureChecker | |
CGenTxid | A generic txid reference (txid or wtxid) |
CGetinfoRequestHandler | Process getinfo requests |
CGFMulHelper | Helper class for carryless multiplications |
CGFMulHelper< I, N, L, F, 0 > | |
CGlobalMutex | Different type to mark Mutex at global scope |
CHashedSourceWriter | Writes data to an underlying source stream, while hashing the written data |
CHashVerifier | Reads data from an underlying stream, while hashing the read data |
CHashWriter | A writer stream (for serialization) that computes a 256-bit hash |
CHasJSON | |
CHasReason | BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION predicates to check the specific validation error |
CHeadersGeneratorSetup | |
►CHeadersSyncState | HeadersSyncState: |
CHelpMessageDialog | "Help message" dialog box |
CHidingSigningProvider | |
CHitRateTest | |
CHTTPClosure | Event handler closure |
CHTTPEvent | Event class |
CHTTPPathHandler | |
CHTTPReply | Reply structure for request_done to fill in |
CHTTPRequest | In-flight HTTP request |
CHTTPRequestTracker | Helps keep track of open evhttp_connection s with active evhttp_requests |
CHTTPRPCTimer | Simple one-shot callback timer to be used by the RPC mechanism to e.g |
CHTTPRPCTimerInterface | |
CHTTPWorkItem | HTTP request work item |
CIdTrans | The identity transformation |
Cindex_by_wtxid | |
CIndexSummary | |
Cindirectmap | |
CInitExecutor | Class encapsulating Bitcoin Core startup and shutdown |
CInsecureRandomContext | Xoroshiro128++ PRNG |
CIntro | Introduction screen (pre-GUI startup) |
CInvalidAddrManVersionError | |
CJSONRPCRequest | |
CJSONUTF8StringFilter | Filter that generates and validates UTF-8, as well as collates UTF-16 surrogate pairs as specified in RFC4627 |
CKeyInfo | |
CKeyOriginInfo | |
CKeyPair | KeyPair |
CLevelDBContext | |
CLFSR | Class which implements a stateless LFSR for generic moduli |
CLimitedStringFormatter | |
CLinTrans | A Linear N-bit transformation over the field I |
CLoadWalletsActivity | |
CLocalServiceInfo | |
CLockedPageAllocator | OS-dependent allocation and deallocation of locked/pinned memory pages |
►CLockedPool | Pool for locked memory chunks |
CLockedPoolManager | Singleton class to keep track of locked (ie, non-swappable) memory, for use in std::allocator templates |
CLockPoints | |
CLogCategory | |
CLogIPsTestingSetup | |
CLogSetup | |
CMacDockIconHandler | MacOS-specific Dock icon handler |
CMacNotificationHandler | Macintosh-specific notification handler (supports UserNotificationCenter) |
CMappingResult | Successful response to a port mapping |
CMemoryCheck | |
CMempoolAcceptResult | Validation result for a transaction evaluated by MemPoolAccept (single or package) |
Cmempoolentry_txid | |
Cmempoolentry_wtxid | |
CMemPoolTest | |
CMergeTestingSetup | |
CMigrateWalletActivity | |
CMockableSteadyClock | Version of SteadyClock that is mockable in the context of tests (set the current value with SetMockTime), otherwise the system steady clock |
CMockedDescriptorConverter | Converts a mocked descriptor string to a valid one |
CModalOverlay | Modal overlay to display information about the chain-sync state |
CMuHash3072 | A class representing MuHash sets |
CMultiSigningProvider | A signing provider to be used to interface with multiple signing providers at once |
Cmusig_key_agg_error_test_case | |
Cmusig_key_agg_valid_test_case | |
Cmusig_key_agg_vector | |
Cmusig_nonce_agg_test_case | |
Cmusig_nonce_agg_vector | |
Cmusig_nonce_gen_test_case | |
Cmusig_nonce_gen_vector | |
Cmusig_sig_agg_case | |
Cmusig_sig_agg_vector | |
Cmusig_sign_error_case | |
Cmusig_sign_verify_vector | |
Cmusig_tweak_case | |
Cmusig_tweak_vector | |
Cmusig_valid_case | |
Cmusig_verify_fail_error_case | |
CMutableTransactionSignatureCreator | A signature creator for transactions |
CNetEventsInterface | Interface for message handling |
CNetGroupManager | Netgroup manager |
►CNetinfoRequestHandler | Process netinfo requests |
CNetPermissions | |
CNetWhitebindPermissions | |
CNetWhitelistPermissions | |
CNetworkDisable | RAII class that disables the network in its constructor and enables it in its destructor |
CNetworkSetup | |
CNetworkStyle | |
CNewMempoolTransactionInfo | |
CNoCopy | |
CNodeClock | Mockable clock in the context of tests, otherwise the system clock |
CNodeEvictionCandidate | |
CNoechoInst | |
CNoIncludeConfTest | |
CNoLockLoggingTestingSetup | Identical to TestingSetup but excludes lock contention logging if DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION is defined, as some of these tests are designed to be heavily contested to trigger race conditions or other issues |
CNonFatalCheckError | |
Cnontrivial_t | |
CNotificator | Cross-platform desktop notification client |
CNSBundle(returnCorrectIdentifier) | |
CNum | A type to represent integers in the type system |
CNum3072 | |
COpenURIDialog | |
COpenWalletActivity | |
COptionsDialog | Preferences dialog |
COptionsModel | Interface from Qt to configuration data structure for Bitcoin client |
COptionTests | |
COtherParam | |
COtherParamChecker | Checker for value of OtherParam |
COutboundTest | |
COverviewPage | Overview ("home") page widget |
CPackageMempoolAcceptResult | Validation result for package mempool acceptance |
CPackageValidationState | |
CParamsStream | Wrapper that overrides the GetParams() function of a stream |
CParamsWrapper | Wrapper that serializes objects with the specified parameters |
CParentInfo | Helper for PackageTRUCChecks, storing info for a mempool or package parent |
CPartiallyDownloadedBlock | |
CPartiallySignedTransaction | A version of CTransaction with the PSBT format |
CPaymentServer | |
CPayToAnchor | |
CPCPTestingSetup | Save the value of CreateSock and restore when the test ends |
CPCPTestSock | Simple scripted UDP server emulation for testing |
CPeerIdViewDelegate | |
►CPeerManager | |
CPeerManagerInfo | |
CPeerTableModel | Qt model providing information about connected peers, similar to the "getpeerinfo" RPC call |
CPeerTableSortProxy | |
CPeerTest | |
CPerBlockConnectTrace | |
CPKHash | |
CPlatformStyle | |
CPoly1305 | C++ wrapper with std::byte Span interface around poly1305_donna code |
►CPoolAllocator | Forwards all allocations/deallocations to the PoolResource |
►CPoolResource | A memory resource similar to std::pmr::unsynchronized_pool_resource, but optimized for node-based containers |
►CPoolResourceTester | Helper to get access to private parts of PoolResource |
CPosixLockedPageAllocator | LockedPageAllocator specialized for OSes that don't try to be special snowflakes |
CPrecomputedTransactionData | |
CPrefilledTransaction | |
CPreSelectInputs | |
►Cprevector | Implements a drop-in replacement for std::vector<T> which stores up to N elements directly (without heap allocation) |
Cprevector_tester | |
CProxy | |
CProxyAddressValidator | Proxy address widget validator, checks for a valid proxy address |
CProxyCredentials | Credentials for proxy authentication |
CProxySetting | |
CPSBTInput | A structure for PSBTs which contain per-input information |
CPSBTOperationsDialog | Dialog showing transaction details |
CPSBTOutput | A structure for PSBTs which contains per output information |
CPSBTProprietary | A structure for PSBT proprietary types |
CPubKeyDestination | |
CQRImageWidget | |
CQtRPCTimerBase | Class for handling RPC timers (used for e.g |
CQtRPCTimerInterface | |
CQValidatedLineEdit | Line edit that can be marked as "invalid" to show input validation feedback |
CQValueComboBox | |
CRandomMixin | Mixin class that provides helper randomness functions |
CReachableNets | List of reachable networks |
CReceiveCoinsDialog | Dialog for requesting payment of bitcoins |
CReceiveRequestDialog | |
CRecentRequestEntry | |
CRecentRequestEntryLessThan | |
CRecentRequestsTableModel | Model for list of recently generated payment requests / bitcoin: URIs |
CRecLinTrans | A linear transformation constructed using LinTrans tables for sections of bits |
CRecLinTrans< I, N > | |
CRecLinTrans< I, N, X... > | |
CRegTestingSetup | Identical to TestingSetup, but chain set to regtest |
CRemovedMempoolTransactionInfo | |
CReorgTxns | Reorg where 1 block is disconnected and 2 blocks are connected |
CRestoreWalletActivity | |
CRPCArg | |
CRPCArgOptions | |
CRPCCommandExecution | |
CRPCCommandExecutionInfo | |
►CRPCConsole | Local Bitcoin RPC console |
CRPCExamples | |
CRPCExecutor | |
CRPCHelpMan | |
CRPCNestedTests | |
CRPCResult | |
CRPCResults | |
CRPCServerInfo | |
CRPCTestingSetup | |
CRPCTimerBase | Opaque base class for timers returned by NewTimerFunc |
CRPCTimerInterface | RPC timer "driver" |
CSaltedOutpointHasher | |
CSaltedSipHasher | |
CSaltedTxidHasher | |
CSatisfier | Context for solving a Miniscript |
CScriptCompression | Compact serializer for scripts |
CScriptErrorDesc | |
CScriptExecutionData | |
CScriptHash | |
Cscriptnum10_error | |
Cscriptnum_error | |
CScriptTest | |
Csecp256k1_callback | |
Csecp256k1_context_struct | |
Csecp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature | Opaque data structure that holds a parsed ECDSA signature, supporting pubkey recovery |
Csecp256k1_ecdsa_signature | Opaque data structure that holds a parsed ECDSA signature |
Csecp256k1_ecmult_gen_context | |
Csecp256k1_fe | This field implementation represents the value as 10 uint32_t limbs in base 2^26 |
Csecp256k1_fe_storage | |
Csecp256k1_ge | A group element in affine coordinates on the secp256k1 curve, or occasionally on an isomorphic curve of the form y^2 = x^3 + 7*t^6 |
Csecp256k1_ge_storage | |
Csecp256k1_gej | A group element of the secp256k1 curve, in jacobian coordinates |
Csecp256k1_hmac_sha256 | |
Csecp256k1_keyagg_cache_internal | |
Csecp256k1_keypair | Opaque data structure that holds a keypair consisting of a secret and a public key |
Csecp256k1_modinv32_modinfo | |
Csecp256k1_modinv32_signed30 | |
Csecp256k1_modinv32_trans2x2 | |
Csecp256k1_modinv64_modinfo | |
Csecp256k1_modinv64_signed62 | |
Csecp256k1_modinv64_trans2x2 | |
Csecp256k1_musig_aggnonce | Opaque data structure that holds an aggregate public nonce |
Csecp256k1_musig_keyagg_cache | This module implements BIP 327 "MuSig2 for BIP340-compatible Multi-Signatures" (https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0327.mediawiki) v1.0.0 |
Csecp256k1_musig_partial_sig | Opaque data structure that holds a partial MuSig signature |
Csecp256k1_musig_pubkey_agg_ecmult_data | |
Csecp256k1_musig_pubnonce | Opaque data structure that holds a signer's public nonce |
Csecp256k1_musig_secnonce | Opaque data structure that holds a signer's secret nonce |
Csecp256k1_musig_session | Opaque data structure that holds a MuSig session |
Csecp256k1_musig_session_internal | |
Csecp256k1_pippenger_point_state | |
Csecp256k1_pippenger_state | |
Csecp256k1_pubkey | Opaque data structure that holds a parsed and valid public key |
Csecp256k1_rfc6979_hmac_sha256 | |
Csecp256k1_scalar | A scalar modulo the group order of the secp256k1 curve |
Csecp256k1_schnorrsig_extraparams | Data structure that contains additional arguments for schnorrsig_sign_custom |
Csecp256k1_scratch_space_struct | |
Csecp256k1_sha256 | |
Csecp256k1_strauss_point_state | |
Csecp256k1_strauss_state | |
Csecp256k1_uint128 | |
Csecp256k1_xonly_pubkey | Opaque data structure that holds a parsed and valid "x-only" public key |
CSection | A pair of strings that can be aligned (through padding) with other Sections later on |
CSectionInfo | |
CSections | Keeps track of RPCArgs by transforming them into sections for the purpose of serializing everything to a single string |
Csecure_allocator | |
CSecureUniqueDeleter | |
CSendCoinsDialog | Dialog for sending bitcoins |
CSendCoinsEntry | A single entry in the dialog for sending bitcoins |
CSendCoinsRecipient | |
CSendConfirmationDialog | |
CSerialTaskRunner | Class used by CScheduler clients which may schedule multiple jobs which are required to be run serially |
CSHA3_256 | |
CShortestVectorFirstComparator | |
CShutdownWindow | "Shutdown" window |
CSigHashTest | |
CSignatureCache | Valid signature cache, to avoid doing expensive ECDSA signature checking twice for every transaction (once when accepted into memory pool, and again when accepted into the block chain) |
CSignatureCacheHasher | We're hashing a nonce into the entries themselves, so we don't need extra blinding in the set hash computation |
CSignatureData | |
Csigner | |
Csigner_secrets | This file demonstrates how to use the MuSig module to create a 3-of-3 multisignature |
CSigNetParams | Signet: test network with an additional consensus parameter (see BIP325) |
CSignetTxs | Generate the signet tx corresponding to the given block |
CSigningProvider | An interface to be implemented by keystores that support signing |
CSignVerifyMessageDialog | |
CSingleEntryCacheTest | |
CSizeComputer | |
CSketch | Abstract class for internal representation of a minisketch object |
CSketchImpl | |
CSnapshotTestSetup | |
►CSock | RAII helper class that manages a socket and closes it automatically when it goes out of scope |
►CSpan | A Span is an object that can refer to a contiguous sequence of objects |
CSpanReader | Minimal stream for reading from an existing byte array by Span |
CSplashScreen | Class for the splashscreen with information of the running client |
CStaticContentsSock | A mocked Sock alternative that returns a statically contained data upon read and succeeds and ignores all writes |
CStdLockGuard | |
CStdMutex | |
CStopHashingException | |
CStringContentsSerializer | |
Csubmitblock_StateCatcher | |
►CTaprootBuilder | Utility class to construct Taproot outputs from internal key and script tree |
CTaprootSpendData | |
CTapSatisfier | Miniscript satisfier specific to Tapscript context |
CTemporaryRollback | RAII class that temporarily rolls back the local chain in it's constructor and rolls it forward again in it's destructor |
Ctest_hsort_cmp_data | |
CTestAlwaysActiveConditionChecker | |
CTestArgsManager | |
CTestChain100Setup | Testing fixture that pre-creates a 100-block REGTEST-mode block chain |
CTestChainstateManager | |
CTestConditionChecker | |
CTestDelayedActivationConditionChecker | |
CTestHeaderAndShortIDs | |
CTestingSetup | Testing setup that configures a complete environment |
CTestInit | Remote init class |
CTestInterface | |
CTestLockedPageAllocator | Mock LockedPageAllocator for testing |
CTestMemPoolEntryHelper | |
CTestnet4Setup | Identical to TestingSetup, but chain set to testnet4 |
CTestNeverActiveConditionChecker | |
CTestOp | UDP test server operation |
CTestOpts | |
CTestSubscriber | |
CTestSubscriberNoop | |
CTimeOffsets | |
CTipBlock | |
CTokenPipe | An interprocess or interthread pipe for sending tokens (one-byte values) over |
CTokenPipeEnd | One end of a token pipe |
CTorControlConnection | Low-level handling for Tor control connection |
CTorController | Controller that connects to Tor control socket, authenticate, then create and maintain an ephemeral onion service |
CTorControlReply | Reply from Tor, can be single or multi-line |
CTrafficGraphWidget | |
Ctransaction_identifier | Transaction_identifier represents the two canonical transaction identifier types (txid, wtxid) |
CTransactionDesc | Provide a human-readable extended HTML description of a transaction |
CTransactionDescDialog | Dialog showing transaction details |
CTransactionFilterProxy | Filter the transaction list according to pre-specified rules |
CTransactionInfo | |
CTransactionNotification | |
CTransactionOverviewWidget | |
CTransactionRecord | UI model for a transaction |
CTransactionSerParams | |
CTransactionStatus | UI model for transaction status |
CTransactionTableModel | UI model for the transaction table of a wallet |
CTransactionTablePriv | |
CTransactionView | Widget showing the transaction list for a wallet, including a filter row |
►CTransport | The Transport converts one connection's sent messages to wire bytes, and received bytes back |
CTxConfirmStats | We will instantiate an instance of this class to track transactions that were included in a block |
►CTxIndex | TxIndex is used to look up transactions included in the blockchain by hash |
CTxInUndoFormatter | Formatter for undo information for a CTxIn |
CTxLessThan | |
CTxMempoolInfo | Information about a mempool transaction |
►CTxOrphanage | A class to track orphan transactions (failed on TX_MISSING_INPUTS) Since we cannot distinguish orphans from bad transactions with non-existent inputs, we heavily limit the number of orphans we keep and the duration we keep them for |
CTxOrphanageTest | |
CTxOutCompression | Wrapper for CTxOut that provides a more compact serialization |
CTxPackageTest | |
►CTxReconciliationTracker | Transaction reconciliation is a way for nodes to efficiently announce transactions |
►CTxRequestTracker | Data structure to keep track of, and schedule, transaction downloads from peers |
CTxValidationState | |
CTxViewDelegate | |
Cuint160 | 160-bit opaque blob |
Cuint256 | 256-bit opaque blob |
Cuint_error | |
CUISignals | |
CUncopyableStream | |
CUniqueCheck | |
►CUniqueLock | Wrapper around std::unique_lock style lock for MutexType |
CUnitDisplayStatusBarControl | |
►CUniValue | |
CUniValueType | Wrapper for UniValue::VType, which includes typeAny: Used to denote don't care type |
CUpdateTest | |
CURITests | |
CV1Transport | |
CV2Transport | |
CValidationCache | Convenience class for initializing and passing the script execution cache and signature cache |
CValidationInterfaceTest | |
CValidationSignals | |
►CValidationSignalsImpl | ValidationSignalsImpl manages a list of shared_ptr<CValidationInterface> callbacks |
CValidationState | Template for capturing information about block/transaction validation |
CVarIntFormatter | Serialization wrapper class for integers in VarInt format |
CVBDeploymentInfo | |
CVecDeque | Data structure largely mimicking std::deque, but using single preallocated ring buffer |
CVectorFormatter | Formatter to serialize/deserialize vector elements using another formatter |
CVectorWriter | |
CVersionBitsCache | BIP 9 allows multiple softforks to be deployed in parallel |
CVersionBitsTester | |
CWalletController | Controller between interfaces::Node, WalletModel instances and the GUI |
CWalletControllerActivity | |
CWalletFrame | A container for embedding all wallet-related controls into BitcoinGUI |
CWalletInitInterface | |
►CWalletModel | Interface to Bitcoin wallet from Qt view code |
CWalletModelTransaction | Data model for a walletmodel transaction |
CWalletTests | |
CWalletView | |
CWarningBitsConditionChecker | Threshold condition checker that triggers when unknown versionbits are seen on the network |
CWitnessUnknown | CTxDestination subtype to encode any future Witness version |
CWitnessV0KeyHash | |
CWitnessV0ScriptHash | |
CWitnessV1Taproot | |
CWorkQueue | Simple work queue for distributing work over multiple threads |
CWrapper | Simple wrapper class to serialize objects using a formatter; used by Using() |
CWshSatisfier | Miniscript satisfier specific to P2WSH context |
Cwycheproof_ecdsa_testvector | |
CXOnlyPubKey | |
Czero_after_free_allocator | |
CZeroSock | A mocked Sock alternative that succeeds on all operations |